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81. WIU Undergraduate Catalog 2001-2002 -- African American Studies 100 Introduction to African American studies. (3) (general Education/Multicultural studies) A survey of the history of Black people including the Cradle of http://www.wiu.edu/users/miprov/ugcat/01/afamst.shtml | |
82. Random House Academic Resources Women s studies Women s studies general. $37.95 (Canada) 0375-50744-2 Gender Talk The Struggle For Women s Equality in African American Communities Written http://www.randomhouse.com/acmart/list.pperl?top=729561470&cat=42 |
83. African American Studies Research Guide for purchase to Raquel Von Cogell (rcogell@emory.edu), Reference Librarian and African American studies Selector, Emory University general Libraries. http://web.library.emory.edu/subjects/studies/afam/ | |
84. African American Studies Research Guide Back to the Top. Last updated January 2004. Send comments to Raquel Von Cogell African American studies Librarian, Emory University general Libraries. http://web.library.emory.edu/subjects/studies/afam/aas.htm | |
85. AFH African American Studies Humanities Courses a number of figures associated with African American religion. Crosslisted as REL 323. Credit is allowed for only AFH 323 or REL 323. general studies HU, C. http://www.asu.edu/aad/catalogs/spring_2002/afh.html | |
86. World Wide Web Sites For African American Studies general information. African World Community Network Black/African Related Resources African American Resources African studies (University of Pennsylvania http://www.scu.edu/SCU/Programs/Diversity/wwwafric.html | |
87. Department Of African And African American Studies Department of African and African American studies. http://www.fordham.edu/general/undergraduate/African_and_African_1502.html | |
88. Minor In African American Studies Minor in African American studies. general studies (45 hours). general education requirements (43 hours). Physical education/graduation requirement (2 hours). http://www.emich.edu/public/daas/minor.htm | |
89. EMU Dept. Of African American Studies Faculty Profile general INFORMATION Professor Woods formerly served as Head of the Department of African American studies at EMU. He has also served http://www.emich.edu/public/daas/faculty.html | |
90. Colby College Libraries: Research: African American Studies Most of the general and subject indexes available N39 S373a 1984+ Bibliographic Guide to Black studies. Ref PN4882.5 .A35 1998 African American Newspapers and http://www.colby.edu/library/research/guides/african.shtml | |
91. African American World Studies The language requirement for the African American world studies major is the same as that of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences general Education Program http://www.registrar.uiowa.edu/registrar/catalog/CollegeofLiberalArtsandSciences | |
92. UMBC Africana Studies Dept. overview of the discipline, other core courses in African American studies are highly recommended and may be used to fulfill the general foundation requirements http://www.research.umbc.edu/africana/ | |
93. Carleton College: African/African American Studies: Resources The contents of many of these sites overlap, covering information of interest to both African and African American studies. general Links. http://www.carleton.edu/curricular/AFAM/resources/ | |
94. Web Resources In African American Studies, UM Libraries Search general databases (all purpose), as well as, databases by subject Since African American studies blends a variety of subjects, consider searching across http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/GUIDES/AfricanAmGuide.html | |
95. African American Studies Description REQUIREMENTS The following courses, as well as general Education coursework, are required for a BA in African American studies (the major requires 40 units) http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/pase/HTML/AFAMDesc.htm | |
96. Norton Books - Browse By Subject: African American Studies WW Norton general Books by Subject African American studies. Return to Browse by Subject Index  Norton general Books Home. Norton http://www.wwnorton.com/subject/african.htm | |
97. Macalester College Catalog: African American Studies Courses approved for the African American studies minor but offered through other departments count toward the general distribution requirements as specified http://www.macalester.edu/academic/catalog/program/afr_m.html | |
98. Collection Policies Grants and special funding The African American studies collection receives its funding from the library s general monographic and serial allocations. http://www.libraries.uc.edu/research/subject_resources/policies/polafam.html | |
99. African American History - Black History Resources - Academic Info A directory of Internet resources on African American history. African American History studies Directory of African American studies. History U.S. African American History. Table of http://www.academicinfo.net/africanam.html | |
100. African And African American Studies Programs - Study African And African Americ http://www.campusprogram.com/programs/subjects/African_and_African_American_Stud | |
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