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161. Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP)... NASA's program for enrichment of high school students is the Summer High School Apprenticeship research Program (SHARP). SHARP is designed to attract underrepresented minorities and women to aerospace careers. http://www.nasajobs.nasa.gov/stud_opps/employment/SHARP.htm | |
162. Welcome To Hankuk Aviation University Provides education in aviation, aerospace engineering, flight operations, and avionics technology. With admissions information, research, international exchanges, and academic calendar. Located in Koyang City, Gyeonggido. http://mercury.hangkong.ac.kr/eng/index2.htm |
163. Group 12 Headquarters Illinois Wing Civil Air Patrol Contains information and current activities, including search and research operations, aerospace education, composite wing programs (adults and youth), and photo gallery. http://ilwg.cap.gov/group12/ |
164. Human Factors At NASA Ames Research Center NASA's Human Factors research and Technology Division supports humancentered design in complex aerospace information systems using experiments and models of human capabilities and human-machine interaction to enhance system safety, reliability and performance. Site includes current projects, reports, history and organization. http://human-factors.arc.nasa.gov/ | |
165. Aerospace Physiology Laboratory Conducts research related to human physiological responses and adaptations to Terrestrial and Space environments. Located within the School of Kinesiology and headed by Dr Andrew Blaber. http://www.sfu.ca/~ablaber | |
166. Erie Press Manufactures variety of fabrication equipment. Includes stretch forming machinery, super plastic forming presses, custom aerospace forming machinery, and research grade optical telescope mounts. http://www.lfindustries.com | |
167. AME - AME Home The AME Department offers undergraduate programs in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering. AME offers graduate programs leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and nuclear engineering. research activities are concentrated in the broad areas of aerospace, Computational fluid dynamics, Computational Multibody Dynamics, Bioengineering, mechanics, and thermal and energy science. http://www.ame.arizona.edu/ | |
168. Texas A&M University - Aerospace Engineering Admissions, research, general information, curriculum, laboratories, people, student organizations, awards and recognitions, employment news, site map, and events. http://www.tamu.edu/00/academic/aaaacw.html | |
169. Rutgers Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering Information, events, programs, research, people. http://mechanical.rutgers.edu/ | |
170. Aylesbury Grammar School WebSite A technology college that has links with sponsor companies such as British aerospace and research Machines. http://www.ags.bucks.sch.uk/ | |
171. Boston University - College Of Engineering Majors offered in aerospace and mechanical, biomedical, electrical and computer, and manufacturing engineering. Information on the graduate program and current research. http://www.bu.edu/eng/ | |
172. University Of Tennessee Space Institute Home Page Official site for this UT branch that supports professional development of engineers and scientists through graduate education, interdisciplinary research and transfer of aerospace technology. Student handbook, degrees and courses offered, and other information. http://www.utsi.edu/ | |
173. DLR - German Aerospace Center Welcome to the DLR. These Pages have moved to. http//www.dlr.de/DLRHomepage. Author dlr-infomaster@dlr.de. http://www.dlr.de/dlr_welcome.html | |
174. NAS Systems Division At NASA Ames Research Center NAS Systems Division at NASA Ames research Center The NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) division is part of the Ames research Center Information Sciences and Technology Directorate. The NAS home http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.nas.nasa.gov/index.html&y=025DF7 |
175. National Research Council Canada: From Discovery To Innovation / Conseil Nationa Translate this page Principal organisme de recherche en sciences et en technologie du Canada, le Conseil national de recherches Canada (CNRC) est un chef de file de la http://www.nrc.ca/ | |
176. Welcome To ONERA - Toulouse Research Center ONERA Toulouse research Center (ONERA-CERT) is also the research center of SUPAERO, the French National Aeronautics and Space Engineer School. http://www.cert.fr/index.a.html | |
177. CIRA - Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher recommended. A resolution of 800x600 provides best result. Copyright CIRA scpa Last Updated May 11, 2004. skip intro. http://www.cira.it/ | |
178. INCAS Adresa Bd. Iuliu Maniu Nr. 220, sector 6, Bucuresti, Romania. Cod postal 061126. Telefon (+40)(21)-4 34.00.83 Fax (+40)-(21)-434.00.82. http://www.incas.ro/ | |
179. Business.de Translate this page http://www.dir.de/ | |
180. ART.ca - Bienvenue / Welcome http://www.art.ca/ |
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