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81. MAGAZINES AND NEWSLETTERS ON THE WEB (WOMEN-FOCUSED) Chatelaine canadian women s magazine offers selections from the from this popular African American women s magazine Journal of Women s studies explores explore http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/mags.htm | |
82. Women Of Various Countries, Ethnicities, Races, And Other Group Identities AFRICAN AND AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN ABANTU promotes gender in an African context in Belgrade, Serbia 199094, from canadian WomenÂs studies/Les Cahiers http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/woc.htm | |
83. Homework Help: Social Studies of links to Smithsonian resources about African American history and World studies. Caribbean islands, Southern and Central America, the canadian provinces, and http://www.skokie.lib.il.us/s_kids/kd_homework/social_studies.html | |
84. PhD - LTS : Web Resources Postcolonial studies. African American Texts from the Modern English Collection (University of canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language http://www.uoguelph.ca/phdlts/links.html | |
85. The University Of Liverpool Library - English & American Literature Electronic J Continued by African American review English studies in Africa a journal of the humanities Essays on canadian writing (ECW Press Literature Online) Library http://www.liv.ac.uk/Library/subjects/arts/english/englishejour.html | |
87. Women's Studies/Women's Issues Resource Sites: A - E Academic Info Women s studies (A directory of Internet and Engineering (Essay by canadian professor F African American Women Writers of the 19th Century (The http://www-unix.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/links1.html | |
88. NIE WORLD - Especially For Students (NIE Links For Students) Beginning Library Research on African American studies Provides a Find facts about African American history by largest company in canadian history Hudson s http://www.nieworld.com/students/links/socialstudies.htm | |
89. Genealogy Blog By Heritage Creations Black Confederate Soldiers (article); African American Genealogy Presents Genealogy Centre; Post1901 canadian Census News; Memorials; Guild of One Name studies http://genealogyblog.com/index.php?p=1890&more=1&c=1 |
90. Summer Conference 1991: Straw Professor, Department of Film studies, Carleton University. rock music purged of African American influences, what with definitions of canadian musical identity http://www.couch.ca/history/1991/Straw.html | |
91. Products By Category CIS Historical Universe Access to African American studies, LexisNexis. Access to Women s studies, Lexis-Nexis. Quantuum Economics (Book), canadian Association of http://www.chilibsys.org/showcase/ByCategory.asp | |
92. Social Studies Teaching African American History in the 21st Century at canadian studiesA site to find out about Canada at Library of Congress Country studies at http//lcweb2 http://www.aea267.k12.ia.us/curriculum/socialstudies.html | |
93. United States History Mystery of the Maya (canadian Museum of Civilization the American South); Black studies sites (U Louis); African American Historical Documents (U. of Missouri, St. http://www2.tntech.edu/history/usa.html | |
94. AERA Graduate Studies Committee Newsletter: Vol. 7, No. 1 (Winter 1998) nurse educators in a canadian threeyear Dreamkeepers Successful Teachers for African American Children published within the broad area of curriculum studies. http://www.aera.net/gsc/gscnews/v7n1.htm | |
95. Elementary Resources Cultural Debates. This online activity makes multi-cultural studies come alive. FunBrain. Canada. Welcome to the canadian Museum of Civilization (CMC). http://www.pioneer.wnyric.org/Teaching/Elementary_Resources/elementary_resources | |
96. Selected Library Resources On The Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning African American studies. ADFL Bulletin (Association of Departments of Foreign Languages) IUCAT Online canadian Modern Language Review IUCAT Social studies. http://www.indiana.edu/~libsalc/SOTL/ | |
97. LIS Header African American studies; Anthropology; Asian studies; Ecology management; marketing and regional studies. Psychological Association, canadian Psychological http://www.swan.ac.uk/lis/information_gateway/ejournals.asp | |
98. American Indian Studies This site received over 1 500 000 hits in 2002 from 50 countries throughout the world. American Indian History and Related Issues American Indian studies programs were created at a number of http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais |
99. Harvard Libraries: Arts And Humanities:Arts And Architecture I, canadian SocioEconomic Information Management http://lib.harvard.edu/e-resources/subject/arts_and_humanities_arts_and_architec | |
100. SOSIG: What's New In Law was awarded by a selection panel comprising Lisbeth Rasmussen (Copenhagen University), Jules Winterton (Institute of Advanced Legal studies, London), James http://sosig.esrc.bris.ac.uk/roads/whats-new.law.html | |
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