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41. African American Studies: Slavery : Underground Railroad - Subject Guides - Enoc African American studies slavery Underground Railroad Subject Guide maintained by The Staff of the African American Department State Library Resource Center http://www.epfl.net/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=379&sid=1&pid=526 |
42. African-American Studies Videotape And Audiocassette: Media Resources Center, UC African American labor africanamerican literature African American Families During Emancipation. Letters, diary entries, affidavits, etc. of persons associated with the emancipation of http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AfricanAmVid.html | |
43. Subject Research Guides: History - American And British: Internet Resources For Monthly 1896) Booker T. Washington - Up From slavery (1901) - Jerome American Library Association - H-Afro-Am - African American studies listserv (discussion http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/history/afrores. | |
44. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print African American studies slavery and Reconstruction There are 961 books in this aisle. Browse the aisle by Title by Author by http://www.powells.com/subsection/AfricanAmericanStudiesSlaveryandReconstruction | |
45. African American Studies Internet Resources African American studies University of Pennsylvania Library; Race RelationsThe Mining Company information on popular topics such as slavery reparations and http://library.gmu.edu/subject/AFAM/ | |
46. Browse The Modern English Collection -- Electronic Text Center: African American Subject African American. Items marked RESTRICTED are available to University of Virginia users only, due to licensing requirements. Users of these texts agree to adhere to our Conditions of Use. all works including African American texts. All other users Up From slavery An Autobiography / By Booker T http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/subjects/African-American.html | |
47. African American Studies: Feature Films AFRICAN AMERICAN studies Feature Films. Fleeing to Earth to escape slavery on a distant world, he splashes in New York Harbor and makes his way to Harlem http://library.gmu.edu/subject/AFAM/features.html | |
48. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: African American History And Culture Exploring African American Heritage at the Smithsonian. African American studies Center Program in African American Culture. American slavery in History and Memory, Selected Sources http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmah/afroam.htm | |
49. African American History And Heritage Site: Resources And Links For Black Histor Underground Railroad, slavery and Slave Narratives /// Food Black Colleges, African studies Programs, Research books and videos about African American music. http://afroamericanheritage.com/ | |
50. African American Studies Toolkit: History the Roots 25th Annivesary Site for articles about Africa, slavery, Abolition, Alex faculty and advanced students, in the field of African American studies. . http://creativefolk.com/toolkit/history.html | |
51. African American Studies Toolkit: Reference On The Web The African American studies Toolkit. Encyclopedia of African American Heritage, 1st Edition. Born in slavery Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers Project http://creativefolk.com/toolkit/reference.html | |
52. African And African American Studies: Outstanding Publications, 1997-1998 Noliwe M. Hair raising beauty, culture, and African American women History, Geography Area studies. France the political culture of race and slavery in the http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/choice.htm | |
53. African American Studies Resources on themes that include slavery, emancipation, abolition African and African American Resources at the Smithsonian Education and Museum studies interprets the http://privateschool.about.com/od/blackstudies/ | |
54. African American Studies slavery history. Journal of Black studies * Complete fulltext facsimiles of this important core journal in African American and African studies. http://faculty.washington.edu/qtaylor/Websites_maps/aa_websites.htm | |
55. Concentration In African American Studies 271 Women Writers Black and White Southern Women Writers 350 studies in African American Literature slavery and the American Literary Imagination 351 Toni http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/afram/aas.htm | |
56. Index.html College of Social Work africanamerican studies Department One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0108 WSQ 216, Phone (408) 924-5871 FAX (408) 924-5872. http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/afamstudy/ | |
57. African American Studies African American studies. Race, slavery, and Free Blacks Series I, Petitions to Southern Legislatures, 17771867 Save or open PDF 2.1 MB; http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/guides/Aaas/default.asp | |
58. African American Studies Resources Guide of letters in the National antislavery standard, 1861 Black studies Database (CDROM) Holdings 1948-1986 African American Poetry 1750-1900 Nearly 3,000 poems http://libadm87.rice.edu/ref/africanamerican.cfm | |
59. AfricanAmerican While African American studies and Postcolonial studies are viably different fields colonized are sometimes similar to studies on slavery and relationships http://www.emory.edu/ENGLISH/Bahri/AfricanAmerican.html | |
60. Program Of African American Studies: Fall 2003 Course Atlas introduces the field of African American studies by surveying movement that birthed Black studies as an the African slave trade, abolitionism, slavery and the http://www.emory.edu/COLLEGE/AAS/ATLAS/fall2003.htm | |
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