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41. African American Studies Library History United States Ethnic studies www.ukans African American Perspectivesmemory.loc.gov/ammem/aap Case www.nara.gov/education/teaching/amistad http://www2.una.edu/mjohnson/afam.htm | |
42. African American Studies Program Faculty Associates In addition to advising AAST minors, he teaches the Introduction to African AmericanStudies, the African American Experience, education of Southern Blacks http://www.as.ua.edu/american_studies/afaculty.htm | |
43. African & African-American Studies Undergraduate Program. Graduate Program. Courses. Projects. Calendar. The Souls of Black Folk Centennial Celebration. Resources. Driving Instructions. African African American studies the Brown http://www.duke.edu/web/africanameric | |
44. Center For African And African American Studies Talk, Center for African and African American studies  Jester A232A Time 300 500 pm Friday, January 23, 2004 Redefining education Ethnic/Women s and http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/caaas/goto/events/ | |
45. Yale > African American Studies > Introduction African American studies African American studies offers training of special interest to those considering admission to graduate or professional schools and careers in education http://www.yale.edu/afamstudies | |
46. African American Studies Research Guide for Political and Economic studies Press four hundred years of African American individualsand of areas, including Black nationalism, education, performing arts http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/aframer.htm | |
47. Recommended African American Web Sites in African American and African studies. Coverage is 19701996; includes powerfulsearch engine. From J-Stor. Journal of Blacks in Higher education (ISU Only http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/afr_amer.htm | |
48. Distance Learning - African American Studies Courses in African American studies. African Hairstyles, Cornrows, Dreadlocks,Extensions, and Hairweaves. Awards education Enthusiast Award. http://home.universalclass.com/socialsciences/africanamer/ | |
49. Welcome To The African American Education Program! Eastern Washington University s African American education Program (AAEP) is an academic aswell as presenting the African American studies curriculum for all http://sswhs.ewu.edu/aaep.html | |
50. The Department Of African American Studies course offerings and research interests of the Department of African American Studieshelp ensure that criminal justice and public service education and policy http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~aas/Doc2aaswebpage2.htm | |
51. Indiana State University : Department Of African And African American Studies Degrees in African and African American studies prepare students for professionalcareers in human services, education, law, business, community development http://www.indstate.edu/afri/ | |
52. Charles C. Sherrod Library Research Guides: African American Studies African American Review JSTOR 19921998 Black American Literature 1976-1994 Journalof Black studies JSTOR 1970 of Blacks in Higher education JSTOR1993-1999 http://sherrod.etsu.edu/guides/RGafamstudies.htm | |
53. University Of Wisconsin - Madison, Afro-American Studies Homepage assume critical roles in higher education and other the most understudied areas orAfroAmerican studies;; the number of courses on African American womenÂs http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/aas/ | |
54. African American Studies Program The African American Dance Company at IU will hold a Board of education of Topekacase. International Programs, DirectorÂAfrican studies Program, Professor http://newsinfo.iu.edu/group/page/normal/125.html | |
55. Internet Resources For African American Studies Internet Resources for African American studies. The Black HistoryTask Force. Arkansas Department of education. Africa News Service http://arkedu.state.ar.us/africanamerican/Internet.htm | |
56. African American Studies - Research Guide books along with articles featuring African American authors. provides current issuesin education that are Periodicals Ethnic Racial studies Ethnic and http://gethelp.library.upenn.edu/guides/afam/afam.html | |
57. African-AmericanStudies@City to complete an undergraduate major in AfricanAmerican studies. American studies 43 African American studies 20 3 Psychology 1 3 General education* 6 SECOND http://citywww.lacc.cc.ca.us/academic/departments/amcul/aasstudies.html | |
58. Ethnic Studies - Degrees course offered by the Africana and American Indian studies Program may be used tosatisfy the General education requirements for African American studies majors http://www-catalog.admin.csufresno.edu/current/ethnicdgr.html |
59. Ethnic Studies - Degrees course offered by the African American studies Program may be used to satisfythe General education requirements for African American studies majors. http://www-catalog.admin.csufresno.edu/old/ethnicdgr.html |
60. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : African American : Gen data on population, education, marital status devoted to researching African Americanmusic and AfricanAmerican studies Reviews on AfricanAmerican studies http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1765 |
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