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1. African Studies - Human Rights international Organizations. Human rights and Governance in africa. A. B. C Press Conference of Human rights and civil Society Groups Who Visited Odi, Bayelsa State, December 8, 1999 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/IORights.html | |
2. ASIL Electronic Resource Guide Human Rights headings HUMAN rights; civil rights or civil rights (international LAW). Some books on human rights cataloged before http//www.africaunion.org). This site does not offer too much http://www.asil.org/resource/humrts1.htm | |
3. Civil Liberties And Civil Rights: General 1995, draft report; South africa Human rights Centre for international and ComparativeHuman rights civil rights, Discrimination and You Maryland State Bar http://www.lectlaw.com/inll/93.htm | |
4. International League Of Human Rights The international League for Human rights has worked to keep human of a just and civil society in their homelands also contributes to the africa Commission and the Organization http://www.ilhr.org/ | |
5. Web Resources: Civil Society And Human Rights Amnesty international 2000 Reports africa http//www.web.amnesty.org/web/ar2000web.nsf/africa. CivilLiberties Organization, Yaba, Lagos http//www.ned.org http://www.waado.org/WebResources/CivilSociety.html | |
6. African American Activist And Civil Rights Leader Bayard Rustin at age 75 after spending more than 20 years working on international civil and humanrights issues involving people in Vietnam, South africa, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe http://www.africanamericans.com/BayardRustin.htm | |
7. Civil Liberties And Civil Rights: General Law: Internet Law Library international Covenant on civil and Political rights (July 1994) Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) (abortion) Romania Constitution title 2, chapter II (Fundamental rights africa Bill of http://www.priweb.com/internetlawlib/93.htm |
8. Civil War In Sierra Leone (Focus On Human Rights), May 2000 international troops " said Peter Takirambudde, Executive Director of the africa division of Human rights human rights, the international community is that human rights is part http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/sierra | |
9. BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR RESEARCH ON INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR RESEARCH ON international HUMAN rights LAW. David Weissbrodt and Marci Hoffman(1) A. Compilations of Human rights Instruments. 1. United Nations (U.N.) 2. international Labour Organisation (ILO) 3. U.N. Major Human rights Instruments. 1. international Covenant on civil and Political rights and Optional Protocols The international Law of Human rights in africa Basic Documents and http://www.umn.edu/humanrts/bibliog/BIBLIO.htm | |
10. HUMANITAS-INTERNATIONAL Press Freedom - Media Censorship - Freedom Of Expression human rights watch human rights violations civil liberties human prisoners women shuman rights prisoners humanity international law africa asia americas http://www.humanitas-international.org/ | |
11. Under A Shadow: Civil And Political Rights In Zimbabwe (Human RIghts Watch, June a direct violation of ZimbabweÂs obligations to uphold freedom of expressionunder the international Covenant on civil and Political rights, to which the http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/africa/zimbabwe060603.htm | |
12. SOSIG: Civil Rights Of Racial Groups Race Native Administration in South africa by Ivan resource, US Department of JusticeCivil rights Division, Browse this resource, international Journal of Human http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World-cat/civilrace.html | |
13. SOSIG: Civil And Political Rights and Protection of Human rights in africa Amnesty international. United Kingdom underArticle 40 of the international Covenant on civil and Political http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World/polcivil.html | |
14. Crime Busters Of South Africa - Civil Rights Messages Add/View messages under civil rights . Ratting on Rampant Crime in South africa . Theunit has close links with similar international watchdog organisations http://www.100megspop2.com/crimebusters/CivilRights.html | |
15. Civil Rights Movement - Encyclopedia Article About Civil Rights Movement. Free A The US civil rights movement in the United States; Apartheid in South africa; Organizationsthat deal with civil rights issues on an international basis tend http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Civil rights movement | |
16. OneWorld Africa - OneWorld Africa Home>In Depth>Human Rights>Civil Rights Story link From Amnesty international USA Related topics/regions NigeriaWest africa africa Religion civil rights Human rights. http://africa.oneworld.net/article/archive/570/ | |
17. R_0149_0508_120 most good books, Cold War civil rights raises some Did international newspapersallow african Americans to politicians and journalists in africa, Asia, and http://www.politicalreviewnet.com/polrev/reviews/PECH/R_0149_0508_120_1002657.as |
18. MPR: U.S. Civil Rights Movement Fueled Anti-apartheid Effort, Tutu Says US civil rights movement fueled antiapartheid effort, Tutu says Tutu says his nativeSouth africa has made He says the international community can play a role http://news.minnesota.publicradio.org/features/2003/02/26_helmsm_tutu/ | |
19. Human Rights IV. Human rights No.2 international Covenant on civil and Political Declaration The Republic of South africa declares that it recognises, for the http://home.earthlink.net/~apronto/treaties/hrights.htm | |
20. Rendering King: Competing Portraits Of The Civil Rights Champion those into a national, even international, movement, added is perhaps the most recognizablecivil rights leader a concern for poverty in Asia, africa and Latin http://www.africana.com/articles/daily/rc20010115render.asp | |
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