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1. African American Resources - Black Studies - Social Studies- History Black History Quest. africanamerican History, Culture, and Black studies Resources. AFRICA HOMEPAGE - Connecting a Continent to its children around the World. JILL DIESMAN'S HOME PAGE - Where the harlem Renaissance comes "Alive". http://blackquest.com/link.htm | |
2. African-American History And Studies Broadcasting Atlanta); Uncrowned Queens African American Women Community Papers Project(African studies Center, UCLA harlem Renaissance (Father Ryan High School http://www2.tntech.edu/history/black.html | |
3. African-American Studies Videotape And Audiocassette: Media Resources Center, UC African American labor leader africanamerican literature African American middle class in the 20's and the New Negro Movement. Explores the forgotten role of women in the harlem http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AfricanAmVid.html | |
4. Howard University Libraries African American studies Research Bibliography. harlem Renaissance (Bibliography) CurriculumRelated Resources. African and african-american studies. Afro-American studies/Fall 1997 http://www.founders.howard.edu/afroam2.htm | |
5. African-American Studies Resources AfroAmerican Writers from the harlem Renaissance to 1940, volume 51 resources ona wide variety of topics of interest to african-american studies sponsored by http://www.library.vcu.edu/guides/afam.html | |
6. DigitalBookIndex: AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES (eBooks, ETexts, On-Line Books, EDocu RELATED PAGES n africanamerican studies ..R ..n GREAT DEBATE ..R ..n african-american harlem RENAISSANCE ..R http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010africanamera.asp | |
7. African-American Hist The University of Pennsylvania African studies site with links to severalMartin Luther King Jr. africanamerican Culture. The harlem Renaissance. http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/afroam.html | |
8. African American Studies Research Guide: Arts, Images, Literature, And Music africanamerican/African Diaspora studies Audiocassettes and UC Berkeley Library)Archives of African American Music and The harlem Renaissance harlem 1900-1940 http://www.library.yale.edu/rsc/af-am/arts.html | |
9. DCPL: Internet: African American Studies Information Resources Go to this location African American studies. themes focusingon the African American experience Negro Movement or the harlem Renaissance http://www.dclibrary.org/internet/african-american-studies.html | |
10. Jane Bancroft Cook Library Guide African American Studies Congress (LC) classification for africanamerican studies is E E53 1999, Encyclopediaof African American business history 512.3 .A35 R691 1998, harlem Renaissance http://lib.sar.usf.edu/pathfinders/AfricanAmerican.htm | |
11. Guide To Reference Sources In African American Studies electronic resources in the area of africanamerican studies. Nelson, Emmanuel S.african-american Authors 1745 to Writers Before the harlem Renaissance, Ref http://www.rhodes.edu/library/refguides/RefGuideAfricaAmerican.html | |
12. African-American Studies africanamerican studies. Smith This is the story of Roy Smith, an African Americanborn in Search for Hansen A Photographer of harlem This film documents the http://www.filmakers.com/AfroAmerican.htm | |
13. African American Studies: Mina Rees Library harlem Renaissance A Brief Introduction (PAL Perspectives in American Literature). Institutefor studies in africanamerican studies (Columbia Univ.). http://library.gc.cuny.edu/RESEARCH/afric_ams.asp | |
14. African-American Studies: Bibliography Of Reference Books The harlem Renaissance an Annotated Bibliography and Commentary. BUTLER REFERENCER326 C857 Directory of African and africanamerican studies in the United http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eguides/afam/afambibl.html | |
15. XULA : African American Studies approved by the Academic Council to serve as selections to fulfill the Universitycore requirement in African American studies the harlem Renaissance Movement http://www.xula.edu/african-american/atxavier.html | |
16. XULA : African American Studies In addition, AFAM 3015 The harlem Renaissance Movement and AFAM 3370 African in spring2003, AFAM 2020, Special Topics in African American studies meets the http://www.xula.edu/african-american/courses.html | |
17. African American Studies & Information--Dunagan Library harlem 19001940 An african-american Community Jackson Davis Collection of AfricanAmerican Educational Photographs Center for Political and Economic studies; http://www.utpb.edu/library/afriam.html | |
18. The Frederick Douglass Institute For African And African- set in this milieu to ascertain what the harlem Renaissance has Frederick DouglassInstitute for African and africanamerican studies University of Rochester http://www.rochester.edu/College/AAS/undergraduate.courses.detail.php?uid=44 |
19. African American Studies Program L/HU, C (3) or AFH 354 African American Literature harlem Renaissance to thePresent L/HU, C (3). AFR 210, Introduction to African American studies C (3). http://www.asu.edu/aad/catalogs/2001-2002/general/african-american-studies.html | |
20. African American Studies Program AFH 354, African American Literature harlem Renaissance to the PresentL/HU, C (3). AFR 210, Introduction to African American studies C (3). http://www.asu.edu/aad/catalogs/2002-2003/general/african-american-studies.html | |
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