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1. SULAIR: Research Quick Start Guides: African American Studies interdisciplinary nature of African American studies, relevant titles are the most important people and events in africanamerican history notable Black American Women http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/afam.html | |
2. African-American Studies Resources by the Bibliographic Guide to Black studies until 1997. Indexes a total of 34 African American periodicals for articles on over 15,000 notable people and groups http://www.library.vcu.edu/guides/afam.html | |
3. African Americans In The Visual Arts: A Historical Perspective extremely uplifting to africanamericans as a people. Personalities and From his travels and studies, Dr. Locke gained a and the GUGGENHEIM. notable african-american VISUAL ARTISTS http://www.liunet.edu/cwis/cwp/library/aavaahp.htm | |
4. African-American Studies: Bibliography Of Reference Books africanamerican studies Bibliography of Reference Books. Reference Works in the Field of african-american studies. Held by Columbia University Libraries. TABLE OF CONTENTS DESK R41 L828. notable Black American Women Chronology of african-american History Significant Events and people from 1619 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/subjects/afam/afambibl.html | |
5. African Articles, book list, ongoing discussions, film list, notable people list, searches includes special sections on K12 resources and African American studies. http://www.hipopl.org/Links/african-american.htm | |
6. Welcome To The UCLA Center For African American Studies Website relevant to the culture and history of people of African descent. CAAS COMMUNITY CLASSICS reprint series of notable works in africanamerican studies. http://www.bunchecenter.ucla.edu/publications/publications_main.html | |
7. Recent & Forthcoming Titles In African American Studies, 2003 Life of African and africanamerican people , by Mumia of the Contributions of notable Black Economists African American studies An Introduction to the Key http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/choicefc2003.htm | |
8. African-American Studies - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries American History Significant Events and people From 1619 PS 153 N5 R65) notable Black American a partial list of journals related to africanamerican studies. http://library.uwf.edu/eli/Social/AfricanAmerican.shtml | |
9. People notable. Robert Hall, associate professor of africanamerican studies, presented a paper, Omar ibn Said (1770-1864) A West African Muslim in the Antebellum http://www.voice.neu.edu/970515/HTMLs/d.people.html | |
10. April 6, 1998 said he is in the preliminary stages of his probe, and he hopes to issue a report on AAMARP to the africanamerican studies department next week people. notable. http://www.voice.neu.edu/980406/BreakingNews.html | |
11. Library Of Congress, Collections Overviews:American Studies - African-American S and other countries where black people have lived to mention some of the most notable. Collections Division includes items related to africanamerican studies. http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/colloverviews/afr-amer.html | |
12. WSSLINKS: Lesbian Sites Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer studies in the africanamerican United Lesbians of African Heritage Web of films, books, organizations, notable people, etc. http://library.cudenver.edu/libq/lesbian.html | |
13. People In Kansas History Cool Things in the Museum Statehouse Mural studies; illustrator recognized for celebrating african-american achievement also located in the notable Kansans of http://www.kshs.org/people/ | |
14. SOCIAL STUDIES - Internet Lesson Plans links including one with africanamerican curriculum. lesson/social.html - Lesson Ideas - Social studies. of 18,000 biographies of notable people in history. http://lserver.aea14.k12.ia.us/media/soc_studies.html | |
15. For DePaul Students - DePaul Center For Black Diaspora to the progress, richness and diversity of African American achievement influenced by notable people who created africanamerican History and studies is a http://condor.depaul.edu/~diaspora/html/students/links.html | |
16. Research Guide: African American Studies - Boston College Smith, Jessie Carney, ed. notable Black American History Significant Events and people from 1619 Students and researchers in africanamerican studies may have http://www.bc.edu/libraries/resources/guides/s-blackstudies/ | |
17. Wisconsin: Celebrating People, Place And Past - People the papers of many notable notable African Americans records, naturalization records, africanamerican genealogical research links for social studies teachers on http://www.ecb.org/wisconsin/people.htm | |
18. African American Studies: Bibliography Of Resources At The WWU Libraries notable Black American Men. Chronology of africanamerican History Significant Events and people From 1619 to African American studies - - Scholarly Resources http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/subjguides/africanamericans.html | |
19. African American Studies Research Bibliography Illustrated Biographical Dictionary of notable Living Persons for the Advancement of Colored people. holdings in the ETC relevant to africanamerican studies. http://www.library.yale.edu/rsc/af-am/bibliography.html | |
20. Recommended African American Web Sites please see my African American studies Library Research Guide marketed to African Americans in the US. notable other resources Strivings of the Negro people " and others), plus an http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/afr_amer.htm | |
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