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41. SOUTH AFRICA: Government Backtracks On AIDS Treatment Promise The African National Congress (ANC) government s commitment last only catalyst forthe ANC government s apparent backdown A general election is looming, now set http://www.greenleft.org.au/back/2004/571/571p20b.htm | |
42. South African Government Department Of Environmental Affairs And Tourism both at the Cape africa casualty, preparations for to a historic agreement betweengovernment, organized labour Affairs (DEAT) Director general, Dr Crispian http://www.environment.gov.za/homepage.htm | |
43. BBC News | Africa | Apartheid Government Sought Germs To Kill Blacks Truth and Reconciliation Commission that the apartheid government considered trying hadthe backing of South africa s then Surgeon general, who described http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/africa/newsid_110000/110947.stm | |
44. The Indian Consulate India  at the 58th Session of UN general Assembly Address 14th Loksabha africaIndia Relations  Focus africa Programme of government of India http://www.indconjoburg.co.za/ | |
45. West Africa News in africa and elsewhere, secretarygeneral Kofi Annan Getty Images) Business Day africaAid Liberia Rebels Suspend Cooperation With government Liberian Rebels http://www.westafricanews.com/ | |
46. Calm Returns To Congo After Attempted Coup - West Africa | General of ongoing political paralysis, the government is again Topic http://www.warmafrica.com/index/geo/4/cat/1/a/a/artid/512 | |
47. Secretary-General Concludes West Africa Visit the final leg of his West africa trip in During his trip the Secretarygeneral visitedThe Gambia made at the Commonwealth Heads of government Meeting held in http://www.thecommonwealth.org/Templates/System/LatestNews.asp?NodeID=37730 |
48. South Africa Government Online general Resources South africa government Online. Address http//www.gov.za.Comments Your onestop shop for all things government. http://www.acts.co.za/inst_portal/Inst_portal/South_Africa_Government_Online.htm | |
49. Columbus World Travel Guide - Africa - Liberia - General Information general Information Note Foreigners are advised against all travel to Liberia advicepotential visitors should contact their local government travel advice http://www.worldtravelguide.net/data/lbr/lbr.asp | |
50. Information About South Africa Strelitzia 1 3152. DEAT (1997) White Paper on the Conservation and SustainableUse of South africa s Biological Diversity. government Gazette No. 18163. http://www.ngo.grida.no/soesa/nsoer/general/about.htm | |
51. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - South Africa - Government Contains general information of the Department, legislation Bank of Southern africa(DBSA) Search website; Eastern Cape Provincial government Search Official http://www.austlii.edu.au/links/50715.html | |
52. African Search Engine, Information, Business, News, Web & Portal Link Directory LESOTHO general Information Lesotho Official government Website Link Directory.LIBERIA general Information TLC africa - Search, News Information http://microwho.com/country/africa.html | |
53. CT General Information By the late 1980s continuing resistance to apartheid and South africa s economicisolation from the global community led top government officials to begin http://www.bowdoin.edu/cbbaway/CapetownSA/CTGeneralinformation.html | |
54. Eastern Cape Provincial Government Of The Republic Of South Africa Local government. News Events. general Info. This site provides a ready referenceto information and news about the Eastern Cape province of South africa. http://www.ecprov.gov.za/ | |
55. Internet Service Providers In Africa Other general references. Algeria, Algeria on Internet(Un. of Pen); Ghana andInternet(APC); ISPs NCS; africa Online; Others Ghana government. http://members.tripod.com/~mutiso/bycountry.htm | |
56. Government Publications And Maps: Foreign Governments Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia Governor general; of Solomon Islands; Contactinformation for government and list and Trade. Somalia; South africa Ministries and http://www.library.northwestern.edu/govpub/resource/internat/foreign.html | |
57. GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Africa - Guinea-Bissau - Government Facts And Figure Kumba YALA in September 2003; general Verissimo Correia 28% cabinet NA head of governmentPrime Minister Political parties and leaders African Party for the http://www.geographyiq.com/countries/pu/Guinea-Bissau_government.htm | |
58. FRENCH WEST AFRICA FRENCH WEST africa. government general OF FRENCH WEST africa. Chronologyof French administrative structures in West africa 1626 The http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Rotunda/2209/French_West_Africa.html | |
59. Worldwide Gazeteer - South Africa general information at osinga.com. Research South africa yourself using our guidedsearch grid. See our full list of US government South africa information http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~c-allen/Countries/South Africa.htm | |
60. Kim Du Toit - General Topic Essays was preAIDS africa too) and in general, succumbing to thing altogetherrare inEurope, common in africa. with a stable system of government, which follows http://www.kimdutoit.com/dr/essays/essays.php?id=P82 |
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