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21. African-American Studies , University Of New Mexico such as former slave Castles, former commercial and military Forts, Ghana AfricanAmerican studies answered to the need to demystify college and to prepare http://www.unm.edu/~afamstds/project.htm | |
22. African-American Studies: Blacks In The West Soldier 18661868, Minerva Quarterly Report on Women and the military, Vol. Copyright© 2000 Division of african-american studies, University of New Mexico. http://www.unm.edu/~afamstds/blacksinwest.html | |
23. African-American Studies - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries the area of africanamerican studies are provided. Articles dealing with the CivilRights Movement, slavery, Black Americans in the military, Black migration http://library.uwf.edu/eli/Social/AfricanAmerican.shtml | |
24. Academic Research Papers | BLACK STUDIES Discusses the evidence that africanamerican children are more subject including anexamination of studies conducted by such places as the military and medical http://www.academicresearchpapers.com/catpages/catl04.html | |
25. African-American Studies africanamerican studies. Sweet Old Song Acclaimed African American musician Howard Louie Bluie Armstrong the contribution black women in the military made to http://www.filmakers.com/AfroAmerican.htm | |
26. African-American Studies africanamerican studies. Smith This is the story of Roy Smith, an African Americanborn in footage shows the contribution black women in the military made to http://www.filmakers.com/AFR-AMER.html | |
27. African American Studies Program | Publications The Black military Experience in Germany The Western Journal of Black studies.Vol. Claiming the heritage africanamerican women novelists and history. http://www.iupui.edu/~afam/publications.html | |
28. UCLA Arts Library Resources Online In African-American Studies Information on African Americans in the military from the...... more info. African American studies Research Guide more info. African AmericanWarriors http://eresources.library.ucla.edu/art/search.cfm?su=3 |
29. Charleston.Net: Local News: Citadel To Offer Minor In African-American Studies 0 said he would have minored in africanamerican studies had it been offered earlier.Most of his two dozen fellow cadets taking black military history this http://charleston.net/stories/030704/loc_07studies.shtml | |
30. African American Studies: Mina Rees Library africanamerican studies (Rutgers Univ. African American Women Writers of the 19thCentury (Schomburg Library). African Americans in the military (About). http://library.gc.cuny.edu/RESEARCH/afric_ams.asp | |
31. University Of Miami - College Of Arts&Sciences Events The africanamerican studies program has a speaker series to which faculty movementagainst imperialism in the Congo, and US military occupation of Haiti http://www.as.miami.edu/africanamstudies/ | |
32. Random House Academic Resources recently published works of africanamerican history, politics Australia, the MiddleEast, military history and Latino studies New and recently published works http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/?view=bulletins |
33. SULAIR: Research Quick Start Guides: African American Studies of the interdisciplinary nature of African American studies, relevant titles are often dispersed Black Firsts " essays on history, art, film, the military, and organizations. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/afam.html | |
34. UGA African American Studies African Americans have played a vital role in the history and culture of their country since its founding. part of the curriculum at the Institute for African American studies is devoted to creative research on the lives and She was buried with military rites, with Booker T http://www.uga.edu/~iaas/History.html | |
35. African American Studies: Military : General Military - Subject Guides - Enoch P African American studies military General military Subject Guide maintainedby The Staff of the African American Department State Library Resource Center http://www.epfl.net/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=495&sid=1&pid=497 |
36. African American Studies: Military : Buffalo Soldiers - Subject Guides - Enoch P African American studies military Buffalo Soldiers Subject Guide maintainedby The Staff of the African American Department State Library Resource Center http://www.epfl.net/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=2&sid=1&pid=497 |
37. American Military University Bachelor Of Arts African/African American Studies American military University Bachelor of Arts - African/AfricanAmerican studies. American military University Bachelor of Arts http://www.universities.com/Distance_Learning/American_Military_University_Bache | |
38. Online Bachelor In Cultural Studies The African and africanamerican studies student will pursue a social sciencedegree that covers a rich variety of African and african-american history http://www.universities.com/Distance_Learning/Degrees_Bachelor_Degrees_Cultural_ | |
39. KU - African & African-American Studies - Faculty And Staff 1028 Dole Center. Herbison, Chico, africanamerican studies, militaryhistory, (785) 864-3043, 12G Bailey Hall. MacGonagle, Elizabeth, http://www.ku.edu/~afs/faculty/ | |
40. African Studies Center together educators from African and North American universities to share reports of research studies and to consider in the area of military conversion and provides an international http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Home_Page/mcgee.html | |
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