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African-american Studies Org: more detail | |||
1. INTERNET RESOURCES FOR LATIN AMERICA and native press, including Hispanic, africanamerican, Native-American and many other publications from la/region/las-org/ Links to academic Latin American studies centers in the http://lib.nmsu.edu/subject/bord/laguia | |
2. The United Library Over 300,000 volumes and 1,800 periodicals is rich in biblical studies, patristics, Christian art, ancient Near Eastern studies, archaeology, church history, American denominationalism, pietism, Christian education, africanamerican theological studies, women's studies, Anglicana and Methodistica. http://www.unitedlibrary.org/ | |
3. African American Studies, SUNY Fredonia Accounting. Acting. africanamerican studies (minor) Amer. Indian studies (minor Industrial Management. Industrial/org. Psychology (minor) Interdisciplinary studies. International studies http://www.fredonia.edu/AcademicAffairs/africanamerican.htm | |
4. ALA | African American Culture African American Web Ring Access http//www.webring.org/cgibin/webring?ring=afroa list. Rutgers University african-american studies. http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues1999/january1/africanamer | |
5. PRELIMINARY Historical Teaching Loads For African/African-American Studies College of Liberal Arts Sciences. African/africanamerican studies. Ratio Analyses SCH per Doctoral Students org. sec. per Total Faculty FTE http://www.ukans.edu/~oirp/HisTLA/ahmaf_s.htm | |
6. Publications of African and africanamerican studies in the African studies Association, RutgersUniversity, 132 www.africanstudies.org/asa_departmentemailaccounts.html Web http://www.africanstudies.org/asa_publicationslist.htm | |
7. DCPL: Internet: African American Studies Information Resources Go to this location African American studies. themes focusingon the African American experience 1930s http//dclibrary.org/blkren This http://www.dclibrary.org/internet/african-american-studies.html | |
8. African-American Studies http//www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/, American Culture www.ala.org/acrl/resjan99 qualitywebsites in africanamerican studies from academe http://www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/africanamer.htm | |
9. African-American Studies - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries Department of AfroAmerican studies (Home of the edu/~afroam/ Historical Text ArchivesAfrican American History http NAACP) http//www.naacp.org Martin Luther http://library.uwf.edu/eli/Social/AfricanAmerican.shtml | |
10. The African American Studies Program Overview Program Claudia Tate, English and africanamerican studies Program Howard F. Taylor,Sociology and african-american studies Program. bhenry1@partners.org. http://www.princeton.edu/~aasprog/program.html | |
11. Research Services: Articles & Databases - SJLibrary.org African American studies Subject Guide. Here you will find links toresources that can help you find information in this subject area. http://www.sjlibrary.org/research/databases/sguide_subjectList.htm?subj=African- |
12. Research Services: Articles & Databases - SJLibrary.org African American studies Articles Databases, print thisPrint Version. http://www.sjlibrary.org/research/databases/sguide_subjectList.htm?subj=African- |
13. Bonnie Ryan - African/African-American Studies Librarian African Women AfricaBib.org/African Women s Books Collective African studies QuarterlyElectronic africanamerican Sites Syracuse University Department of http://web.syr.edu/~bcryan/Afripage.htm | |
14. UM Library: Electronic Journals & Newspapers List -- Results of the National Council of African American Men (Library About, Journal of blackstudies (Library has online required) http//firstsearch.oclc.org/journal=0021 http://www.lib.umich.edu/ejournals/ejsearch.php?searchBy=PX&searchFor=African-Am |
15. Center For The Study Of Religion/Spirituality And Health > Research neuroendocrine and immune responses in africanamerican women with Chaplaincy inNew York City (aweaver@healthcarechaplaincy.org). Return to Ongoing studies. http://www.dukespiritualityandhealth.org/studies.html | |
16. Multicultural Resources: African-American/Africana Studies Address http//www.nypl.org/research/sc/sc Programs Annotated listing of AfricanStudies Programs throughout The africanamerican Mosaic A Library of Congress http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/LIBRARY/guide/mcafric.html | |
17. Schoolcraft College - Library URL http//www.cr.nps.gov/aahistory. Resources in Black studies...... org/schomburg/images_aa19. Our Shared History Celebrating africanamerican History. http://www.schoolcraft.edu/library/webliographies/webliography.asp?Topic=African |
18. African American Studies School Library Media Center / Resource Topic Lists / africanamerican studies. Portrayalof african-american youth in the media http//www.blackpanther.org/. http://uniondale.k12.ny.us/cybrary/Resources-AfricanAmericanhistory.htm | |
19. On Point : The Future Of African-American Studies - 4/23/2002 a look at the role and future of africanamerican studies. Appiah, professor of Afro-Americanstudies and Philosophy Share your thoughts on the wbur.org forums http://www.onpointradio.org/shows/2002/04/20020423_b_main.asp | |
20. BOOK TV.ORG of African American Lives, is the WEB DuBois Professor of the Humanities and thechair of the Department of African and africanamerican studies at Harvard http://www.booktv.org/publiclives/ | |
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