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1. African-American Studies Videotape And Audiocassette: Media Resources Center, UC interviews with James Meredith and other africanamerican students who Robert Kennedy, gov. the fallacies, attitudes and weak legislation that contributed to http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AfricanAmVid.html | |
2. The Chronicle Of Higher Education: Complete Contents University seeks next generation stars in africanamerican studies. several states have introduced legislation to fight Assembly, at odds with departing gov. http://chronicle.com/chronicle/v48/4824guide.htm | |
3. NCI: Legislation And Congressional Activities - Hearings & Testimony - Recent Te However, further studies are underway, including an extensive to have special relevance to africanamerican men. NCI visit our web site at http//cancer.gov. http://cancer.gov/legis/testimony/prostatecam.html | |
4. Afterschool.gov: Learning For Teens - History & Social Studies The africanamerican Mosaic The Library of Congress is requirements in mathematics, science, and social studies. learn more about pending legislation, and get http://www.afterschool.gov/tnhist.html | |
5. New Page 2 Tony Perkins, author of the School Prayer legislation was guest on gov. Carlos Thomas, Instructor of african-american studies at Louisiana State University http://afrikanalouisiana.com/RadioTalkShows.htm | |
6. Women's Studies Resources (Microform Reading Room, Library Of Congress) concern women s employment, protective legislation, types of articles related to women s studies, but there Affirmative action, 7 africanamerican women, Health http://www.loc.gov/rr/microform/wmnmicro.html | |
7. MATC Library - Resources By Subject - Economics: Micro Economics minimum wage, including history, legislation, Laws and Commerce http//www.doc.gov The Department the fields of africanamerican studies, anthropology, Asian http://matcmadison.edu/library/library/subjectresources/economics_micro.htm | |
8. Archived: Reducing Class Size: What Do We Know?, Revised Full Text the gap between white and africanamerican students in research data from the relevant studies indicate that In 1984, Texas passed legislation requiring class http://www.ed.gov/pubs/ReducingClass/Class_size.html | |
9. State Of Illinois Home - IGNN (Illinois Government News Network) CHICAGO Â gov. He assisted in drafting legislation to create the department, defining its 19982000); as director of the african-american studies programs at http://www.illinois.gov/PressReleases/ShowPressRelease.cfm?SubjectID=1&RecNum=20 |
10. Education Administration/Leadership in the following disciplines africanamerican studies, Education, History web site for news, legislation, certification requirements www.nces.ed.gov NCES is http://library.msstate.edu/resources/guides/Edadministration.asp | |
11. GRUPARE.COM - Deals, Coupons, News, Group-Buyings; Buy Together Save Together! http//lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/aaohtml/exhibit/aopart9.html New Deal legislation. edu/chapters/ferguson_black.html UGA African American studies African Americans http://grupare.com/store1/50/african-american-deal-new.php | |
12. International Digest Of Health Legislation - Recueil International De Législati and other cardiovascular diseases in women, including africanamerican women and (6) studies to gain a http//frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname http://www3.who.int/idhl-rils/results.cfm?language=english&type=ByTopic&strTopic |
13. American Studies Links Cultural studies. Native American studies. African American studies. Chicano/Chicana and Labor. Education. Law legislation. International Relations Larry Craig. gov. Dirk Kempthorne http://www.class.uidaho.edu/sobrien/amst_links.htm |
14. African-American Studies http//www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/, lists quality websites in africanamerican studies from academe Memory http//rs6.loc.gov/amhome.html http://www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/africanamer.htm | |
15. African-American Studies - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries ejournals.html scholarly Gateway to African American History http//usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis University Department of AfroAmerican studies (Home of http://library.uwf.edu/eli/Social/AfricanAmerican.shtml | |
16. Legislative Bulletins RSC@mail.house.gov Neil.Bradley@mail.house.gov. al; HR 3491 National Museum of african-american History and of 2003; HR 3077-International studies in Higher http://www.house.gov/burton/RSC/lb.htm | |
17. African American Studies: Bibliography Of Resources At The WWU Libraries African American studies - Scholarly Resources of Congress) http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/snhtml Encyclopedia of african-american Civil Rights From Emancipation http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/subjguides/africanamericans.html | |
18. Collection Development Department-Afro-American Studies: Filmography Keyword (use and or, not) Title (omit initial article) Author (last name, first name) Subject. Advanced Catalog Search. How Do I ? Hours. Reserves. Article Databases More. EJournal Finder. Libraries Collections. Art. Biology. Carolina Pop. the study of African and african-american studies. A selected the proposed legislation. It is an American story that http://www.lib.unc.edu/cdd/crs/socsci/afro/film--a.html | |
19. American Studies Materials In The MSU Libraries AMERICAN studies GUIDE TO MATERIALS IN THE MSU LIBRARIES The africanamerican Almanac, a Reference Work on the C663 Survey of Congressional legislation on such topics as http://www.lib.msu.edu/pubs/subject/su22.htm | |
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