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1. African Studies Center african people, culture, and issues around the world, either in files or. conferences. Also included (in other sections of the list) are resources and oral history in general. The http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Home_Page/mcgee.html | |
2. African-American History And Culture Georgia african American. History and culture. general resources.Though some of the following websites are national in scope, they http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/gainfo/blackga.htm | |
3. African-American Hist general Sources. africanAmerican culture. Black Nationalism. Civil Rights internet resources, and a bibliography of african-American music. Black/african Related resources Links Page http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/afroam.html | |
4. African American Resources to the sub section. general Information. Biographies. History Black History Month. culture. general Information Good collection of resources on african American History and culture! http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/afri.html | |
5. World-Wide Web Resources - African American Resources IndexNew Sites. general resources. africanAmerican Women resources Archives of african American Music and culture, from Indiana University http://www.uky.edu/Subject/africanam.html | |
6. African Studies - History And Cultures general resources (Compiled by Frank Unlandherm, Middle East North african StudiesLibrarian, Columbia University); Jenda a journal of culture and african http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/cult.html | |
7. 20th Century Decades: General Links african American resources. Ads, Art, Photos and Images. Biographical Famous People. Chicano/Latino resources. general about the culture and history of http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/decsg.html | |
8. Africans In America | Teacher's Guide | General Resources general resources, Teacher s Guide Contents. sources, manuscripts, photographs, music,and other documents about african American history and culture. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/tguide/tggeneralresources.html | |
9. AdmiNet - Africa List by Countries general resources Francophone resources Black culture Arab resourcesafrican Art, culture african cooking Questions about Africa Thanks. http://www.admi.net/africa/ | |
10. African American Literature Resources Sites on American Literature general, colonial, contemporary; for Electronic Projectsin American culture Syudies; 1784) A Biblography; african American Novelists http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/afrolit.html | |
11. African American Culture Resources Association for Black culture Centers. general. Ethnic Nations (1987) Traces the evolutionof african American stereotypes; Street Smart (1987) What the criticssay http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/afrocul.html | |
12. Social Fabric: Web Resources general information on Yoruba culture. A lot of information. Nigeria Index fromThe Norwegian Council for Africa. Links. african Art resources. http://www.du.edu/duma/africloth/links.html | |
13. Education First: Black History Hotlist general resources American Legacy Magazine Celebrating african-Americanculture and History; african American culture Directory http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/BHM/bh_hotlist.html | |
14. Ethnicities, Multi-Cultural Resources general resources. Slave Narratives An Online Anthology (University of Virginia);Archives of african American Music and culture (Indiana University http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/general/minority.htm | |
15. African Cultures Lobi Home. Africa, african Anthropology general resources. to French colonialization. You will find material related to art, culture, history, religion http://www.archaeolink.com/african_cultures_lobi.htm | |
16. African Cultures Kusu Africa, african Anthropology general resources. metaphor in most communities. You will find material related to art, culture, history, religion http://www.archaeolink.com/african_cultures_kusu.htm | |
17. African Americans - K-12 Resources These resources are kept upto-date in order to provide general and in Before writing,the students studied african culture, geography, and practiced fiction http://www.africanamericans.com/K-12.htm | |
18. Paul Robeson Cultural Center |African-American Related Resources : General Infor africanAmerican Related resources, general Information, com - ( The Black Laneon the Information Highway ) african-American culture - (Network of http://prcc-web.rutgers.edu/resources/resources_afro_general.html | |
19. Afrol News - Your Portal To Africa! culture Art. african culture. Media Events Organisations CountrySpecific resources african culture, general. Subcategories http://www.afrol.com/html/Index/indexpages.htm | |
20. African Music And Drumming Resources On The Web (Africa search engine). general african Music resources. Ethiopian arts and culture;Chains; african Art Exhibit at UVA; Cutting to the Essence, Shaping for http://echarry.web.wesleyan.edu/africother.html | |
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