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1. African-American Literature - BookSpot.com Feature to Zora Neale Hurston, africanamerican authors reach audiences of Chronology of African American literature In addition to the Looking for a specific e-text http://www.bookspot.com/features/afamliterature.htm | |
2. The Archive - Table Of Contents American literature. This page functions as a table of contents and includes a plethora of diverse Internet resources specifically designed for the study of American literature. American literature; the five subsequent sections are divided by time periods. Within each time period, you will find listed specific authors africanamerican Colonial Writings http://www.colorado.edu/English/amlit | |
3. Disney Educational Productions | Cyberlesson also focus in on famous africanamerican children s authors to look up information about specific authors Children s literature Meet authors and Illustrators. http://dep.disney.go.com/educational/lessons?id=36 |
4. Literature Resources@Web English Teacher very extensive collection of links to specific authors. of that information. literature Life The Givens Collection africanamerican literature in historical http://www.webenglishteacher.com/litgeneral.html | |
5. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle africanamerican literature (U. Southern Calif.) African American Women Writers of the for specific criticism, see under individual sections authors) Minority literature Journals http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2746 |
6. African Americans - Literature cwrl.utexas.edu/~bill/316/demo/ex1.html specific authors Angelou, Maya and photo of Cullen is provided, including a discussion on africanamerican literature. http://www.africanamericans.com/Literature.htm | |
7. Internet Resources For English And American Literature of Modern literature. This site connects Internet users to information about and electronic texts of authors like J nonfiction, and poetry. specific. africanamerican Studies A Guide http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/engl/internet.htm | |
8. Kimbel Library, Reference: Bibliographies literatures/AfroAmerican http//vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2746 id153 Excellent text of sites on specific authors and african-american literature in general. http://www.coastal.edu/library/bib17.htm | |
9. African-American Literature resources on africanamerican literature and culture. For links to specific authors, please refer to the American literature authors page. http://www.rlc.dcccd.edu/WorldLang/English/african_american.htm | |
10. Research Guide: African-American Literature works of literature by africanamerican authors, arranged alphabetically by A Handbook for Afro-American literature. concise summaries of specific novels, plays http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/ulib/ref/guides/lit/AfricanAmericanLit.html | |
11. St. Philip's College Learning Resource Center Electronic Databases scholarly journals pertaining to literary authors and topics. 1997) Provides historical information about africanamerican literature, specific social, cultural http://www.accd.edu/spc/lrc/LRCResou/guides/afroam.htm | |
12. African - American Literature .. Term Papers On Black Authors & Their Works concepts are depicted in two specific works, The then compares and contrasts both authors responses to africanamerican literature The Long Arm of Slavery http://www.papers24-7.com/literature1-2.htm | |
13. American Literature sites at the English page Also see sites on specific authors at the Be sure to click on authors at the bottom to see essays on africanamerican literature. http://www.wade.org/AmericanLit.htm | |
14. Children's Literature At Ferrum College Powerful africanamerican Images Revealed in Picture Books by of Appalachian Folktales in Children s literature by Tina specific authors and Works of literature http://www.ferrum.edu/thanlon/chlit/ | |
15. Williams College Library - Subject Guides - Theater - Harlem Renaissance E184.6.L53 1995 The africanamerican mosaic a are Readers Guide to Periodical literature, International Index can also search the names of specific authors. http://www.williams.edu/library/subjectguides/theatre/harlem.html | |
16. Author Research Pathfinder - Snohomish High School Library Masterpieces of africanamerican literature. Survey of Contemporary literature. of biographies and literary criticism on individual authors and specific works of http://shs.sno.wednet.edu/SHS-pages/Library/author_research.htm | |
17. Anglo-American Literature And Comparative Literature courses about specific authors and chronological to the works of individual authors . african-american literature 4 Children s literature Bibliography 4 http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/cdangloamerican.html | |
18. Friday Status Report, April 11, 2003 how to find books written by africanamerican authors in NoveList. ethnic groups and authors from specific countries adding the word fiction or literature to an http://www.accesspa.state.pa.us/stat_report_4_11_03.htm | |
19. Authors In Arts > Literature com Book resource focuses on africanamerican authors and the links to websites related to specific authors and their Classics at the Online literature Library. http://ilectric.com/glance/Arts/Literature/Authors/ | |
20. Literature africanamerican Writing Black. Women s Resources on the Internet - Biography and literature links are good sources of information. specific authors AND WORKS. http://library.uwa.edu/Resources/Lit.htm | |
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