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21. GUIDE TO MAJORS IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES (2002-2003) africanamerican studies. african-american studies exposes students to theexperiences of african-american people and others of African descent. http://www.casdn.neu.edu/undergraduate/majors/aas.html | |
22. Digital Collections Online (DCO) Contact A Subject Specialist African studies, Peter Allison. africanamerican studies, Peter Allison. Asian-Americanstudies, Steve Bustamente. Communications sciences, Barbara Cervera. http://webapps.lib.uconn.edu/DigitalCollections/liaiBrowsing.cfm |
23. Department Of African American Studies - Seton Hall University Department of africanamerican studies Arts and sciences Hall Dr. WilliamW. Sales, Jr., Chair (973-761-9411/9415). History of the Department. http://artsci.shu.edu/afam/ | |
24. Courses Offered - Department Of African-American Studies - College Of Arts And S Department of africanamerican studies Arts and sciences Hall Dr. WilliamW. Sales, Jr., Chair (973-761-9411/9415). Courses Offered. http://artsci.shu.edu/afam/courses/ | |
25. Fresno City College | Academics | Social Sciences | Cultural & Women's Studies africanamerican studies. Kehinde Solwazi (1970) B.FA. Art Institute and Universityof Chicago MA CSU San Diego. african-american studies - Major 764. http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/socialscience/womenstudies/ | |
26. Liberal Arts Majors And Minors africanamerican studies, PDF. Interdisciplinary studies*. Asian studies, PDF. Interdisciplinarystudies*. Athletic Training, PDF. Audiology and Speech sciences **, PDF. http://www.sla.purdue.edu/studentserv/counseling/bingo/majors.html | |
27. UG Catalog African-American Studies africanamerican studies, a comprehensive study of the african-american people sexperience, combines the approaches of the humanities and the social sciences. http://www.uic.edu/ucat/catalog/LAAFRICNAMER.html | |
28. List Of Electronic Resources For Social Sciences Topics: UIC University Library Database Newspaper Source Periodical Abstracts Reader s Guide Abstracts Socialsciences Abstracts Social sciences Citation Index africanamerican studies. http://www.uic.edu/depts/lib/reference/resources/socialsci.shtml | |
29. Search Results Nonfiction Social sciences Special Groups africanamerican studies.Sorted by author  Sorted by title  Sorted newest to oldest. http://eyeonbooks.com/igp.php?gid=431 |
30. African-American Studies of African American studies at Oberlin College invites applications for a fulltimetenure track faculty position in the College of Arts and sciences. http://www.oberlin.edu/~afamstud/ | |
31. African Studies Center | African Studies & The Diaspora of Kansas) African and africanamerican studies are disciplinary pursuits. Fieldsof study focus mainly on the humanities and the social sciences and are http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/About_African/ww_afdis.html | |
32. College Of Liberal Arts:Â Â African-American Studies College of Liberal Arts africanamerican studies. Study the legacyof concerning race and class. Factsheet African American studies. http://www2.mercer.edu/Liberalarts/Sciences/African_American/ | |
33. African/African-American Studies African/africanamerican studies is an undergraduate interdisciplinary program thatexplores the including the arts and humanities, social sciences, and health http://www.cas.eku.edu/africanamericanstudies/ | |
34. College Of Arts And Sciences in Women s studies, African and africanamerican studies, International studies,Bioinformatics and E-Commerce. The College of Arts and sciences offers a http://cas.memphis.edu/about.html | |
35. LAMC | African-American Studies Academic Disciplines. Los Angeles Mission College Academic Disciplines africanamericanstudies. african-american studies SOCIAL sciences DEPARTMENT http://www.lamission.edu/disciplines/african_american.html | |
36. NYU/GSAS Grants In Graduate Studies - Social Sciences Delmas (Gladys Krieble) FoundationGrants for Venetian Research; Douglass(Frederick) Institute for African and africanamerican studies; http://www.nyu.edu/pages/gsas/GIGS/gsas/socialscience/economics.html | |
37. NYU/GSAS Grants In Graduate Studies - Social Sciences Douglass (Frederick) Institute for African and africanamerican studies;Dumbarton OaksFellowships for Byzantine and Pre-Columbian studies; http://www.nyu.edu/pages/gsas/GIGS/gsas/socialscience/history.html | |
38. Princeton - Class Of 2006 Sophomore Academic Guide - Program In African-American The field of africanamerican studies incorporates ideas and approaches from thesocial sciences, especially history, sociology, psychology, anthropology http://www.princeton.edu/pr/pub/ags/03/010.htm | |
39. Graduate School Of Arts And SciencesÂAfrican American Studies Professor of African American studies and History, College of Arts and sciences. VisitingProfessor of African American studies, College of Arts and sciences. http://www.bu.edu/bulletins/grs/item06.html | |
40. U Of Pennsylvania, African Studies Center | African Studies WWW Exchange/ Study Abroad. African Languages. Outreach. Calendar of Web Links Black / African Links. Funded Projects African studies Center. School of Arts sciences. 3624 Market Street http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/AS.html | |
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