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African-american Studies Org: more detail | |||||
21. Charles C. Sherrod Library Research Guides: African American Studies Biographies of the authors are also provided. (http//digital.nypl.org/schomburg/writers_aa19/). ETSU Department of History, africanamerican studies Page. http://sherrod.etsu.edu/guides/RGafamstudies.htm | |
22. BU Libraries | Research Guide | African-American Studies Includes several African American studies journals. Available on theBU Web http//www.jstor.org/jstor/ (BUpx). LexisNexis Academic. http://www.bu.edu/library/guides/afram.html | |
23. KQED Education Educators Lesson Plans African-American KQED, africanamerican studies, Writers Blues (5). Creating and Evaluating EthnicAdvertising (9-12). Finding Racial Stereotypes in Popular Culture (9-12). http://www.kqed.org/topics/education/educators/lessons/african-american.jsp |
24. Science Search > African American Studies http//www.blackculturalstudies.org/ 12-04-2003 - detailed information Rating5.00 Votes 116. 5. H-Afro-Am african-american studies H-Net discussion http://www.science-search.org/index/Social_Sciences/Ethnic_Studies/African_Ameri | |
25. UCLA Arts Library Resources Online In African-American Studies more info. African American studies Research Guide africanamerican Mosaic A Libraryof Congress Resource Guide for the http//uclibs.org/PID/6948 more info http://eresources.library.ucla.edu/art/search.cfm?su=3 |
26. Area Of Study African-American And Black Studies National Association of African American studies Phone 207.839.8004 Fax 207.839.8004Email naaasgrp@webcom.com http//www.naaas.org/ Browse articles on http://www.iseek.org/sv/22030.jsp?id=210201 |
27. Socialstudies.org | FASSE Grant Programs deadlines, and further information, please visit www.socialstudies.org/awards forAll Students; 1994 Nonie Peterson (MN) africanamerican studies Honors Course; http://www.ncss.org/fasse/ | |
28. Socialstudies.org | Curriculum Standards Academic programs in American studies, africanamerican studies, Biotechnology,and Medical Ethics, for example, draw on multiple disciplines and their http://www.ncss.org/standards/1.1.html | |
29. Fate Of Berkeley High African-American Studies Program Unclear - The Daily Calif Fate of Berkeley High africanamerican studies Program Unclear ByPAUL THORNTON Daily Cal Staff Writer Friday, June 20, 2003 http://www.dailycal.org/article.php?id=12003 |
30. African American Studies - Exhibits Exhibits. African American studies. Black Women Achievements Against the Odds. Seealso AFRICAN AMERICAN studies Martin Luther King, Jr. films and videos. http://www.arkhums.org/catalog/exhibits/african-american.html | |
31. African American Studies - 1- V Videotapes, Slide/Tape. African American studies Part 1 Part 2 Part 3. To quickly find a specific title, check the Title Index. http://www.arkhums.org/catalog/video/african-american/ | |
32. Tools For Conflict Resolution Instructors Campusadr.org is pleased to offer our own searchable sociology, American history,international relations, multicultural and african-american studies, and on http://www.campus-adr.org/Faculty_Club/academics_faculty.html | |
34. National Association Of African American Studies & Affiliates Home Page naaas logo Affiliates. National Association of African American studies. 2004National Association of African American studies Affiliates. Updated 3/1/04. http://www.naaas.org/ | |
35. H-Afro-Am Discussion Network HNet discussion group dedicated to providing an exchange of information for professionals, faculty and advanced students, in the field of African American studies. Features subject overview, archives, links to related lists and resources, and subscription details. http://www2.h-net.msu.edu/~afro-am/ | |
36. JSTOR Access Denied JSTOR Journal of Black studies to remain at the forefront of the scholarship in the field, the Journal of Blackstudies explores the most vital issues facing African American and Black http://www.jstor.org/cgi-bin/jstor/listjournal | |
37. African & African-American Studies African and africanamerican studies. http://www.duke.edu/web/africanameric/ | |
38. African Studies Programs And Organizations Worldwide An annotated directory of African studies programs worldwide. http//www.csus.edu/org/capcr/ Cambridge University, African studies Centre. Information on Carleton College. African/African American studies. Brief description, list of faculty of http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/asp.html | |
39. African American Studies History United States Ethnic studies www.ukans Race and Place African AmericanCommunity Histories, University of Public Library www.nypl.org/research/sc. http://www2.una.edu/mjohnson/afam.htm | |
40. BCPL African American InfoCenter African American Databases. Black History Quest African American history,culture, and black studies resources. Black Panther Party http://www.bcplonline.org/centers/aacenter/ | |
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