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1. African-American Studies The student will be required to defend this thesis before a departmental Honors Committee approved by the africanamerican studies general Advisory Committee. http://uhaweb.hartford.edu/artsci/classes/descriptions/afamerstudiescd.html | |
2. AFS General Resources africanamerican studies general Resources. http://library.uncg.edu/depts/ref/bibs/afam.htm | |
3. African-American Studies - General American studies. Arts, Film Literature 17 Chicago 7 History 25 Population Demographics 6. africanamerican studies - general. http://www.lib.depaul.edu/eresource/subject_search_infotype.asp?SubjectID=3&Topi |
4. African-American Studies Videotape And Audiocassette: Media Resources Center, UC Biography of the African American labor leader, journalist, and African American Soldiers Japanese Internment During WWII Close harmony / sponsored by general Motors (1942, 11 min http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AfricanAmVid.html | |
5. K-12 African-American Resources Supervisor of African and African American studies (Mrs. Dianne to the institution s africanamerican collections, that narratives and oral history in general. http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/K-12/menu_EduAFAM.html | |
6. African American Studies : Temple University Department of africanamerican studies (DAAS). This site provides general information about and graduate studies in the african-american studies Department, its faculty http://www.temple.edu/AAS | |
7. African-American Studies africanamerican studies Websites (general). Showing 1 to 3 of 3, Previous · 1 · Next. Africana.com Links to a wide range of resources http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/byform:general/interdisciplinary/african-ameri | |
8. African-American Studies africanamerican studies general. Showing 21 to 25 of 25, Previous · 1 · 2 · Next. Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project This http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/bysubject/interdisciplinary/african-american/? |
9. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle AfroAmeric@ National News. Afronet (general african-american cultural resources). American studies, Black History and Literature. http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2721 |
10. Earlham Libraries--African & African-American Studies African and africanamerican studies. African studies general Sources An AZ of African studies on the Internet Links to a variety of Africa-related resources. http://www.earlham.edu/~libr/more/aaas.htm | |
11. Dartmouth Library Collection Development Policy to meet instructional needs for specific courses offered as part of the African and africanamerican studies program (AAAS) but also as general resources in http://www.dartmouth.edu/~cmdc/cdp/aaas.html | |
12. Caribbean Literary Studies - General Information Gratefully, we acknowledge our affiliation with the africanamerican studies Program, the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the Humanities http://scholar.library.miami.edu/cls/generalinformation.html | |
13. UPS Library African-American Studies Resources Need more information? Click on general Reference Sources listed on the sidebar. Selected African American studies Reference Books. http://library.ups.edu/gateway/africanamerican/home.shtml | |
14. African-American Studies general, AfroAmerican studies A comprehensive site compiled and maintained by Howard University Libraries. African American Desk Reference Quick reference http://www.library.rochester.edu/index.cfm?PAGE=131 |
15. Links To Other Sites » General Information » Old State House Trapnall Hall. Links to Other Sites. , Arkansas. -, Black studies, african-american History. -, general History. -, Women s studies, Women s History. Press Releases. http://www.oldstatehouse.com/general_information/links.asp?c=60 |
16. UNT Libraries: Subject Guides, African-American Studies G7 1988 Choral Music by africanamerican Composers ML128 Located in general Reference, 1st floor, Willis Library. Bibliographic Guide to Black studies 1975-1994 http://www.library.unt.edu/subjects/afamer/afamst.htm | |
17. Library Of Congress, Collections Overviews:American Studies - African-American S deposit, the Library s general collection, which contributes much to its africanamerican resources, is unparalleled. Because african-american studies is an http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/colloverviews/afr-amer.html | |
18. African American Studies coverage vary.) Many africanamerican studies journals are included in this full text database. Expanded Academic Index ASAP 1980 - A general index with http://library.cudenver.edu/findit/subj_guides/culture/afr_amer.html | |
19. African-American Studies - Encyclopedia Article About African-American Studies. Some articles mentioning africanamerican studies downloading, or using the content on the freedictionary.com, including general dictionary, medical http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/African-American Studies | |
20. African/African American Studies of 40 core Black studies periodicals (1998 full text articles pertaining to africanamerican history. Coverage includes general psychology and specialized basic http://www.umes.edu/fdl/Databases/african_american_studies.htm | |
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