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61. ((( Africa Pulse ))) a people and their elected government must be Media Institute of Southern africa),have condemned Regulatory Authority (MACRA) director general Evance Namanja http://www.africapulse.org/ | |
62. Africa General Business 38 people listed in category general Business . P. Zimbabwean businessman. Modise,Johannes (Joe) South African guerilla leader, government minister http://people.africadatabase.org/n/cat/281/ | |
63. UNESCO Libraries Portal: Libraries/Government/Africa South africa Parliament Since the establishment of the 129). Swaziland GovernmentGovernment policies, speeches, tourism and general information about http://www.unesco.org/webworld/portal_bib/Libraries/Government/Africa/index.shtm | |
64. Columbus World Travel Guide - Africa - Cameroon - General Information general Information Area 475,442 sq km (183,569 sq miles). Head of government PrimeMinister Peter Mafany Musonge There are 24 major African language groups. http://www.travel-guide.com/data/cmr/cmr010.asp | |
65. Columbus World Travel Guide - Africa - Sao Tome And Principe - General Informati Home/Country Guide/africa/São Tomé e PrÃncipe. general Information Area 1001 sqkm (386.5 sq miles). bloodless coup which ousted the government was reported http://www.travel-guide.com/data/stp/stp010.asp | |
66. South Africa -- Government Notice. R. 1182 (1997) the activities in Schedule 1 in general as activities of 5 September 1997, as amendedby government Notice No of section 40 of the South African National Roads http://www.elaw.org/resources/text.asp?ID=2341 |
67. Election Resources On The Internet: General Elections In The Republic Of South A Election Resources on the Internet general Elections in the Republicof South africa by Manuel ÃlvarezRivera. On Wednesday, April http://electionresources.org/za/ | |
68. The Republic Of Botswana ..:- The Government Of Botswana Web Site Botswana has some of africa s last great http://www.gov.bw/home.html | |
69. Angola: Welcome To The Official Web Site Of The Republic Of Angola angola the official web site of the republic of angola government of Angola Signs Concession Extension with Chevron Growth Stability in Southern africa. A Public Service Of The government of Angola is substantially assisted in the http://www.angola.org/ | |
70. InteliHealth: General Health at a handful of hospitals under the government s program The South African healthsystem All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/333/341/382199.html | |
71. Sa Webs Index South African government. Embassies. SA Consulategeneral, Bilboa SA Consulate-general,Los Angeles SA Consulate-general, New York SA Consulate, Mersin (Turkey http://www.gov.za/sa_overview/sa_webs.htm | |
72. General Foreign Government Resources - Doe/Moffitt Libraries - UC Berkeley Libra (African Studies Center, Univ. Caribbean, including academic research and governmentsites, political Eastern European Countries, with general categories for http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/gov_forgen.html | |
73. African Government Information - Doe/Moffitt Libraries - UC Berkeley Library For information on microforms sets, see the government Information Research GuideUS Microform Collections Relating to Subsaharan africa. Library Catalogs. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/gov_africa.html | |
74. AllAfrica.com: Home African Heads of UN and WCC Hold First Meeting. general Kofi Annan and Samuel Kobia,general secretary of likely peace agreement between the government and the http://allafrica.com/ | |
75. AFRICAN OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS 226 p. LOCATION government Documents DT532.W47 1992; IMPRINT Washington, GeneralReference and Bibliography Division TWc; Frenchspeaking West africa; a guide http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/ofguide.html | |
76. Conflict Diamonds taking up this agenda item, the general Assembly recognized and the formation of agovernment of national the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS http://www.un.org/peace/africa/Diamond.html | |
77. The Secretary-General Home Page at which time the troops of the African Mission in to Darfur 21 May The SecretaryGeneralwelcomes the announcement made by the government of Sudan that http://www.un.org/News/ossg/sg/ | |
78. South Africa: Links To Other Sites government Communication and Information Service. South african ConsulateGeneral, Beverly Hills. US South africa Binational Commission. http://www.southafrica-newyork.net/consulate/links.htm | |
79. South Africa Local government The Legal System The 1994 Elections Political Parties InterestGroups Political Elites Media Foreign Relations Relations with African States http://countrystudies.us/south-africa/ | |
80. African Studies: Tanzania Nyerere and the AntiApartheid Struggle (ANC, South africa) See also, the maingovernment web site below. A portal on Tanzania for the general public, with http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/tanzgen.html | |
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