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Afghanistan Cooking: more detail | |||||||
81. Afghanistan/Central Asia - Aid For Afghan Refugess - 2002 - Emergencies - Disast But for Rahilla, afghanistan s latest war has brought two good thingssome much-needed herfamily received a two-month supply of flour, cooking butter, sugar http://www.lwr.org/emergencies/02/afghan/index.asp | |
82. Oxfam Canada - Oxfam News - Review Of Emergency Programmes In Afghanistan - Sept include 50kg rice, 8kg grams and beans, 1kg tea and 5 litres of cooking oil, instead fora heavy onslaught in the region from the USled attack on afghanistan. http://www.oxfam.ca/news/Afghanistan/programmeSummary.htm | |
83. Help The Afghan Children the Internally Displaced People in Northern afghanistan Our last trip to afghanistanin the We distributed 239 tons of food aid (wheat, sugar, cooking oil) and http://www.helptheafghanchildren.org/projects_emergency_timeline.htm | |
84. Newsletters - Uganda Women Begin Cooking With Sun Power Incidentally, with funding from Rotary Clubs, Sun Ovens has shipped large VillageSun Ovens to afghanistan to help with cooking in refugee camps there. http://www.iesc.org/iescnews2.nsf/0/9020a6e238639ab785256b6b006e331f?OpenDocumen |
85. BBC - Radio4 - Today - Edward Stourton - Diary From Afghanistan afghanistan diary By Edward Stourton, to be a cook, but he is apparently engagedin shaving off his beard this evening so I am reduced to cooking pasta with http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/today/reports/archive/international/afghanistan_diar | |
86. 2001 Winter in midDecember to provide relief goods to refugees in northern afghanistan and the family-sizepack in which they put rice, wheat, tea leaves, cooking oil and http://taipei.tzuchi.org.tw/tzquart/2001wi/qw3.htm | |
87. Uzbekistan Cooking/Eating, Travel Products And Kara-Kalpak, Russian, Tajik, Uzbe Products, 2 products specific to Uzbekistan are available in 2 categories. cooking/Eating(1). Travel (1). Geography. Location Central Asia, north of afghanistan. http://www.worldlanguage.com/Countries/Uzbekistan.htm | |
88. Taiwan Salutes 2002. afghanistan. Blankets, cooking utensils, buckets, plastic bags, winterclothing, shoes, and other relief provisions (valued at US$150,000). http://www.gio.gov.tw/taiwan-website/5-gp/ts911/911_12.htm | |
89. Afghanistan Online afghanistan Online provides updated news and information on Afghan culture, history, politics, society, languages, sports, publications, communities, economy, and much more. The site also has a http://www.afghan-web.com/ | |
90. Afghan Cooking Channel Afghan cooking Channel provides you with over 35 recipes of to us, please email us @ cooking@afghannework.net. Visit our cooking Bookshop for books and utensils for cooking !!! http://www.afghan-network.net/Cooking | |
91. Continuing War In Afghanistan Intensifies Demand For Solar Cookers year we carried out a project in a camp for Internally Displaced Families in afghanistan. thesummer, although many familes had little food to cook anyway and http://solarcooking.org/sbrown1.htm | |
92. Ethnic Cooking And Culture a variety of information on the subject, covering countries (from Afghanistanto Vietnam), culture, cooking methods, ingredients, and of course, recipes. http://www.tcps.k12.md.us/ehs/lib/ethcook.html |
93. European And Pacific Stars & Stripes and Staley cook for some of the worldÂs toughest customers a Provincial ReconstructionTeam of soldiers and civilians rebuilding afghanistan; Army Special http://www.estripes.com/article.asp?article=20268 |
94. DefendAmerica News - Profile Article Staff Sgt. Tony Taylor, 1st Cook, Forward Logistics Element, Joint LogisticsCommand, Masare Sharif, afghanistan. ÂI pride myself http://defendamerica.mil/profiles/june2003/pr061103a.html | |
95. HORIZON INTERNATIONAL NEWSLETTER With the growing humanitarian crisis in afghanistan, students from the Abess Centerfor Each oven can cook over 1,200 meals per day using just the sun for fuel http://www.solutions-site.org/newsletter/2001/winter/afghanistan.htm | |
96. Ghost Wars: The Secret History Of The CIA, Afghanistan, & Bin Laden, From The So Ghost Wars The Secret History of the CIA, afghanistan, Bin Laden,from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001. Written by Steve http://20th-century-history-books.com/1594200076.html | |
97. Afghanistan : Business And Investment Opportunities Yearbook Browse Choose a subject http://www.allbookstores.com/book/0739775758 | |
98. Engendering Nation Building Of Afghanistan Towards A Strategy life, to squat down next to a choking fire to cook, and feel and human development,for women s development, for the overall nation building of afghanistan. http://www.worldbank.org.af/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/SOUTHASIAEXT/AFGHANISTANEX | |
99. Haaretz - Israel News - Article human or animal. Until the end of the Taliban regime in afghanistan,Qaida experimented with chemical weapons in afghanistan. The US http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=211373 |
100. Afghanaid Bookshop - Buy Books On Afghanistan And Raise Funds For Afghanaid afghanistan the Forgotten War - cover. afghanistan A Land in Shadows -cover, afghanistan A Land in Shadow Chris Johnson Oxfam (UK Ireland) 1998. http://www.afghanaid.org.uk/bookshop/ | |
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