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Home - Basic_A - African-american Studies Gov & Legislation |
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21. African, Hispanic, And Asian American Civil Rights News Civil Rights news for people of color all of them African American by other studies across the legislation that would have allowed undocumented workers to obtain a California driver's license. His predecessor, thengov http://www.ethnicmajority.com/civil_rights_news.htm | |
22. The Chronicle Of Higher Education: Complete Contents PEER REVIEW An africanamerican studies scholar leaves the University of museum director becomes dean of graduate studies at the GO GREEN Maryland gov. http://chronicle.com/chronicle/v48/4834guide.htm | |
23. History Guide NG biographies of African American heroes before and after the Civil War, a review of civil rights laws and legislation, and a look SUB, 7. africanamerican studies. http://www.historyguide.de/allegrosuche.php?modus=keywords&suchterm=African-Amer |
24. Alcoholism driving fatalities by state, and legislation by state. http//www.niaaa.nih.gov/ A site a wide variety of disciplines African American studies, African studies http://library.smc.edu/research/topics/alcoholism.htm | |
25. Public Law 103-433 - Volume 1 - Draft Heritage Study And Environmental Assessmen Appendix A legislation. in consultation with institutions of higher education in the Delta Region with expertise in African American studies, Southern studies http://www.cr.nps.gov/delta/volume1/abdxa.htm | |
26. NPS Archeology And Ethnography Home Page has included particularly the studies of African numbers of African American archeologists with of historic preservation legislation, archeological interest in http://www.cr.nps.gov/aad/afori/issu_afri.htm | |
27. Vol20 No11 6-15-99 Award categories include africanamerican studies, Communications, Computer Mathematics, Science, Women s studies, and instructional web at www.cdc.gov or call http://www.csuohio.edu/uored/FUNDING/rnjune15-v2011fs.html | |
28. Cervical Cancer: Backgrounder ethnic minorities, especially Hispanics, elderly africanamerican women, and studies are comparing different kinds and combinations of athttp//rex.nci.nih.gov http://rex.nci.nih.gov/massmedia/backgrounders/cervical.html | |
29. Subject Guides library.ucok.edu/gov/browsetopics/women decisions, colonial legislation, colonial court modules Presidential studies; African American studies; Women s studies http://hoover.mcdaniel.edu/guides/womensstudies.php | |
30. American Studies Links Mike Crapo. gov. Dirk Kempthorne. EverythingBlack.com WWW directory. africanamerican History. US Slavery in the Present. Rural studies. US Department of Agriculture. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/americanstudies/links.htm | |
31. Studies In The News: The Latest Issue Full Text at www.gao.gov/cgibin/getrpt fisheries management councils are preparing studies on the from 5,284 nurses who are african-american, white, Hispanic http://www.library.ca.gov/SITN/2002/0222.htm | |
32. EYE On OIG - August 23, 2002 Congress could pass legislation requiring mandatory on the Internet at www.socialsecurity.gov/oig in Political Science and a minor in African American studies. http://www.ssa.gov/oig/executive_operations/eyeonoig/eyeoig08232002.htm | |
33. Finding Historical Government Publications States (http//www.state.gov/r/pa Lexis Nexis Access to African American studies (/erdbs/afamstudies Contains major federal legislation concerning slave http://www.lib.ecu.edu/govdoc/historydocs.html | |
34. MCH Alert - 04/06/01 to be heavy smokers than the africanamerican women; and; available at http//www.cdc.gov/nchs/releases Basing their findings on past studies, the authors of http://www.mchlibrary.info/alert/alert042001.htm | |
36. Social Studies of the Census http//www.census.gov This site that focus on teaching social studies and history in The africanamerican Mosaic http//lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/letsnet/noframes/subjects/ss/relate.html | |
37. Perspectives On Inquiry-MTU Library Resources are from the fields of africanamerican studies, Anthropology, Asian Political Science, Population studies, Sociology and Firstgov.gov www.firstgov.gov. http://www.lib.mtu.edu/xmldata/course_guides/29.aspx | |
38. Social Studies Web Resources fun/aajourny/html/bh006.html The africanamerican Mosaic Resource Texas Online http//www.texas.gov/. Historical Institution and Center for studies in Texas http://www.alvin.isd.tenet.edu/curriculum/instructionaltechnology/socstudies.htm | |
39. FYS: Race And The Law search devoted to .gov and .mil hearings, public issues, legislation, history, and subject modules Presidential studies, African American studies, and Women s http://www.wfu.edu/~hortonm/raceandlaw.htm | |
40. CBS News | Divisions Erupt In Calif. Race | August 18, 2003Â 15:01:57 or popular at the moment, said Republican gov. the roughly 1,000 pieces of legislation is a married couples, approved a new African American studies center at http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/08/01/politics/main566192.shtml | |
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