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1. Gospel Light: High Impact African-American Churches in any culture, will learn specific steps they study profiles of successful africanamerican churches; Based on Barna and Harry Jackson author bio GEORGE BARNA http://www.gospellight.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=GL&Produ |
2. African-American Literature Search biographies bio search tips because its author was a bonded African American " "Native American " "Gay and Lesbian " etc., have eased readers' searches for specific http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmlit1.html | |
3. African-American Studies of slavery in specific states, religion, economics American drama African American authors biobibliography gender, or author ethnicity (e.g., African American). Off campus http://gulib.lausun.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/africanamer.htm | |
4. English Resources At The University Of Wyoming s out there on a specific africanamerican woman writer. Provides authorÂs works, biographies, critical Contemporary authors; A bio-bibliographical Guide to http://www-lib.uwyo.edu/SubRes/UWER/uwerbi.ethnicwomenwriters.htm | |
5. How To Write A Press Release 5. author bio Again, the key here is to be is the approach taken from an africanamerican poetÂs and relationships are not culturally specific, but there is http://www.janetteowens.com/How to Write a Press Release.htm |
6. Slippery Slopes And Proliferating Prizes is, ÂI donÂt have any africanamerican kids in my no matter how knowledgeable about the specific subject he strictly on its own merits, not its author bio. http://www.hbook.com/article_aronson.shtml | |
7. African-American Biographies For Children And Young Adults focus on a different figure in africanamerican history times, and interests, or from the author s own interest How much specific attention is given to race and http://www.pauahtun.org/Bio-proj.ect.html | |
8. Shades Of 1983 -- In These Times to trust that Obama will speak to their specific issues without For ChicagoÂs africanamerican community, nationalist support generally confers author bio. http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/shades_of_1983/ | |
9. PART9: American Modernism By organizing each chapter around a specific work of art, first serve as important surveys of the rich history of africanamerican visual culture author s bio . http://dsc.gc.cuny.edu/part/modernism/reviews/hallo_print.html | |
10. PART9: American Modernism By organizing each chapter around a specific work of art, first serve as important surveys of the rich history of africanamerican visual culture author s bio . http://dsc.gc.cuny.edu/part/modernism/reviews/hallo.html | |
11. African American Studies: Bibliography Of Resources At The WWU Libraries Speeches Also search by author to locate speeches by specific individuals. africanamerican Orators A bio-Critical Sourcebook. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/subjguides/africanamericans.html | |
12. African American Art And Artists. Carlagirl Photo. individual artistic personality within a specific cultural background historically solid survey of African American art. (Choice) author bio Samella Lewis http://www.carlagirl.net/words/afamart.html | |
13. WPL AUTHOR CATALOGS Pegasos, Finland) Detailed bio/biblio info on about looking for someone specific, search here for the and Comprehensive American author Catalogs. Regional American. African American http://www.waterborolibrary.org/authors.htm | |
14. African American Studies Research Guide including information specific to African American regional populations organized by author, points to periodical Contemporary African American Novelists A bioBibliographical http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/aframer.htm | |
15. LBCC Resources For African American Poets African American Writers. Ref PS 153 .N5 A344. American National biography. bio Ref CT 213 on a specific piece of information. Sample fields are subject, author, and publication name http://lib.lbcc.edu/monicawhite/orientations/poets.html | |
16. African American Studies Research Guide African and African American Studies. Ready Reference. Searching for Books. Bibliographies and Indexes. EJournals. Libraries/ Archives. WWW Sites American, African, and Caribbean authors a bio-bibliography specific subject you are seeking. You may search for books using the Five College Online Library Catalog by author http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/guides/africanamerican.shtml | |
17. News, Articles, Book Reviews Content - Minority Professional Network (MPN) author bio author s Name is representing a Midwestbased writer who is composing a manuscript on the real life work experiences of african-american women who http://www.minorityprofessionalnetwork.com/articledata.asp?id=283 |
18. African-American Bibliography- History Research Center. author and Added Entry Catalog of the Americana, 15531906 author Catalog of the bio-Bibliography. bio-Bibliographies in Afro-American and African Studies, no http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Bibliography/AFAM_History.html | |
19. Prof. Tony Martin Martin is the author of thirteen books and numerous film which was produced by africanamerican filmmaker Stanley The Whirlwind, Martin believes a bio-pic on http://www.blacksandjews.com/Prof_Tony_Martin.html | |
20. African-American Studies at http//www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/, Dictionaries American drama African American authors bio information about the author; a list http://www.library.georgetown.edu/guides/africanamerican/africanamer.htm | |
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