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21. African American Studies, Page 1 Vintage Books studies, Authors, American, Biography, Authors, Jamaican, harlem Renaissance, Afro Keyword(s)Black studies. Keyword(s) africanamerican, Holiday, 068813968x. http://www.vintage-books.com/cgi-bin/Perlshop/perlshop.cgi?ACTION=enter&thispage |
22. UNT Libraries: Subject Guides, African-American Studies Athlete GV583.A755 1988 The harlem Renaissance An in Remote Storage) InternationalReview of africanamerican Art v current); EBSCO Journal of Black studies v.5 http://www.library.unt.edu/subjects/afamer/afamst.htm | |
23. PAL:African American Studies: Selected Bibliography and AfroAmerican Writers from the harlem Renaissance to 1940. Reuben, Paul P. PAL Appendix B african-american studies. PAL Perspectives in American http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/append/black.html | |
24. Multicultural Resources: African-American/Africana Studies 51 AfroAmerican writers from the harlem Renaissance to 1940; Vol. Relevant World-WideWeb Sites for Research on african-american and Africana studies. http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/LIBRARY/guide/mcafric.html | |
25. African And African American Studies (AAA S) or HIST 152 AAA S 235 (GI) (ENGL) africanamerican ORAL FOLK This course will explorethe history of harlem as a 1 - 9) AAA S 299 (GI) FOREIGN studies ( 1 -12 http://www.psu.edu/bulletins/whitebook/courses/aaa_s.htm |
26. Program Requirements African American Literature; English/American studies 220 Introduction to AfricanAmericanWriting; English/American studies 367 harlem Renaissance; History 281 http://www.williams.edu/african-american-studies/general/programrequirements.htm | |
27. AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES Department Orders American Feminist And Womanist studies Of Discourse /. Encyclopedia Of African AmericanPolitics / Robert C. Smith. Gay Voices Of The harlem Renaissance / AB http://library.ups.edu/acquisitions/reports/african-american04.htm | |
28. AFRICAN AND AFRICAN James Baldwin ENGL 3325 Advanced Readings harlem Renaissance ENGL 3325 AdvancedReadings African and/or africanamerican Theater ENGL 4304 studies in English http://www.uca.edu/divisions/academic/libart/AfricanAmer.htm | |
29. African-American Studies Courses Women in History Role of African American women in Individual studies Individualresearch project and field harlem Renaissance This course will explore the http://www2.sjsu.edu/depts/afamstudy/AFAMcourses.htm | |
30. NJCH - Horizon Speakers Bureau - Topic List Ph.D. Associate professor of africanamerican studies, College of Perth Amboy A discussionof african-american immigration from of the New Negro harlem in the http://www.njch.org/ideas_listcategory.php?CategoryName=African-American Studies |
31. New York University | Bobst Library: African-American Studies Resources for Research in Black Culture in harlem Manuscripts, archives africanamerican StudiesLibraries, Museums and Repositories Historical documents, bibliographies http://library.nyu.edu/research/afr-amer/internet.html | |
32. Bates College: Ladd Library Subject Guides: African American Studies Black studies at the University of California Encyclopedia of africanamerican Cultureand History Reference E185 harlem Renaissance Reference PS 153 .N5 H245 http://abacus.bates.edu/Library/resources/subject/afroamer.shtml | |
33. SULAIR: Research Quick Start Guides: African American Studies the interdisciplinary nature of African American studies, relevant titles are often and established scholars, publications, conferences, and Working Groups. harlem Renaissance http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/afam.html | |
34. UGA African American Studies In 1921 he began studies at Columbia University a defining piece for the harlem Renaissancemovement. his character, Simple, an African American Everyman who http://www.uga.edu/~iaas/History.html | |
35. African American Studies: Culture : Harlem Renaissance - Subject Guides - Enoch African American studies Culture harlem Renaissance Subject Guide maintainedby The Staff of the African American Department State Library Resource Center http://www.epfl.net/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=378&sid=1&pid=525 |
36. African American Studies http//encarta.com/schoolhouse/harlem/harlem.asp; Internet African studies from Africanstudies at Penn Resources from the African American Directory http//www http://teacherpathfinder.org/School/Subjects/SocStud/africamer.html | |
37. African-American Studies such as African Area studies, English Literature at http//www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/, 5.Encyclopedia of africanamerican Culture and http://www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/africanamer.htm | |
38. American Studies @ The University Of Virginia EBlack studies This site provides hundreds of links African American History ArchivesPart of the Americas harlem Renaissance Mailserv and Web site This site http://xroads.virginia.edu/~YP/african.html | |
39. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: African American History And Culture Exploring African American Heritage at the Smithsonian. African American studies Center American Dance Theater. harlem Renaissance. Harriet Tubman A Selected Children's Bibliography http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmah/afroam.htm | |
40. African-American Studies Scholarly Resources africanamerican studies. Scholarly Resources. Bibliographies. An African American Bibliography Education Selected Sources from the Collections of the New York State Library Includes portraits http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/subjects/afam/resource.html | |
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