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1. Ancient Civilizations In Africa civilizations OF ancient africa. INTERNET RESOURCES. Ty Benoit. History Instructor. Sites related to the ancient world are added each day to the Internet. It's hard to keep track of all of them! http://www.butte.cc.ca.us/~tben/egypt/egypt.html | |
2. African History On The Internet - Kingdoms And Ancient Civilizations A guide to internet resources on african kingdoms and ancient civilizations. Kingdoms / ancient civilizations. Search Countries. Topics africa Guide. Suggest a Site Chronology with descriptions for ancient africa, african Empires, african Slave Trade http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/history/hisking.html | |
3. Ancient Africa In The Electronic Passport Brief background information on the ancient civilizations and cities of ancient africa including Nok, Ghana, Kush, and Timbuktu. http://www.mrdowling.com/609ancafr.html |
4. Pictureshow: Ancient Civilizations Series: Africa Pictureshow Introduce your students to the fascinating and diverse civilizations of africa. ancient africa. ancient civilizations. Social Studies. The ancient World. World Culture. World Geography africa. World History http://www.nationalgeographic.com/education/teacher_store/products/WE93350.html | |
5. Ancient Civilizations Theme Page related to the study of ancient civilizations. Students and teachers will study of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Greece, Rome, Maya, Inca, and africa http://www.cln.org/themes/ancient.html | |
6. Ancient Civilizations Museum On The Web Presented by the William Penn Charter School Sixth Grade, this multimedia presentation explores the ancient civilizations of China, Canaan, India, Mesopotamia, Maya and early africa. http://www.kidsnewsroom.com/elmer/infoCentral/frameset/civilizations/ | |
7. Museum Grant Clever ideas and class projects for Early Man, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and ancient africa. http://www.cmi.k12.il.us/Urbana/projects/AncientCiv/ | |
8. Daily Life In Ancient Civilizations Mrs Donn's. Special Sections. Awesome Library Star Rating. ancient Egypt. ancient Greece. ancient Rome. ancient India. ancient China. We're Published! Please take a look at the Mr Donn and Maxie Series if you had lived in ancient Sparta? ( Lie, cheat, steal Upright Man" travel from africa to America without a boat http://members.aol.com/Donnclass/indexlife.html | |
9. Early Africa Brief background on the Kush and Nok, two ancient African civilizations. http://barney.gonzaga.edu/~sbennet3/mead/lessonplans/EarlyAfrica.htm | |
10. Ancient Civilizations http //civilization.ca/aborig/inuvial/indexe.h ancient africa Informationabout ancient africa. http //penncharter.com/Student/africa/index.ht http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/Ancient_Civilizations/ | |
11. Ancient Civilizations: Egypt - Greek And Roman - Middle East - Africa Europe (Greece, Rome, Middle Ages) Middle East, Asia and africa before 1500 AD AncientCivilizations Near East, Egypt, Minoan, Crete and Mycenae, Greek and Roman http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/ancient.htm | |
12. Archaeolink.com Archaeology, Anthropology, Ancient Civilizations - Social Studie review. ancient civilizations. ancient africa Aztec ByzantineEmpireCambodia Celts China Egypt Etruscan General Resources. Germanic http://www.archaeolink.com/ | |
13. Ancient African Civilizations Ancient Africa The ancient Nok in the Electronic Passport Here is a brief overview ofthe Nok, one of ancient africa s lesser known ancient civilizations. http://www.archaeolink.com/ancient_african_civilizations.htm | |
14. Ancient Africa Hooker http//www.wsu.edu8080/~dee/CIVAFRCA/CIVAFRCA.HTM Textbased website providesan overview of the development of ancient civilizations in africa. http://42explore.com/africa.htm | |
15. Ancient Civilizations Featuring China, Canaan, India, Mesopotamia, Maya, and africa. ancient Life ancientLife See Profiles of ancient civilizations. Short sweet and to the point. http://www.geocities.com/raqta24/CIV.htm | |
16. States, Empires, And Kingdoms Investigate the ancient history and early civilizations of africa, including ancientEgypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia. You are here About History african History. http://africanhistory.about.com/cs/eraancient/ | |
17. Civilizations In Africa: Ghana In ancient times, the Egyptians and http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/CIVAFRCA/GHANA.HTM | |
18. Tradition And Memory: World Cultures To 1500 Schedule Readings. OnLine Text ancient Japan, Feudal Japan Text File ancient Japan,Text File civilizations and Traditional Culture in africa. Readings. On http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/110/110SCHED.HTM | |
19. Ancient Civilizations includes Maya, Mesopotamia, Mali Songhai. The Inca Trail and Machu Picchu.ancient civilizations China, India, Mayan, Mesopotamia, africa. africa. http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listancientmr88.html | |
20. Homework Center - Ancient & Classic Cultures you with the technology and human ingenuity of these civilizations by attempting http//physics.nist.gov/GenInt/Time/time.htmlAncient calendars, the africa. http://www.multcolib.org/homework/anchsthc.html | |
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