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81. The Citadel / African American Studies / Courses to introduce students to the major concepts and theories in African American studies. inthe age of Revolution, black religion, the harlem Renaissance, black http://citadel.edu/africanamerican/courses/index.shtml | |
82. African & Afro-American Studies - UMass Dartmouth Library Bibliographic Guide Black studies REF E 185 .B5. African American Writers REF PS153 .N5 A344 1991. AfroAmerican Writers before the harlem Renaissance REF PS http://www.lib.umassd.edu/reference/afroamstudy.html | |
83. African And African American Studies Program - University Of Memphis - Concentra studies. AAAS, 4990, African Religions in the Diaspora. AAAS, 4991, Ghana Historyand Culture. English. ENGL, 3325, African American Literature Through the harlem http://cas.memphis.edu/isc/aaas/concentration_1.html | |
84. Random House Academic Resources American studies. 112 books found Titles 1 25 of 112 Why We Make Movies BlackFilmmakers Talk About the Magic of Cinema Written by George Alexander harlem http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/list.pperl?top=927848068&cat=162 |
85. Preface I and my colleagues in the African American studies Department plan to develop anÂeditorial board of leading harlem Renaissance scholars to oversee the http://tigger.uic.edu/~sosnoski/VH/Preface to Works and Days Issue.htm | |
86. Gettysburg College-African American Studies Shaft, a private eye who sets out to find the missing daughter of a harlem gangkingpin. Sponsored by The Gettysburg College African American studies Program. http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/aas/blackcinemas03.html | |
87. African American Studies - SLCC Library Services History, Culture, and Black studies Resources Black cultural life worlds of AfricanAmericanpeople from Schomburg Exhibition, harlem 1900-1940 Subtitled An http://www.stlcc.cc.mo.us/lsdocs/AfricanAmer.html | |
88. African American Studies At Michigan State University Americanists need to see African American studies as central bracketing the studyof African American culture (as with units on the harlem Renaissance or http://www.aaas.msu.edu/aasy2kp1.htm | |
89. African American Studies 76 v.50 AfroAmerican Writers From the harlem Renaissance to Because of the multidisciplinaryand interdisciplinary nature of African American studies, many of http://www.library.drexel.edu/research/guides/pdfs/afram.html | |
90. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Featured Titles in TextbooksAfrican American studies Page 1 In search of distinctlyAfrican-American qualities of list, Modernism and harlem Renaissance (87 http://www.powells.com/subsection/TextbooksAfricanAmericanStudies.html | |
91. African American Studies AFRICAN AMERICANS IN MOTION PICTURES. harlem RENAISSANCE. Education. AFRICAN AMERICANCOLLEGE STUDENTS. AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDENTS. CROSSCULTURAL studies. ETHNIC. http://library.leeuniversity.edu/guides/beh_socsci/AfricanAmerican_Studies.htm | |
92. African And African American Studies History 96.2, The Ghetto From Venice to harlem. Religion 24, Latino/a ReligiousTraditions. 89. Independent Study in African and African American studies. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~reg/courses/desc/aaas.html | |
93. African American Studies Program Faculty in the African American studies Program specialize in the history and cultureof the modern Civil Rights Movement, the harlem Renaissance and the 1930 s http://www.cla.sc.edu/AFRA/ | |
94. African American Studies African American studies. Subject Morrison. Grewal. Claude McKay RebelSojourner in the harlem Renaissance A Biography. Cooper. http://www.lsu.edu/lsupress/catalog/Subject_Listing/african.htm | |
95. Exploring Your Community--U.S. History/Contemporary Studies Lesson Plan (grades Social Change. The New African American Urban History tour, including the HarlemRenaissance, and 68 Subject area behavioral studies Standard Understands http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/harlemdiary/ | |
96. SCC-LRC/Library: Research Guide For African American History Choose from Civil War General harlem Renaissance Humanities. African AmericanStudies The Affirmative Action and Diversity Project (Univ. http://www2.scc-fl.edu/lrc/guides/history_african_american.htm | |
97. Powell's Books - The Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader (African American Histor The Portable harlem Renaissance Reader (African American History) by David L LewisCondition Standard. Available at Montgomery Warehouse. Free Shipping! http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=17-0140170367-2 |
98. African American Studies, SUNY Fredonia Hall (716) 6733128 AfricanAmerican.studies@Fredonia.edu. Students declaring an AfricanAmerican studies minor may 240/INDS 240, African American Literature and http://www.fredonia.edu/academicaffairs/africanamerican.htm | |
99. Holtzbrinck Academic Marketing http://www.holtzbrinckpublishers.com/academic/book/CatalogDisplay.asp?SectionKey |
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