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African-american Studies Org: more detail | |||||
81. African American History Resources http//www.afroam.org/history/tusk/tuskmain.html; The Guide for the study of AfricanAmerican history and gov/exhibits/african/intro.html; African studies WWW (U http://www.ops.org/curriculum/social-studies/afro-amer.html | |
82. MCEAS Dissertation Fellowships Applications are encouraged from students of all relevant disciplines, includingAfrican American studies, American studies, Anthropology, Economics, Folklore http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowships.htm | |
83. Social Sciences: Ethnic Studies: African American Studies Providence College in Rhode Island. African American studies. Spacetransportation.org Science Directory - Last Update Fri Apr 23 2004. http://www.spacetransportation.org/Social_Sciences/Ethnic_Studies/African_Americ | |
84. African American Studies Links http//www.ala.org/ Compiled by the American Library Association, a listof links to African American research collections, black studies programs, and http://library.leeuniversity.edu/guides/beh_socsci/AfricanAmerican_Studies.htm | |
85. Ethnic Studies - African American Studies - General topics.practical.org. Ethnic studies African American studies -General. Crowns Portraits of Black Women in Church Hats. Crowns http://topics.practical.org/browse/Ethnic_Studies_-_African_American_Studies_-_G | |
86. Ethnic Studies - African American Studies - Histor topics.practical.org, Ethnic studies African American studies - Histor.Africana The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience. http://topics.practical.org/browse/Ethnic_Studies_-_African_American_Studies_-_H | |
87. African American Studies - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia African American studies. (Redirected from Black studies). Scholars inAfrican American studies. Wellknown authors in the field include http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_studies |
88. LDTJ Memorial Grant Suite H, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 333173753 (954) 792.1117 http//BlackSuccessFoundation.org. Psychology,Education, Sociology, African American studies. http://www.blacksuccessfoundation.org/lcdtj research grant.htm | |
89. African American Studies At The Newberry Library Newberry s resources for African American studies consult David Thackery s Bibliographyof African American Family History Email us at reference@newberry.org. http://www.newberry.org/nl/collections/africanam.html | |
91. Metro State Career Services Metro State African American studies Website. PROFESSIONAL orgANIZATIONS IN THIS FIELD.American Anthropological Association www.aaanet.org. American Sociological http://www.mscd.edu/~career/african.htm | |
92. African-American Studies Reference Sources (Tampa Library - Reference Department www.lib.usf.edu/ref/bibs/africanamerican.html. usf.edu/diversity/aframerorgs.htmlAfrican American Publications http com/aap.html African studies Association http http://www.lib.usf.edu/ref/bibs/africanamerican.html | |
93. Awesome Library - Social_Studies Black History (AfricanAmerican.com) Provides 16 carefully selected sources of information K12African American Resources; K-12 African studies; King - Martin http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Multicultural/African_Ame | |
94. WORLD WIDE WEBSITES PERTAINING TO AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES afroam2.htm An extensive collection of links for African American studies, selectedby Center for Nonviolent Social Change http//www.thekingcenter.org The MLK http://www.suffolk.edu/sawlib/speccoll/SpeccolAfroamsites.htm | |
95. African-Americans, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide Authors (for Teens) African American and African Authors African American BibliographyAfrican American Genealogy African American studies African American http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/afroamericans/ | |
96. African American Studies, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide African American studies. http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/afroamericans/studies.html | |
97. African American Studies Africabib.org Africabib.org consists of two databases African American Womenof the 19th Century. African studies Program The African studies Outreach http://library.cudenver.edu/findit/subj_guides/culture/afr_amer.html | |
98. Diversity& Multicultural Resources - Cofrin Library WWW Hmong Homepage http//www.hmongnet.org/. African American studies AfricanAmericanHistory, Culture, and Black studies Resource http//blackquest.com/link http://www.uwgb.edu/library/internet/diversity.html | |
99. Dreambook - African American Studies African American students need opportunities to develop our Homepage URL http//www.anzwers.org/trade/temptations/.Comments The African Amercian studies is a http://books.dreambook.com/jaipark/aas.html | |
100. Amistad Research Center :: Where Heritage Meets Vision Greater New Orleans Archivists http//www.nutrias.org/gnoa/gnoa.htm. Institutefor Research in African American studies http//www.columbia.edu/cu/iraas. http://amistadresearchcenter.org/research-links.htm | |
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