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61. The Global Chicago Center | The Chicago Page | Chicago Links Association of Illinois*. canadian Club of Chicago on African and africanamerican studies, The University DuSable Museum of African American History. Edgewater http://www.globalchicago.org/chicago/chi_links.asp?filter=3 |
62. Greenlease Library Encyclopedia of africanamerican Culture and History (REF E 185 E54 1995 only) This database covers US and canadian history and area studies, with citations http://www.rockhurst.edu/services/library/guides/american.html | |
63. Article Databases And More-International And Area Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill Libra Links connect to Western European (mainly primary corresponds to the print canadian Index. SUBJECTS. http://eresources.lib.unc.edu/eid/subject.php?subjectName=International and Area |
64. Maxwell School Of Syracuse University: Social Science Ph.D. Geography, History, Public Affairs, africanamerican studies, Women s studies School of Social and Systemic studies. eventually marry a canadian academic, but http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/socsci/alumni.htm | |
65. MS Connect Redirecting If you are a technology provider, click here to learn more about how you can participate in connect with Microsoft Events For canadian Events Please click on http://www.connect-ms.com/mstps/default.html |
66. Political Science Resources/Area Studies African, European, and North American sources. Most entries have a brief annotation. African studies Sections include American studies as a history of canadian studies with links http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psarea.html | |
67. NYPL, Databases And Indexes Online history since 1450, excluding US and canadian history, which ecology and environment, women s studies, race and Nineteenth Century African American Newspapers. http://www.nypl.org/databases/index.cfm?act=2&sub=3 |
68. NYPL, The Irma And Paul Milstein Division Of United States History, Local Histor papers, dissertations, and US and canadian government documents. Subjects African American studies, History Resource Type Fulltext http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/lhg/hisguide_er.html | |
69. City Tech - African American Studies - Faculty - Karl Botchway African American studies. Reading a Development Report on Northern Ghana, canadian Journal of Botchway is a member of the African studies Association, American http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/academics/deptsites/aastudies/faculty/botchway.shtm | |
70. Untitled Document Assistant, African African American studies Program, Duke American studies and canadian studies programs. Institutional and Cultural studies, Duke University http://www.duke.edu/~alhensly/amy-cv.html | |
71. Social Studies Web Resources Maclean s Forum A canadian News Magazine. National Atlas of full of hot buttons to global studies topics. US and around the world. African American History This http://ths.ttsd.k12.or.us/departments/socialstudies/dchasko/new ss home99.html | |
72. Opportunity At Iowa - University Of Iowa African American Sororities. The American Indian and Native studies Program offers a minor or Native Americans and others from many states and canadian provinces http://www.uiowa.edu/~provost/oi/cultural | |
73. All.info: Society And Social Sciences / People And Group Studies / Theatre Compa Sciences People and Group studies Theatre Companies. provides a forum for African American artists to ACDAS The Africancanadian Dramatic Arts Society ACDAS http://all.info/directory/Society_and_Social_Sciences/People_and_Group_Studies/T | |
74. PMRR: Periodicals African American Review, AFRICAN AMERICAN REVIEW. canadian Theater Review, canadian THEATER REVIEW. studies of South Asia, Africa , COMP studies OF SOUTH ASIA . http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/pmrr/prr.html | |
75. E-pals - Class Connect, 6th Grade Iwould like to connect with another middle a math,science, and social studies teacher from They are basically low income, african american students...... http://www.gigglepotz.com/ccameric-6.htm | |
76. Rutgers University Libraries: Subject Research Guides: Women's Studies: Links Of University, this online resource provides access to archival collections focusing on African American women, women canadian Women s studies OnLine http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/womens_studies/l | |
77. Research At UB CanadaUnited States Legal studies Centre. » canadian-American studies Committee. African American studies. » Anthropology. Women s studies. http://www.buffalo.edu/research/society.html |
78. Sociology Resources@McNeese Library Gendercide Watch This canadian site seeks to confront acts of guide for the study of African American history and Links from the American studies Department at http://www.library.mcneese.edu/social/soc.htm | |
79. Social Sciences Bookmarks 6/99 http//lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/african/intro.html. African American Web Connection. My canadian Picture Book. Library of Congress Country studies. http://www.cityschools.com/walkergrant/library/soc_sci.htm | |
80. Skidmore's Journal Subscriptions By Subject - X African American review, Periodical Collection, v. 34 (2000). canadian review of American studies, Periodical Collection, v. 1-22 (1970-1991). http://www.skidmore.edu/library/journals/subscriptions/by_subject/American_studi | |
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