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101. Asian And African Languages Research in the languages, literatures and cultures of East Africa, Turkey, the Middle East, North Africa, Iran, afghanistan, Central Asia, Pakistan, and India, as well as the history of the IndoEuropean and Semitic languages. http://www.afro.uu.se/eng.html | |
102. Afghanistan Dossier: A Cultural Crossroads All these movements of peoples, goods and ideas made afghanistan a cultural treasuretrove,and various sites were listed on the UNESCOÂs World Heritage List http://www.rnw.nl/humanrights/afghanistan/html/culture001025.html | |
103. Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage afghanistan s Cultural Heritage. afghanistan has a rich and long cultural heritage. Itwas under the Timurids that afghanistan reached its cultural zenitth. http://www.student.city.ac.uk/~rc391/betty/Afghanpage1i.html | |
104. Afghanistan's Rich Cultural Heritage In Ruins Ehsanullah Mamundzai of the SPACH (Society for the Preservation of afghanistan sCultural Heritage) says that during the 1980s, the cultural heritage of http://www.atimes.com/c-asia/DB06Ag01.html | |
105. Dari Language, member of the Iranian branch of the IndoIranian family of languages; it is,along with Pashto, one of the two official languages of afghanistan. http://www.sabawoon.com/afghanpedia/Language.Dari.shtm | |
106. National Geographic: Afghanistan - Educational Resources map of afghanistan, and determine how the cultural differences in afghanistancompare, statistically, to the cultural differences within their classroom. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/landincrisis/education.html | |
107. National Geographic: Afghanistan - Maps, News, Photos, More Help kids understand afghanistan and cultural conflict online activities,teachers guides, lesson plans, and more. National Geographic http://www.nationalgeographic.com/landincrisis/ | |
108. Culture Without Context: Issue 11, Afghan Cultural Heritage In Norway For example, UNESCO and the Ministry of Information and culture of Afghanistanorganized in May 2002 an international seminar about the rehabilitation of http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/IARC/cwoc/issue11/afghanscrolls.htm | |
109. Afghanistan's Lost Cultural Heritage November 28th, 2001 (second hour). afghanistan s Lost Cultural Heritage. http://archives.theconnection.org/archive/2001/11/1128b.shtml | |
110. HERITAGE @ RISK: AFGHANISTAN The Society for the Protection of afghanistan s Cultural Heritage (SPACH) isespecially committed to the rescue of the sites and cultural property of http://www.international.icomos.org/risk/afgha_2000.htm | |
111. Cultural Terrorism international outcry caused the Taliban high command to prohibit the Buddhas destruction and promise that the cultural heritage of afghanistan would be http://www.archaeology.org/0105/newsbriefs/afghan.html | |
112. Visiting Arts | Publications | Afghanistan: A Cultural Overview afghanistan A Cultural Overview. Click here for information on afghanistanA Cultural Overview, afghanistan A Cultural Overview. http://www.visitingarts.org.uk/publications/03afghanistan.html | |
113. Taliban Regime Sets Out To Obliterate Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage bodies and governments. Taliban regime sets out to obliterate afghanistan scultural heritage. By Sarath Kumara 7 March 2001. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/mar2001/afgh-m07.shtml | |
114. Bureau Of Educational And Cultural Affairs  U.S. Department Of State States April 26, 2004 In support of the administration s ongoing commitment to rebuildingAfghanistan, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs welcomed http://exchanges.state.gov/ | |
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