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Afghanistan Cooking: more detail | |||||||
42. Margarita's International Recipes: Afghanistan - Qaubili Pilau afghanistan. Qaubili Pilau. Remove the meat and set aside save the juicefor cooking the rice. Cut 2 carrots into toothpick size pieces. http://www.marga.org/food/int/afghanistan/pilau.html | |
43. Margarita's International Recipes: Afghanistan - Firnee afghanistan. Whatever the case, as I am now cooking international food so as toexplore different culinary traditions, I could not leave desserts aside. http://www.marga.org/food/int/afghanistan/firnee.html | |
44. Afghanistan: Summary Of Developments (December 10, 2001) five containers of relief supplies from its warehouse in Denver for distributionin afghanistan. The supplies include blankets, cooking utensils, water http://www.worldvision.org/worldvision/comms.nsf/stable/afghan_20011210 | |
45. Afghanistan Main Interactive Web Site, Made By Afghans For Afghans forget to mention during cooking the chicken u must put it on high heat? lol. Replyby *SHAUPARAK* On 8/20/2003 35752 PM yaadeeeee afghanistan bakhair kay http://www.afghansite.com/viewtopic.asp?id=4 |
46. Women Making History Today | Csmonitor.com female aid workers targets of rogue violence After a French aid worker was rapedsome Western women consider leaving afghanistan. From cooking to controversy http://www.csmonitor.com/atcsmonitor/specials/women/world/world062602.html | |
47. Bin Laden Fled To Iran, Cook Says Csmonitor.com He says he has spent the past 13 years in afghanistan, and that in addition to endof November or the beginning of December, Akram says he was cooking in his http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0206/p01s02-wosc.html |
48. Margarita's Afghani Recipes I was very excited to start by cooking Afghani food because I havealways been fascinated by afghanistan and its people. Situated http://www.lacabe.com/marga/food/int/afghanistan/ | |
49. Afgan Women's Association International-Solar Project Solar cooking Project. There is a dire shortage of fuel for cookingin afghanistan and where refugees are in Pakistan. Either fuel http://www.awai.org/solar.html | |
50. Marjorie Cohn: Why Iraq And Afghanistan? It's About The Oil Operation Enduring Freedom will allow oil corporations freedom to exploit Afghanistanfor profit, while the Afghans Jeffrey St. Clair Book cooking at Boeing. http://www.counterpunch.org/cohn07302003.html | |
51. The Temple Solar Oven Project SUN OVEN to help feed refugees in afghanistan. Using the sun to cook food will allowthe space on planes and trucks that was used to transport cooking fuel to http://www.rotarysolarovens.org/crisis.html | |
52. IEARN : Projects The ovens will be used in northern afghanistan at the IDP camp at Dashti-Qala ofOctober 25 there were 61,000 families living in this camp and cooking fuel is http://www.iearn.org/projects/solarcookerscampaign.html | |
53. InterAction.org | Disaster Response response to the earthquake in afghanistan, Oxfam is supplying tents and warm blanketsas well as supplementary food packages such as rice, cooking oil, wheat http://www.interaction.org/afghanquake/ | |
54. Afghanistan - Humanitarian Relief - Relief central local presence is UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission in afghanistan)headed up Food (chiefly staples, eg wheat, rice, flour, cooking oil, sugar). http://www.tradepartners.gov.uk/afghanistan/relief/ |
55. SNI AFGHANISTAN SITUATION REPORT SNI afghanistan SITUATION REPORT April 20, 2001. over 633 MT of WFP wheat and aspart of OFDAÂs emergency relief six thousand liters of cooking oil, 2,360 http://www.institute-for-afghan-studies.org/dev_xyz/hfactor/sni_situation_report | |
56. TDH Afghanistan (Letter From Afghanistan Vol.6. Page) of April WHO arrived with 46.220 vaccines and Swedish Committee for afghanistan(SCA) provided the winter as well as to provide fuel and cooking utensils and http://www.tdhafghanistan.org/newsletter6.htm | |
57. TDH Afghanistan (Projects8 Page) families (IDP) arrived in Rustaq following the fierce fighting in Taloqan, northernAfghanistan. the winter as well as to provide fuel and cooking utensils and http://www.tdhafghanistan.org/projects8.htm | |
58. Authentic Ethnic Cookbooks Accustomed herself to cooking these dishes in England, she adds practical advice issupplied on eating habits and traditions, and foodstuffs, in afghanistan. http://www.foodbooks.com/ethnic.htm | |
59. MSN Encarta - Afghanistan In eastern and southeastern afghanistan, forest lands amounted to 1.4 million hectares(3.3 scarcity of fuel, and the need for firewood for cooking and heating http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761569370/Afghanistan.html | |
60. Rebuilding A War-torn Country 4, 2003. Thai soldiers helping reconstruct afghanistan are spreading the word aboutthe kingdom s culinary and kickboxing skills with their cooking and coaching http://www.thaiembdc.org/pressctr/pr/thainafghan.html | |
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