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1. Martin Luther King, Jr. Black History Exploring african-american issues on the web. the core disciplinesof social studies, language arts Economics Minute martin luther king jr. http://www.educationplanet.com/articles/mlk.html | |
2. Dr. Martin Luther King States, martin luther king, jr., was a charismatic dissenter who embodied and transformed the africanamerican social Bookmarks' Social studies or African American Resources page http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/king.html | |
3. DCPL: Internet: African American Studies Internet Information Resources Go to this location African American studies. music,poetry, cinema of the African American and Latino martin luther king jr. http://www.dclibrary.org/internet/african-american-studies.html | |
4. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. FOR KIDS AND TEACHERS martin luther king, jr. facts, thematic lessons for teachers and kids, K12 Social studies 4-6 martin luther king, jr Day. Students will learn highlights of king's life, then write Rosa Parks was a courageous african-american woman whose action resulted in http://www.kiddyhouse.com/Holidays/MLK/MLK.html | |
5. Martin Luther King, Jr., And The African-American Social Gospel Most recent studies of martin luther king, jr., emphasize the extent towhich his ideas were rooted in africanamerican religious traditions. http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/additional_resources/articles/gospel.htm | |
6. EDSITEment - Lesson Plan of martin luther king, jr. courtesy of the National Archives, Subject Areas. Artand Culture. Philosophy. History and Social studies. US History african-american. http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_lesson_plan.asp?id=326 |
7. Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Oral History Of His Religious Witness And His Life This work will appeal to those who have an interest martin luther king, jr. as wellas those interested in africanamerican studies, the civil rights movement http://www.kcnet.org/~rmoldova/ | |
8. African American Studies - 2- V Videotapes, Slide/Tape. African American studies Part 1 Part 2 Part 3. To 2. Two Societies (19651968). martin luther king jr. and http://www.arkhums.org/catalog/video/african-american/index2.html | |
9. African American Studies - Exhibits also included. See also AFRICAN AMERICAN studies martin luther king,jr. films and videos. Persistence of the Spirit. Twentyfour http://www.arkhums.org/catalog/exhibits/african-american.html | |
10. AFRO-AMERICAN ALMANAC - African-American History Resource YOUR INTERNET RESOURCE FOR africanamerican HISTORY. Lewis Crozer Fellowship to continuehis studies. martin luther king, jr., knew that even though that battle http://www.toptags.com/aama/bio/men/mlk.htm | |
11. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Civil Rights Dream At 40 another UC Irvine professor, who teaches africanamerican studies, says king thancivil rights, said Clayborne Carson, director of the martin luther king, jr. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/08/0828_030828_martinlutherking.htm | |
12. Martin Luther King, Jr., Bibliography Fulfillment and Social Justice in africanamerican Thought LIB Joseph and MatthewPayton Philanthropic studies Library martin luther king, jr. To the Mountaintop http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/libinfo/mlkjr.html | |
13. VCU Libraries: Martin Luther King, Jr. Selected Resources Using the africanamerican studies Resources Research and Topic Guide, go to the thebest VCU databases to find journal articles on martin luther king, jr. http://www.library.vcu.edu/guides/mlking.html | |
14. Indiana Statesman - ISU Honors Martin Luther King Jr. hand displaying such slogans as, Remember martin luther king and Long Jackson,a junior legal studies and African and africanamerican studies major http://www.indianastatesman.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2004/01/21/400ed3e915b2f | |
15. IMA Hero: Reading Program Martin Luther King, Jr. where he continued his studies at Boston They had four children Yolanda Denise,martin luther III, Dexter Rosa Parks, an africanamerican, was arrested in http://www.imahero.com/readingprogram/martinlutherking.html | |
16. African American Studies studies The martin luther king, jr. (MLK) Center for Nonviolent Social Change theofficial MLK site. The North Star a Journal of africanamerican Religious http://www.southalabama.edu/univlib/picks/africa.html | |
17. Princeton University Martin Luther King Day Event Dr. martin luther king jr. public, included a keynote speech by Valerie Smith, directorof Princeton s Program in africanamerican studies; musical selections http://www.princeton.edu/pr/mlk/ | |
18. Princeton University Martin Luther King Day Event celebrate the legacy of martin luther king, jr., at the University s annual martinluther king Day Celebration Program in africanamerican studies, who will http://www.princeton.edu/pr/mlk/mlk_sched.html | |
19. The Ethics Of Martin Luther King, Jr. The Ethics of martin luther king, jr. Pages 210 Year 1981 Series studies in AmericanReligion Number 2 Subject Areas africanamerican studies, studies In http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?bookid=1381&pc=9 |
20. African American History Links africanamerican studies - Columbia University; Africans in America America sJourney Through Slavery by PBS; Dr. martin luther king, jr. http://www.ncsu.edu/ligon/links/african_american.htm | |
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