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41. College Of Arts And Sciences >> Certificate In African American Studies Certificate in African American studies Director Teresa Shelton Reed Assistant Professorof Music Advisory Board Kimberly Hanger, History Anne Stavney, English http://www.cas.utulsa.edu/certificates/african.html | |
42. African & African-American Studies Undergraduate Program. Graduate Program. Courses. Projects. Calendar. The Souls of Black Folk Centennial Celebration. Resources. Driving Instructions. African African American studies African http://www.duke.edu/web/africanameric | |
43. AfricAm@ Cal African American studies American studies. Berkeley's African American Collections are concentrated chiefly in the humanities and social sciences http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~africam | |
44. H-Afro-Am Discussion Network Am, a member of HNet Humanities Social sciences OnLine. professionals, facultyand advanced students, in the field of African American studies (also called http://www.h-net.org/~afro-am/ | |
45. Howard University Libraries The Faces of Science African Americans in the sciences This page is maintained by Sarah Fauntroy, African American studies Bibliographer, (202) 8067252 http://www.founders.howard.edu/afroam2.htm | |
46. Science, Social Sciences, Ethnic Studies, African American Studies: Academic Dep African American studies Temple University; African and Afro-Americanstudies Program - Washington University - St. Louis; African http://www.combose.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Ethnic_Studies/African_American_S | |
47. African American Studies And Research Program The African American studies and Research Program (AASRP) at the Universityof Kentucky is an academic unit of the College of Arts and sciences. http://www.uky.edu/AS/AASRP/ | |
48. College Of Arts & Sciences, About The College Chemistry Economics English Geography Geological sciences Hispanic studies AfricanAmerican studies American Culture Anthropology Appalachian studies Biology http://www.uky.edu/AS/contact_us.html | |
49. African American Studies || Minors || College Of Arts And Sciences The interdisciplinary minor in African American studies requires a minimum of 21credits credits from various disciplines in the College of Arts and sciences. http://cas.gmu.edu/undergraduate_students/minors/african_american/ | |
50. African American Studies || Minors || College Of Arts And Sciences, George Mason Contact. Professor Jeffrey Stewart Director of African American studies Departmentof History and Art History B373 Robinson Hall (703) 9931921 jstewar4@gmu.edu. http://cas.gmu.edu/undergraduate_students/minors/african_american/contact.html | |
51. USC College Of Letters, Arts And Sciences - American Studies And Ethnicity in African American studies is administered by an advisory committee comprising adirector and two other faculty members, one from the social sciences and one http://www.usc.edu/dept/publications/cat2003/las/LAS_AMST/ | |
52. MSCD | School Of Letters, Arts And Sciences | African American Studies African American studies. Quick Facts. Degree Requirements. African American studiesHomepage. Quick Links. Link to MetroConnect. Apply Now! Catalog. http://www.mscd.edu/academic/scolas/aas/ | |
53. MSCD | School Of Letters, Arts And Sciences | African American Studies African American studies. Campus Box 41, PO Box 173362 Denver, CO 80217. More informationfor the African American studies department will be available soon. http://www.mscd.edu/academic/scolas/aas/home/ | |
54. African American Studies Department Postdoctoral Fellowship NU Home WCAS Home CLI Home MMLC Home Weinberg Collegeof Arts and sciences Departmentof African American studies 308 Kresge Hall http://www.afam.northwestern.edu/introafam2.html | |
55. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Science > Social Sciences > Ethnic Studies > Afric African American studies Subjects Science Social sciences Ethnicstudies African American studies. http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=93210 |
56. Social Sciences Library African American Studies Page http://www.libraries.psu.edu/socialsciences/AFRAM/aframmain.htm |
57. UGA African American Studies The primary objective of an African American studies curriculum, regardless of raceor Foster interdisciplinary study in the humanities, arts, and sciences. http://www.uga.edu/~iaas/home.html | |
58. UGA African American Studies Senior with a Major in African American studiesÂModel Social Inquiry. FreshmanYear, Sophomore Year. Core English, 6, Core Literature, 6. Social sciences, 3, Social http://www.uga.edu/~iaas/Sample.html | |
59. The College Of Arts And Sciences At Winthrop University - African American Studi African American studies. Events. Remembering Dorothy Perry Thompson.The Minor in African American studies. The minor in http://www.winthrop.edu/afamminor/ | |
60. JSTOR: Journal Of Black Studies JSTOR Collection Arts sciences I. scholarship in the field, the Journal of BlackStudies explores the most vital issues facing African American and Black http://www.jstor.org/journals/00219347.html | |
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