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61. Kent State University - Libraries And Media Services - Author Biobibliography: S reviews and scholarship, bibliography of author s works, and of the South A bioBibliographical Sourcebook African American Women Writers of the 19th Century http://www.library.kent.edu/subjects/english_studies/biography.html | |
62. NAAAL Editors general Editor Professor of American and AfroAmerican Literature, University of Wisconsin, Madison Associate editor of the African American Review; author of http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/naaal/editors.htm | |
63. 20th Century African American Poetry, English 460 can be searched by keywords, author, date, and by series features lengthy signed biobibliographical articles Oxford Companion to African American Literature. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/afampoet.html | |
64. AISR: VUE: Perry Article Small Schools and Race VUE Number 2, Fall 2003 Back to Table of Contents author s bio Reflections of an African American on the Small Schools Movement By http://www.annenberginstitute.org/VUE/fall03/Perry.html | |
65. General Books - PriceGrabber.com - Comparison Shopping Beyond Compare general Results 1 25 of 884 Sorted by Title, author Melvyn Bragg. African American English in the Diaspora. author Shana Poplack , Sali Tagliamonte. http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_attrib_books.php/bkcat2=1095 | |
66. Some Southeastern Ohio Afro-American Notables: Biographical Sketches Johnson, Beulah A. Premier African American historian of Gallia County. (Abolitionist author /Morgan County/Zanesville) bio/bibliographic data http://www.seorf.ohiou.edu/~xx057/notables.html | |
67. The Infoplease Crossword Puzzle: African-American Writers This week s theme africanamerican Writers. Wild Seed _ some of the science fiction novels written by Octavia E. Butler. 4. * In 1988, author Toni Morrison http://www.infoplease.com/xwords/bhmwriters.html | |
68. About Us Counsel, Family Justice Please see her bio in the assistant professor of sociology and African American studies at Most recently, he is the author of American http://www.familyjusticeinc.org/home/aboutorg.html | |
69. BU Libraries | African American Theatre authors History And Criticism Bibliography author and subject to the work of ten African American women playwrights X Z1224 F67) is a biobibliographical guide http://www.bu.edu/library/instruction/aframtheatre.html | |
70. Poynter Library African Americans And The Arts Welcome Negroes, 18531952 REF Z1361 .N39W5 Listed alphabetically by author, each entry is Contemporary African American Novelists A bio-bibliographical Sourcebook http://www.nelson.usf.edu/reference/afro_arts.html |
71. Patty Keefe Durso Studies Center U of Penn African American History and bio/links Alice Walker website bio/anecdotal - Visions of of Alice Walker Featured author Alice Walker http://blake.montclair.edu/~dursop/pkd_links.htm | |
72. The University Of Rochester Public Web Forums - I Need African American History author, Topic I need African American History and bio 111 Re I need African American History and bio 111 « Reply 2 on I have the bio book and study guide for http://cif.rochester.edu/~bb/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=books;action=display;num |
73. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print African American Studies general There are 4840 books in this aisle. Browse the aisle by Title by author by Price See recently arrived used books in this http://www.powells.com/subsection/AfricanAmericanStudiesGeneral.html | |
74. Powell's Books - This Far By Faith: Stories From The African American Religious Experience author Williams, Juan author Dixie, Quinton American Studies Subject Ethnic Studies African American Studies - general Subject African http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/partner?partner_id=25631&cgi=biblio&show=HARDCOVE |
75. EMedia-Traders.com - EMedia-Traders Home Single author *, American, Single author African American, Single author - Asian American, More Political Science. general, Arms Control, City Planning Urban http://www.emedia-traders.com/emediatraders/showPage?pageName=index§ion=&act |
76. Multicultural Literature Resources There are author, title and subject indexes at the end of this Nelson, Emmanuel S., ed. African American authors, 17451945 a bio-bibliographical Critical http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/multicultural.html | |
77. African American Studies Reference Sources -- Africana Library, Cornell Universi by 400 female poets are indexed; author, title, first Masterplots II African American Literature Series AfroAmerican Artists A bio-bibliographical Directory http://www.library.cornell.edu/africana/Library/AA_Studies.html | |
78. Author's Guide For books with more than one author, make sure that same order in both the title and the bio. black (not African American; use when referring to US citizens or http://www.shrm.org/books/howToPublish/authorGuide.asp | |
79. African American Studies - Research Guide AfroAmericana, 1553-1906 author catalog of the A directory of African American library and archival A bio-bibliographical directory of early African American http://gethelp.library.upenn.edu/guides/afam/afam.html | |
80. Dance Books: Catalogue: Jazz - General Books Jazz general. Jazz dance. author Stearns, Marshall Jean Stearns. Steppin on the blues, the visible rhythms of African American dance. http://www.dancebooks.co.uk/catalogFiles/cat033.asp | |
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