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1. African-American.Studies@LoyolaU.Chicago Places to go Things to see People to meet, Pertaining to things africanamerican via the web. Due to popular demand the Black History Month Page is still available. AcademicResources. african-americans in the Sciences. Northwestern Univ. from the african-american Mosaic A Library of Congress Resource Guide. UPenn's African studies. UPenn's African studies MelanetYour commerce Info Center http://www.luc.edu/libraries/cudahy/bib/afroam.html | |
2. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. N O R T H A M E R I C A - Books By Discipline: Afric Home / Books / Browse Books by Discipline / African/africanamericanstudies. African/african-american studies. Series Edited by http://commerce.peterlangusa.com/genBooksByCategory.asp?CategoryName=African/Afr |
3. K-12 African-American Resources African and African American History.Managed by the African African American studies Department, the School MELANET is an electronic commerce, resource, and research center http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/K-12/menu_EduAFAM.html | |
4. African-American Studies Microtext Collections In MTSU Library on the history of africanamerican education in the Recovery Administration, Departmentof commerce, and Works Part of Black studies Research Sources series. http://ulibnet.mtsu.edu/microtext/blst-micro.html | |
5. African And African American Studies: Outstanding Publications, 1997-1998 the creation and uses of an africanamerican myth bibl index (International libraryof African studies, 8) ISBN commerce and economic change in West Africa the http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/blackhis/choice.htm | |
6. KU - African & African-American Studies African africanamerican studies. 104 Lippincott African african-american studies, the Spencer Museum of Art, and Continuing Education; and the Lawrence Chamber of commerce http://www.ukans.edu/~afs/archives/ALA2000.htm | |
7. African-American Studies Resources Washington, DC US Department of commerce, Economic and Statistics Administration awide variety of topics of interest to africanamerican studies sponsored by http://www.library.vcu.edu/guides/afam.html | |
8. KU - African & African-American Studies - Faculty And Staff Briefs Department of African africanamerican studies, Language Coordinator NineteenthCentury commerce in Women in A Journal of Comparative studies (Special Issue http://www.ku.edu/~afs/faculty/mack.html | |
9. KU - African & African-American Studies the Department of African africanamerican studies, the Spencer Museum of Art,and Continuing Education; and the Lawrence Chamber of commerce and the http://www.ku.edu/~afs/archives/ALA2000.htm | |
10. American Military University Bachelor Of Arts African/African American Studies The African and africanamerican studies student will pursue of African and african-americanhistory, government civil rights, culture, commerce, diplomacy, and http://www.universities.com/Distance_Learning/American_Military_University_Bache | |
11. Online Bachelor In Cultural Studies The African and africanamerican studies student will pursue of African and african-americanhistory, government, civil rights, culture, commerce, http://www.universities.com/Distance_Learning/Degrees_Bachelor_Degrees_Cultural_ | |
12. African-American Studies: Bibliography Of Reference Books Directory of African and africanamerican studies in the ed. Atlanta, GA Africanstudies Association Press of commerce, Economics and Statistics Admin., Bureau http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eguides/afam/afambibl.html | |
13. African-American Studies: Houston Baker On Ralph Ellison fit into Baker s argument about the public and private commerce of black for English60A; Syllabus for week nine (africanamerican studies); Students comments http://www.lawrence.edu/dept/english/courses/60A/handouts/afro2.html | |
14. Basic Information - Major : Urban Studies closely scrutinized to improve municipal physical layout, education, and commerce. Ifyou are interested in Urban studies, You might africanamerican studies. http://www.princetonreview.com/college/research/majors/majorBasics.asp?majorID=2 |
15. HISTORY And AMERICAN STUDIES HISTORY and AMERICAN studies. the Foreignborn Population of the United States 1850-1990 - US Census Bureau/US Department of commerce; african-american HISTORY. http://www.usembassy.at/en/us/history.htm | |
16. Undergraduate Programs, The University Of Alabama MINOR Culverhouse College of commerce and Business Sciences Human Development andFamily studies Catalog. africanamerican studies MINOR College of Arts and http://www.ua.edu/ugprograms_a-c.html | |
17. American Studies Links EverythingBlack.com WWW directory. africanamerican History. Rural studies. US Departmentof Agriculture. Business Communications WWW Resource Center. commerce.Net. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/sobrien/amst_links.htm | |
18. Enslow Publishers, Inc. Description In The Slave Trade in America Cruel commerce, authorRichard Subject(s) Social studies, Slavery, africanamerican studies....... http://www.enslow.com/displayitem.asp?type=1&item=1611 |
19. Internet Public Library: African/African-American research and promote interest in African American studies. run organization of AfricanAmerican engineering students contribute to world culture and commerce. http://www.ipl.org/div/aon/browse/soc40.05.00/ | |
20. ISRR: Racial Issues And Identities National Black Chamber of commerce. Materials for K12 Asian and Asian-American studies. Contemporaryand historical accounts of the african-american experience http://www.vsu.edu/isrr/afriamer.htm | |
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