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61. Ethnic Studies African American Studies General Culture The Hip Hop Generation Young Blacks the Crisis in African American Culture The Hip Hop Generation Young Blacks the Crisis in African American Culture http://20th-century-history-books.com/Ethnic_Studies_African_American_Studies_Ge | |
62. University Of Wisconsin - Madison, Afro-American Studies Homepage The Department of AfroAmerican studies (AAS) at the social aspects of American and African American life is heightened by campus general education requirements http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/aas/ | |
63. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. N O R T H A M E R I C A - Books By Discipline: Afric Home / Books / Browse Books by Discipline / African/africanamerican studies. African/african-american studies. Series Edited by http://commerce.peterlangusa.com/genBooksByCategory.asp?CategoryName=African/Afr |
64. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. N O R T H A M E R I C A - Books By Discipline: Liter Home / Books / Browse Books by Discipline / Literature and Language studies (general). Literature and Language studies (general). Series Edited by http://commerce.peterlangusa.com/genBooksByCategory.asp?CategoryName=Literature |
65. General Catalog 1993-95 studies (3) AAS 222 African American studies A History of 4) Study Area II African American literature, literary such contexts have for general literary and http://catalog.arizona.edu/1993-95/aas.html | |
66. African American Studies Program 2003-2004 SMSU Undergraduate Catalog 13, D. Prerequisite AAS 100 or permission of instructor. Topics of general interest in the area of African American studies. Examples http://www.smsu.edu/recreg/dept_aa.html | |
67. African American Studies Program s. Frostburg State University offers a minor in African American studies....... . . . Program Links general Information Course http://www.frostburg.edu/dept/afam/ | |
68. African American Studies Reference Sources -- Africana Library, Cornell Universi This is a selective list of available resources on African American studies in the John Henrik Clarke Africana Library. general BIBLIOGRAPHIES. http://www.library.cornell.edu/africana/Library/AA_Studies.html | |
69. University Of Mississippi Libraries - African American Studies Subject Guide EBSCOhost A collection of general reference and catalog record Bibliographic Guide to Black studies. Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History E 185 http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/general_library/files/subject/afamerican.html | |
70. African American Studies - Encyclopedia Article About African American Studies. Some articles mentioning African American studies downloading, or using the content on the freedictionary.com, including general dictionary, medical http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/African American studies | |
71. African American Studies AFRICAN AMERICAN studies DEGREE REQUIREMENTS. general Education Requirements 42 credits. African American studies Major Core Courses, 45 Credits. Credits. http://www.umes.edu/social/african.htm | |
72. Browse Library By Community general African American studies Reference. http://www.webct.com/Communities/africanam/library/browseCommunity?categoryID=18 |
73. BCPL African American InfoCenter Education Black Collegian Online general information on college life Black History Quest African American history, culture, and black studies resources. http://www.bcplonline.org/centers/aacenter/ | |
74. Indana State University: AFRI Studies: Fall Courses of the philosophical, political, historical, and sociological components that form the basis of African and African American studies. general Education Credits http://www.indstate.edu/afri/fall_courses.htm | |
75. African And African American Studies A written general exam at the end of the first year. Teaching experience minimum of two courses in African American studies, one in another field. http://www.gsas.harvard.edu/programs/degree/afroam.html | |
76. African American Studies Research Guide to articles appearing in roughly 35 African American scholarly journals and can be located in the general vicinity of index is included in Black studies on Disc http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/aframer.htm | |
77. African And African American Studies (AAA S) REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MAJOR 3645 credits1 (This includes 0-9 credits of general Education courses in the African American studies Option; 0-3 credits of GA http://www.psu.edu/bulletins/bluebook/major/aaa_s.htm |
78. U Of U General Catalog - ETHNIC STUDIES general Catalog 20002001 Posted April 3, 2000. Coordinator of Ethnic studies, Lisa A. Flores, Ph.D. Director of African American studies, Karen L. Dace, Ph.D. http://www.acs.utah.edu/GenCatalog/1016/deptdesc/ethnc.html | |
79. U Of U General Catalog - ETHNIC STUDIES studies Program African American, Asian Pacific American, Chicana/o, and the American Indian studies. Each program offers a minor. A general Ethnic studies http://www.acs.utah.edu/GenCatalog/1038/deptdesc/ethnc.html | |
80. AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES related to the history of African American religious movements North. Western Journal of Black studies Online version 185.5 .W54 (198096) general Collection E http://library.ucf.edu/Reference/Guides/AfricanAmericanStudies.htm | |
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