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41. 2003-04 Undergraduate Catalog - - SMU Majors in the MexicanAmerican studies option are required to take three hours in african-american studies. ANTH 3361 Language in culture and Society. http://www.smu.edu/catalogs/undergrad/dedman/ethnic.asp | |
42. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: African American History And Culture African American studies Center. expertise and sharing their insights on different subjects within the field of African American material culture. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmah/afroam.htm | |
43. African American Studies Article Databases - Doe/Moffitt Libraries - UC Berkeley Article Databases for African American studies. socioeconomic conditions, gender issues, language, literature, and culture. Women s studies International. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/adb_africanamerican.html | |
44. KU - African & African-American Studies Programs. African. African africanamerican. Haitian. Courses. African. African african-american. Haitian. Languages. Faculty. Archives. Resource centers. Related websites. Welcome! African http://www.ukans.edu/~afs | |
45. African American Studies: Culture : Art - Subject Guides - Enoch Pratt Free Libr African American studies culture Art Subject Guide maintained by The Staff of the African American Department State Library Resource Center, Enoch Pratt http://www.epfl.net/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=527&sid=1&pid=525 |
46. African American Studies: Culture : Harlem Renaissance - Subject Guides - Enoch African American studies culture Harlem Renaissance Subject Guide maintained by The Staff of the African American Department State Library Resource Center http://www.epfl.net/subjects/subjectguide.cfm?cid=378&sid=1&pid=525 |
47. UGA African American Studies African Americans have played a vital role in the culture of their country since its founding. An important part of the curriculum at the Institute for African American studies http://www.uga.edu/~iaas/History.html | |
48. African Studies Center St.Louis (Black studies) This African American related information Gopher. UWMadison African studies (Wendy Higgans and the American youth culture that inspires http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Home_Page/mcgee.html | |
49. ALA | African American Culture self described as one of the most vital Black studies academic units in A related site of interest is the Archives of African American Music culture. http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues1999/january1/africanamer | |
50. SDP: African Lessons Since 1970 the African African American studies Department has provided enrichment and program on African and AfroAmerican history and culture for every http://www.phila.k12.pa.us/ll/curriculumsupport/aastudies/afr-lessons.html | |
51. African American Resources African American Arts, culture, History, Etc In view of recent studies of African aesthetic and After Information on several important African American poets is http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/afri.html | |
52. African American Studies Department They are Introduction to African American studies, African Civilization, Black culture in the United States, Public Policy and the Black Community, and http://www.bsos.umd.edu/aasp/aboutus.htm | |
53. African American Studies Program Faculty in the African American studies Program specialize in the history and culture of the modern Civil Rights Movement, the Harlem Renaissance and the 1930 s http://www.cla.sc.edu/AFRA/ | |
54. African American Studies Program Faculty Associates African American Feminist and Womanist studies of Discourse (with Olga Idriss Davis; Hampton Press, 2002) and Our Voices Essays in culture, Ethnicity and http://www.as.ua.edu/american_studies/afaculty.htm | |
55. WSSLinks: Literature And Culture the interface of race, sexuality and culture. the University of Iowa Department of Communication studies. African American writers a selection of texts from http://libraries.mit.edu/humanities/WomensStudies/Culture2.html | |
56. African American Studies AfroAmerican studies on the Web Basic sites sources, electronic/historical texts, African American women, film/art/visual culture, miscellaneous, CD http://wwwsju.stjohns.edu/library/staugustine/africanam.html | |
57. African American Studies on African American life and culture housed throughout sociology, womenÂs studies; etc.) are detail, see the African American studies Collection Development http://www.library.northwestern.edu/collections/afamstudies/ | |
58. M.A. Program In African American Studies, Columbia University American studies will enhance their understanding of the shared and unique social indices, historical experiences, and the patterns and processes of culture of http://www.columbia.edu/cu/gsas/african_american_studies/ | |
59. Faculty Beyond Africa, he has research and teaching interests in African American studies, diaspora studies, pop culture, and the history of anthropology. http://www.duke.edu/web/africanameric/faculty.html | |
60. BCPL African American InfoCenter African American Databases. Black History Quest African American history, culture, and black studies resources. Black Panther Party http://www.bcplonline.org/centers/aacenter/ | |
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