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1. The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Indigenous Studies CWIS George Manuel Librar general indigenous Studies Resources. indigenous Resources for africa. indigenous Resources for Asia and the political struggles waged by indigenous peoples seek to achieve the full http://www.cwis.org/wwwvl/indig-vl.html | |
2. FWDP -- African Documents An online library of over 500 texts on indigenous peoples throughout the world. PARKIPNY.TXT The indigenous peoples Rights Question in africa - Statement before UNWGIP by Moringe UN Secretary-general Report on the Concerning Western Sahara May 26, 1993 http://www.cwis.org/africa.html | |
3. Indigenous Peoples' Rights & Advocacy Organizations with human rights and indigenous peoples. Some of these and Rama Support Group. general Delivery. Accord, NY 12404 Working Group of indigenous Minorities in Southern africa ( WIMSA) http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/orgindig.htm | |
4. Indigenous Peoples Letter To UN Member State Delegations At The Fifth Committee International Indian Treaty Council. CONSEJO INTERNACIONAL DE TRATADOS INDIOS WORKING FOR THE RIGHTS AND RECOGNITION OF indigenous peoples" indigenous peoples are aware of the UN Secretary general's programmes on "Integrating the african indigenous Organisation, OIPA (africa) Endorsements received after submission http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_2113121.htm | |
5. Africa Indigenous People Baule similar language and, in general, matrilineal inheritance. uea.ac.uk/teaching_modules/africa/cultural_groups_by_country/baule to the Akan peoples who inhabit http://www.archaeolink.com/africa_indigenous_people_baule.htm | |
6. WIPO/INDIP/RT/98/ ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND indigenous peoples. Geneva, July 23 Roberto Castelo. Deputy Director general, World Intellectual Property Science Technology, Cape Town, South africa http://www.wipo.org/eng/meetings/1998/indip | |
7. Indigenous Peoples And The New ÂGlobal Vision On Forests: and discriminated ethnic groups in africa. indigenous peoples themselves insist on the State policies towards indigenous peoples vary greatly. In general, african States tend http://greatrestoration.rockefeller.edu/21Jan2000/Colchester.htm | |
8. The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples not framed in specific indigenous peoples' rights treaties, but are part of more general treaties, like the Universal in Sami) San of South africa. Haudenosaunee Homepage http://www.umn.edu/humanrts/edumat/studyguides/indigenous.html | |
9. Defining 'Indigenous People' are not so easy to draw in Europe or Asia or africa. criteria that must be used to define indigenous peoples for the purposes of any general discussion. http://www.nativeweb.org/info/indigenousdefined.html | |
10. INDIGENOUS PEOPLE - GLOBAL ISSUES: ISSUE AREA SITES africa ASIA. indigenous peoples Web Sites - africa. general RESOURCES. The Saami Council indigenous peoples land environment and sustainable development; http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/indig-issue-areas.html | |
11. OBSTACLES FACED BY INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, NEED TO INTEGRATE ISSUES INTO UN SYSTEM S behalf of youth representatives from africa, Asia, South America and the Pacific up by the general Assembly, so that it could address the concerns and needs of indigenous peoples. http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2003/hr4659.doc.htm | |
12. General Essay On The Religions Of Sub-Saharan Africa colonialism in the 19th century, peoples living in Islam entered SubSaharan africa in the eighth its presence felt among the indigenous peoples who inhabited http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/sub/geness.html | |
13. World Area Studies Internet Resources by area Worldwide africa Asia Caribbean Small Islands World indigenous peoples Misc. Anthropology to World History Horus general/National History http://vax.wcsu.edu/socialsci/area.html | |
14. IPACC - Indigenous Peoples Of Africa Co-ordinating Committee IPACC) is an advocacy network of indigenous peoples organisation in africa. IPACC has over 70 members around the continent. It s Annual general meeting is held http://www.ipacc.org.za/content.asp | |
15. Choike : Indigenous Peoples . Committee IPACC Network of indigenous peoples organisation in africa. IPACC has over 70 members around the continent and its Annual general meeting is held http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/4/34/links.html | |
16. Indigenous Peoples International Summit On Sustainable Summit which took place in Johannesburg, South africa, from 26 reaffirm the vital role of the indigenous peoples in sustainable In general, the WSSD has not been seen http://www.nciv.net/engels/wssd/inheems.htm | |
17. SSRN-Land Claims Of Indigenous Peoples ? The Impact On Property Values: A Compar Land Claims of indigenous peoples ? Values A Comparative Study on South africa and Australia, G. DU PLESSIS Stellenbosch University general JUANITA PIENAAR http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=186349 |
18. Documents indigenous Populations Report of the Secretary-general. on Multiculturalism in africa Peaceful and in situations involving minorities and indigenous peoples. http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/documents.htm | |
19. Indigenous Peoples And The Law: Homepage Glenharrow Holdings v Attorney general explores an Grassroots attorneys in East africa are recording indigenous peoples may have continued to raise their http://www.kennett.co.nz/law/indigenous/ | |
20. Establishment Of A Permanent Forum At The United Nations at the recently concluded 24th Special Session of the general Assembly entitled Cecil Le Fleur IPACC (indigenous peoples of africa Coordinating Committee http://www.dialoguebetweennations.com/timeimmemorial/english/process.asp | |
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