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61. Ethnic & Minority Sites Of Literature In English has links to resources about, and texts of, major African American authors. Women s literature Books or Bibliographies for information on specific writers. http://www.lib.wsc.ma.edu/engeth.htm | |
62. New Page 1 authors, specific Geoffrey Chaucer life, works, quotes literature - seven featured authors, plays literature African American literature Online - guide to http://wolibrary.esuhsd.org/english.htm | |
63. Welcome To The Literature, Language, And Culture Option major writers of the African American literary tradition course presents Modernist American literature from 1918 specific authors and texts will vary, but will http://www.english.vt.edu/languageandliterature/llccourses.htm | |
64. The Expanding Canon: Teaching Multicultural Literature - Authors And Literary Wo forms to escape entrapment either entrapment in a specific time and much Ishmael Reed works within a major tradition in African American literature, and that http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/hslit/session5/aw/work1.html | |
65. Millersville University, Ganser Library biographical information on literary authors who lived are used in a specific academic discipline Oxford Companion to African American literature Format Paper http://library.millersville.edu/guide.cfm?Parent=302 |
66. Literature Resources African American Women s literature Anthology Of Middle English Guide Sixteenth Century Renaissance English literature (14851603) specific authors Resources. http://www7.tamu-commerce.edu/library/lit.htm | |
67. Children's Literature Below are some specific sites Multicultural Resources Native Books; Multicultural Bibliography africanamerican; Multicultural literature in the http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/subjects/childlit.htm | |
68. WebQuest: African American Literature give you a list of authors from whose the internet to find resources on African American literature;; develop criteria team; become an expert in a specific genre; http://www.stedwards.edu/hum/clawson/culf1318/quest.html | |
69. Discuss_ongroups awareness of the diversity of African American literature. of books by and about African American authors. and discussions about specific authors and works. http://www.midyork.org/bookdiscussion/discuss_ongroups.htm | |
70. Selected Language And Literature Web Sites: Internet Bibliographies: New York St of sites devoted to specific subjects, groups Minority literature/Multicultural Resources Links to general includes links to africanamerican, Asian-American http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/reference/litref.htm | |
71. African American Literature 811818 specific forms of American literature in English. African American authors, 1745-1945 bio-bibliographical critical sourcebook Ref 810.989 Afr. http://www.waketech.edu/library/afamlit.html | |
72. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION An investigation of the development of africanamerican literature from the Selected Topics in literature. Study in a specific author, genre, or time period. http://www2.una.edu/english/GRAD COURSES.htm | |
73. Readers' Advisory Service bestseller lists, and genrespecific web sites African American literature Book Club - Complete author index by genre and written by African American authors. http://www.albanypubliclibrary.org/rs/readersadvisory.htm | |
74. GE 111 J The Trickster African American literature. . Encyclopedia of Folklore and literature RR PN41 .E48 1998 Some 350 entries for specific forms, works, and authors examine the http://www.stolaf.edu/library/instruction/biguides/ge111j.html | |
75. Undergraduate Courses In English American literature Survey of africanamerican literature from its (4 038 3) Minority literature Selected works limited periods, movements, or specific themes. http://engphil.astate.edu/UNDERGRADUATE.htm | |
76. WEB Du Bois And Double-consciousness in African American literature with specific attention to Du studies in American literature over the considerations of how African American authors depict and http://www.csudh.edu/dearhabermas/dubois.htm | |
77. Clarion University courses, directories of conferences, African American writers, etc Rutgers provides links to specific authors such as American studies and literature with links http://www.clarion.edu/library/literature.shtml | |
78. BCLS - Literature Romanticism, French literature and specific authors of the their precursors, a movement in literature between 1924 TOP. POETRY AFRICAN AMERICAN POETS AND POETRY http://www.baycountylibrary.org/TeenPage/literature.htm | |
79. Catalogue Descriptions Of Department Of English Course Offerings Study of specific topics in linguistics such as sociolinguistics, phonetics, and 33003 US literature from 1945 to Present. 33011 africanamerican literature. http://www.stark.kent.edu/english/catalog.htm | |
80. English Language And Literature: Selected Internet Resources Links to general resources and resources for specific authors. American literature. African American Women Writers of the 19th Century. http://www.wlu.ca/wwwlib/subject/english/ieng.html | |
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