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22. Duke > International Programs & Resources > A To Z Index the legacy of the africanamerican experience, equality Latin American and Caribbean studies, and promotes Topics include canadian Legal Research, Council of http://www.duke.edu/web/international/a-zindex.html | |
23. Web Sites For Women's Studies site is maintained by the canadian Intellectual Property literary criticism and gender studies focussing in africanamerican Women Online Archival Collections. http://www.library.ubc.ca/wmst/web.html | |
24. Resources For Social Studies Homework Help Mexico connect Information about and links to everything Excellent site for Latin American studies from the This canadian government site has everything you http://www.cloudnet.com/~edrbsass/homeworkhelpsoc.htm | |
25. History - US And Canadian History This Library of Congress and dissertations on US and canadian history and documents relating to Ethnic studies in the...... 4. africanamerican Mosaic, http://www.lib.depaul.edu/eresource/subject_search_infotype.asp?TopicID=211&Subj |
26. Electronic Title List Century africanamerican Poetry, African American poets of and Life, US and canadian history. history, demography, economics, psychology, and religious studies. http://library.uncwil.edu/elist3.html | |
27. Africana Studies 100: Issues In African-American Music Encyclopedia of africanamerican Culture and History. and books covering American and canadian history from pre Black studies on disc is available at Africana. http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/afr100.html | |
28. Resources In English Literature sites that have been selected for their relevance to literary studies. 8th century to the present, and American, africanamerican and canadian poetry from http://library.queensu.ca/inforef/english/art_find.htm | |
29. African-American Art Posters - It is the intention of the AAGR to connect all African Frederick Douglass Institute for African and africanamerican studies - Undergraduate courses in African http://www.nebulasearch.com/posters/posters/7164-African-American-Art.html | |
30. ContJourn Race, Gender Class africanamerican Perspectives Volume 6 Race, Gender Class studies in Australia, Canada and Class Perspective On canadian Anti-Racism http://www.suno.edu/sunorgc/ContJourn.htm | |
31. Social Studies K-12 Resources The africanamerican Mosaic, African Maps - CIA - African studies - UPenn, American Frontiers Index - CA, canadian Education, The canadian Teacher-Librarian s http://home.mchsi.com/~albeej/pages/SocStud.html | |
32. Abolition / Slavery Resources for Interactivity, Pamphlets african-american Perspectives - Library Center, Testimony of the canadian Fugitives - U Materials - Social studies School Service. http://home.mchsi.com/~albeej/pages/Abolition.html | |
33. Rhodes: Academics: Library: Subject Guides: Women's Studies Bibliographies in Women s studies Wisconsin canadian Women s studies texts of the writings of african-american women project of the Women s studies Section of http://www.rhodes.edu/public/2_0-Academics/2_5-Library/2_5_2-SubjectGuides/2_5_2 | |
34. Cultural Area Studies - Resources By Subject key journals in US and canadian history and the link RETRIEVE FULL TEXT to connect to the LEXISNEXIS History - Access to African American studies Access to http://www.wooster.edu/library/resources/subjects/cultural.html | |
35. History & Social Studies Resources US and canadian papers cross indexed by to enliven your Asian studies or Japanese ethnographic field collection documenting african-american, Arabic, Bahamian http://privateschool.about.com/od/history/ | |
36. Capilano College - Subject Guide: Literary Criticism connect to the Library Catalogue. topBack to top. African American Review, 1992, 1994-, American Quarterly, 1949-72, American Review of canadian studies, 1985-, 1993-. http://www.capcollege.bc.ca/student-services/library/assistance/guides/subjects/ | |
37. East Asian Studies Electronic Resources At The University Of Kansas for works on US and canadian history, see of Titles N/A Subjects africanamerican studies; Anthropology; Asian 1993; Journal of Asian studies (continues Far http://www2.lib.ku.edu/eastasia/ku_electronic_resources.htm | |
38. Electronic Journals Subject Search, Durham University Library connect. Info. African American Review. Literature Online 1994. connect. Info. Erfurt Electronic studies in English. connect. Info. Essays on canadian Writing. http://aesica.dur.ac.uk/delores/e-journals/ejournalssubject.asp?subject=English |
39. African American Religion Society Ethnicity African Africancanadian African American Literature - A the AAGR to connect all African b b African American studies rank 759 http://www.scrubindia.com/meditation/african american religion | |
40. Internet Resources -- Anthropology/Cultures Almanac your internet resource for africanamerican history ; Cybernauts; Asian American Network; Asian canadian site; Best on the Net Multicultural studies . http://wally.rit.edu/internet/subject/cultures.html | |
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