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21. KU - African & African-American Studies by African cultures and kinship systems and the institution of slavery in association with AAAS 460 Topics and Problems in African africanamerican studies. http://www.ku.edu/~afs/aaa_courses.html | |
22. African-American Studies the Caribbean American culture, the impact of colonization and slavery on the by the student in consultation with the Coordinator of africanamerican studies. http://uhaweb.hartford.edu/artsci/classes/descriptions/afamerstudiescd.html | |
23. Program Requirements English 355 Fictions of Race; English/American studies 372 africanamerican Literary Criticism and Theory; History 164 slavery in the American South; History 165 http://www.williams.edu/african-american-studies/general/programrequirements.htm | |
24. Term Papers, Model Term Papers And More Termpapers On African-American/Black Stu as well as formal research studies are reported. cannot be overestimated for the africanamerican family particularly backgrounds in this country (ie slavery vs http://www.termpapers-on-file.com/african.htm | |
25. Resources For Africa & African-American Studies From slavery to Freedom The africanamerican Pamphlet links to Internet sites devoted to african-american literature and historical studies or involved http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/afam.shtml | |
26. African-American Studies In Microforms Microforms Subject Guides. africanamerican studies. 19 reels of a 652 reel collection (MICROFILM GN645 .B53). Reels 634-652. slavery in history section. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/govdocs/micro/afr.htm | |
27. Browse $65.00 William H. Williams fills a gap in the literature on slavery in America beginning of the twentieth century was a critical time in africanamerican history http://www.scholarly.com/browse_results.asp?African-American Studies |
28. Multicultural Resources: African-American/Africana Studies Annotated listing of African studies Programs throughout surveys five centuries of africanamerican history from the beginning of slavery (1517) through http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/LIBRARY/guide/mcafric.html | |
29. African American Studies Description African Literature and Culture Comparative studies in African of the novel in africanamerican literature beginning with the anti-slavery fiction of http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/pase/HTML/AFAMDesc.htm | |
30. African-American Studies Microtext Collections In MTSU Library of primary sources the antislavery movement that of the most respected voices in african-american journalism. Part of Black studies Research Sources series. http://ulibnet.mtsu.edu/microtext/blst-micro.html | |
31. UVa Library: Periodicals And Microforms - African-American Studies 5 D36 1982, Alderman Reference; Black studies Index When Reels 1182 Africa and african-american publications Reels West Indies Reels 634-652 slavery in history http://www.lib.virginia.edu/permic/afamstudies.html | |
32. African American Studies African American studies. Drama; Colburn, David R. and Jeffrey S. Adler, editors africanamerican Mayors; One Way; Daniel, Pete The Shadow of slavery; Dash, Leon http://www.press.uillinois.edu/subject/blk.html | |
33. DigitalBookIndex AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES (eBooks, ETexts, On ..R ..RELATED PAGES n africanamerican studies ..R ..n african-american slavery - LIVES ..R ..n http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010africanamera.asp |
34. African American Studies - 3- V by research of Little Rock black studies specialist Ruth flight from the shackles of slavery in the sums up this celebration of African American music The http://www.arkhums.org/catalog/video/african-american/index3.html | |
35. African-American Studies: Newspaper Research - Widener Library Web Site - Harvar at Columbia and includes the following africanamerican news publications 5 Â National Anti-slavery Standard, 1861-71 AI3 .B55 Afro-American studies E449.Z99 http://hcl.harvard.edu/widener/services/research/afamnews/afamnews.html | |
36. Term Papers, Essays, Research Papers, Book Reports - AcaDemon Hundreds of comparative studies have demonstrated the seemingly pervasiveness but few have concentrated on slavery as a africanamerican Fathers Absenteeism . http://www.academon.com/lib/essay/3.html | |
37. E. H. Butler Library - Subject Guides - African And African-American Studies of the birth, tragic life, and death of slavery in North in the Humanities and Social Sciences African studies and africanamerican studies- UCLA provides http://www.buffalostate.edu/library/research/subject/subaf.html | |
38. Oberlin College Library - African American Studies Collection Development and honors students in the departments of africanamerican studies and History. the Lost Cause Press microcard reproduction entitled Anti-slavery propaganda in http://www.oberlin.edu/library/colldev/policies/CollDevPol_AfrAm.html | |
39. African American History - Black History Resources - Academic Info History of slavery Civil War. Find Books on African American studies - Black Civilization studies - African American Literature. http://www.academicinfo.net/africanam.html | |
40. SULAIR: Research Quick Start Guides: African American Studies of the interdisciplinary nature of African American studies, relevant titles are often dispersed Dictionary of AfroAmerican slavery ( Green Library Information Center E441 http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/afam.html | |
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