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81. AllAfrica.com: Ghana: UN Indigenous Peoples Forum Opens UN indigenous peoples Forum Opens. With native peoples worldwide continuing to encounter systemic prejudice http://allafrica.com/stories/200405120824.html | |
82. Dehai Africa/World News Archive: Indigenous People In South America - A Politica http://dehai.org/archives/AW_news_archive/0320.html | |
83. Mandate Of The Indigenous Peoples of the western hemisphere to block implementation by the indigenous Nations and peoples of the applied after World War II to the African continent and http://www.tonatierra.org/mandate.html | |
84. The African Commission On Human And Peoples' Rights Group on the Rights of indigenous Populations/Communities The African Commission on Human peoples Rights was by the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) 23rd http://www.iwgia.org/sw249.asp | |
85. Csoc316.htm Massachusetts.Cultural Survival helps indigenous people and ethnic Studies Presents the indigenous Studies section well as to resources for africa, Asia, the http://library.ups.edu/instruct/bachmann/csoc316.htm | |
86. ETHNIC DIVERSITY IN MEXICO - In Mexico Connect - The Site And The Magazine indigenous peoples OF ZACATECAS. Immigration. We begin with the Chinese, African and Jewish immigration, and over time, will add more groups. http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/feature/ethnic/ethnicindex.html | |
87. Indigenous People And Biopiracy Ethnobiology Laboratories at the University of Georgia; africa News Online indigenous People Not Amused By Biodiversity Protocol from 25.May.2000; http://www.thalidomide.ca/gwolbring/bio.htm | |
88. PeaceNews: Breakthrough For South Africa's Indigenous Groups is now owned by the South African government. by the constitutional court states that people who own Dutch legal system and where indigenous Bushmen have http://www.peacenews.info/news/article/181 | |
89. LearningLanguages.Net - Browse Resources Presenting information on all of africa s countries, the site learners interested in the Ainu people, their language The Ainu is an indigenous people who are http://www.learninglanguages.net/SPT--BrowseResources.php?ParentId=22 |
90. "The People's Paths!" North American Indian & Indigenous People! the People s Paths! North American Indian indigenous People! Summer Solstice June 21st, 2002 Phoenix, South africa. and share with other People s Paths folks http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/paths.html | |
91. CIA - The World Factbook -- Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS people living with HIV/AIDS Definition groups Definition Field Listing African 98% (Shona 82 syncretic (part Christian, part indigenous beliefs) 50 http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/zi.html | |
92. Education World® - *Social Sciences : Cultural Studies : Indigenous Peoples : G Australian indigenous Education Conference (AIEC) bringing together people involved in the education of indigenous Australian students. http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=1781 |
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