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41. African American Resources African American Resources From the Chico High School Library Center for Multicultural and Gender studies. At California State Black military History. African Americans in the service http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/afri.html | |
42. Primary Research Sources By LexisNexis Printer Friendly Info Packet African American studies; Labor studies; WomenÂs studies; Native American studies;Jewish studies; military history; Political history; Southern history; Immigration; http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/UPAPubs/printerfriendly.asp | |
43. POLITICAL SCIENCE RESOURCES ON THE WEB/RELATED DISCIPLINES Topics include African American studies, American Civil War, Immigration studies,International studies, Jurisprudence, Labor studies, military History and War http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psrelate.html | |
44. African American Studies Collections Includes land indentures, deeds, warrants, military orders and including the KansasCity studies of Adult GW Calvert for attacking an African American boy; and http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/spcl/afamer.html | |
45. ECUIP : The Digital Library : African-American Studies Go to the Digital Library top page! africanamerican studies, SelecteCUIP section http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/ecuip/diglib/afam/guide/ | |
46. African-American Selected Resources other internet resources on africanamerican studies, please see a=hughes, langston,k=(african american or black or edu/univlib/guides/africanamerican.htm Last http://www.southalabama.edu/univlib/guides/africanamerican.htm | |
47. Arkansas Resources For African American Studies video and study guide explore African American history in Refers to military recordson microfilm at the in the Sight of God. Southern studies (Fall 1981 http://arkedu.state.ar.us/africanamerican/arkres.htm | |
48. African American Studies Course Descriptions At UTEP ENGLISH ENGL 3315 African American Literature ENGL 3360 Women in ENGL 3440 AdvancedLiterary studies (May be History HIST 3313 American military History HIST http://www.utep.edu/aasp/afst.htm | |
49. African American Studies At UT El Paso-minor musicians, athletes, aviators, scholars, public servants, social workers, filmmakers,and military personnel will find the African American studies Program an http://www.utep.edu/aasp/minor.htm | |
50. African-American Studies - Encyclopedia Article About African-American Studies. africanamerican studies. Word Word. African American structures. Scholarsin African American studies. Well http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/African-American Studies | |
51. Recent & Forthcoming Titles In African American Studies, 2003 the Buffalo Soldier Records, Reports, and Recollections of military Life and AfricanAmerican studies An Introduction to the Key Debates , by Henry Gates, Jr http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/choicefc2003.htm | |
52. African American Studies - Requirements civilian regimes, modernization, the role of the military and transition the capstonecourse for students pursuing the certificate in African American studies. http://www.slu.edu/colleges/AS/aams/requirements.html | |
53. Black Studies march on Washington, DC, to protest exclusion of African American workers from theLeague for Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Against military Segregation, which http://www.black-collegian.com/african/aaprofil.shtml | |
54. African American Studies data on African America service in the military, from the Black History Quest AfricanAmericanHistory, Culture, and Black studies Resources an http://www.library.drexel.edu/research/guides/pdfs/afram.html | |
55. Mircroform Sets In African-American Studies Princeton University Library. africanamerican studies Microform Sets. MilitaryIntelligence on Negro Subversion 1917-1941, 6 reels, Microfilm 09662. http://www.princeton.edu/~afrowom/aasmicroform.html | |
56. English Books > Society > African American Studies - History English Books Society African American studies History. Index of African AmericanWomen In The Struggle For The Americans And Rotc military, Naval And http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbst151.shtml | |
57. University Of Mississippi College Of Liberal Arts Aerospace studies / military Science / Naval Science, N/A, Aerospace studies militaryScience Naval Science. African American studies, N/A, African American studies. http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/liberal_arts/students/courses_of_study.htm | |
58. GSU Transformation American studies must take additional courses as electives to complete a minimumof 120 hours, exclusive of the 1000/2000 physical education or military http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwaad/pre-education.htm | |
59. Georgetown University African American Studies Homepage HIST 394 The Philosophies of African American Freedom. INAF 346 African StudiesColloquium (HC, BSI). INAF 373 African military Conflict /Resolutions (HC). http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/africanamericanstudies/ | |
60. The Citadel / African American Studies / Courses survey designed to introduce students to the major concepts and theories in AfricanAmerican studies. HIST. African American Civilmilitary History HIST. http://citadel.edu/africanamerican/courses/index.shtml | |
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