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21. University Of Mississippi Libraries - English Literature Subject Guide and explanations of anything relating to africanamerican literature. a half pages and include authors, terms, and Entries on novelists, specific novels, types http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/general_library/files/subject/english-lit.html | |
22. English Literature Links -- Brock U overview of historical periods, links to specific authors. a large number of authors and texts Givens Collection on africanamerican literature, people, ideas; http://www.brocku.ca/english/elinks.html | |
23. WSU-English Study of specific genres (drama, poetry, utopia, elegy, pastoral Narratives as evidenced in such authors as Dickinson Studies in africanamerican literature. Cr. http://www.english.wayne.edu/Graduate/lit_culture/ | |
24. African-American Research Links literature General africanamerican Writers A Celebration (the most comprehensive literature resource I ve found). specific authors http://cs1.mcm.edu/~cetheridge/afres.htm | |
25. Todd Cabell's Review By blackness here I mean specific uses of texts, spanning several centuries of africanamerican literature. rhetorical strategies different authors have used http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/railton/enam312/enam712/cabell.html | |
26. English Resources At The University Of Wyoming whatÂs out there on a specific africanamerican woman writer Great scope of womenÂs literature by culture well as excerpts about notable authors, their works http://www-lib.uwyo.edu/SubRes/UWER/uwerbi.ethnicwomenwriters.htm | |
27. Language And Literature Links literature Links (specific authors). africanamerican literature (site is called Writing Black); african-american literature Texts in the UVa Collection; http://gemini.tntech.edu/~aslotkin/langlit.html | |
28. African American Literature - Classic Literature American Library Reference list of works by African American authors. list of links to specific author sites and history of African American literature from its http://classiclit.about.com/cs/africanamlit2/ | |
29. AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE the most significant and popular authors in this in this section dealing with African American literature in general are more interested in a specific genre, go http://www.usc.edu/isd/archives/ethnicstudies/africanamerican/black_lit_main.htm | |
30. African American Literature Collection By Subject headings associated with the Collection of African American literature. list for nonliterature subjects discussed specific authors, titles, or key words not http://www.suffolk.edu/sawlib/speccoll/SpeccolLitsub.htm | |
31. American And English Literature Internet Resources American literature Electronic Texts This site has works of numerous twentieth century american writers and authors on authors and specific periods African American history, culture http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbib.html | |
32. Teacher Oz's Literature And Drama much more, visit my specific authors page of the Shuttle Minority literature Welcome to Diaspora Project @ UCLA African American literature Southern literature http://www.teacheroz.com/literature.htm | |
33. AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE Identities and Issues in literature. Ed. Entries on AfroAmerican authors, issues and specific titles; See category list ÂAfrican American for writers http://www.founders.howard.edu/reference/LiteratureWeb/AFRICAN_AMERICAN_LITERATU | |
34. US Dept Of State - Publications materials, as well as links to specific genres of and online resource documents on literature by and writings of a host of africanamerican writers, ranging http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/oal/amlitweb.htm | |
35. LII - Results For "african American Authors Or Literature" About Subscribe Help Suggest a Site Comments More Search Tools. Advanced Search. Results for african american authors or literature. 1 to 14 of 14. Top 20 subjects. African American literature Online specific kinds of literature. authors see alsoauthors Topics Page, Dramatists, Novelists, Poets. African American literature Americanliterature AfricanAmericanauthors American http://lii.org/search?query=African American (Authors or literature);searchtype= |
36. Tasha's List Of Links -- Literature Online Complete with specific authors, articles and additional SITES About Contemporary literature This site information on authors, African American and American lit http://www.ripon.k12.wi.us/tasha/LIT.HTML | |
37. Research Guides: African American Literature - Boston College of literature by africanamerican authors, arranged alphabetically for Afro-American history and literature. resources/guides/s-africanamerican/ © 2004 The http://www.bc.edu/libraries/resources/guides/s-africanamerican/ | |
38. Looking Back With Pleasure - Society and reading groups for nonrepresented authors and an to the study of African American literature and Culture. Its specific objectives include the following (l http://www.conferences.utah.edu/AALCS/society.html | |
39. BLISS (LIS1001) -- A Brief Overview Of Books, Libraries, And Classification Syst or American literature, further subdivides more specific areas into even more specific divisions, such as American literature. African American authors. http://www.unf.edu/~alderman/BLISS2/librariesoverview.html | |
40. DeWitt Wallace Library - Course Guide - ENGL325 - African American Literature Fr relate more directly to your specific project Date varies) and In Print Contemporary authors. Oxford Companion To African American literature (MAC Ref PS153.N5 http://www.macalester.edu/library/research/course/Engl375AfricanAmericanLitsince | |
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