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61. ONERA, The French Aerospace Research Agency ONERA, the French aerospace research agency. Its prime mission is to direct and oversee aerospace research, and transfer this research to industry. http://www.cnrs.fr/cw/en/pres/compress/INCA/onera.htm | |
62. EU Support For Aerospace Research aerospace research in Europe European Research Area (ERA) Visit the separate page on ERA, Vision 2020, ACARE and ARTE 21. A joint http://www.aecma.org/EUsupprt/EUSupprt.htm | |
63. Aerospace Research Team Receives Two NASA Awards - RTI International aerospace research Team Receives Two NASA Awards RTI International - RTI researchers are recognized by NASA for contributions on two separate aerospace http://www.rti.org/page.cfm?objectid=E32FE3DF-3627-4D6E-916AA34061AEF65D |
64. European Aerospace Research Goes SX-5 European aerospace research goes SX5. Bristol , 02 December 98 Speaking at the RCI symposium, 2nd December 98, in Bristol, UK, John http://www.hoise.com/primeur/99/articles/live/CL-PR-01-99-1.html | |
65. Italy's Aerospace Research Revitalised Using NEC SX-6 At Cira Italy s aerospace research revitalised using NEC SX6 at Cira. Capua 19 October 2002 Capua is a fascinating historical small town http://www.hoise.com/primeur/02/articles/monthly/CL-PR-11-02-2.html | |
66. New Document aerospace research in Bulgaria. Please, select the year. 2001. Please, select the volume. 16. http://www.space.bas.bg/astro/magasin.html | |
67. Mr FA Zaman, UK-Lean Aerospace Research Assistant, School Of Industrial And Manu Staff Profile for Mr FA Zaman, UKLean aerospace research Assistant, Manufacturing Systems, School of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems, Cranfield University http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/sims/staff/zamanf.htm | |
68. National Research Council Canada Staff Directory: Search By NRC I/B/P INSTITUTE FOR aerospace research Management Services Office Finance Human Resources Marketing Computer Systems and Network Support Office of Collaborative http://infoex.nrc.gc.ca:3339/pls/fb/nrclookup.orgTree?inst_top=66&lang=E |
69. Center For Aerospace Research CI website Header Center for aerospace research established 2/14/1997 administered by North Carolina A T State University center s website http//www.eng http://www4.ga.unc.edu/ci/centerSearch.taf?_f=detail&staticFilename=curListResea |
70. Workforce Development, Business Incubators, Corporate Incentives aerospace research Development Tax Deduction. http://www.nmsitesearch.com/incentives/incentives_1_15.htm | |
71. 75 Years Of Aerospace Research In The Netherlands 75 years of aerospace research in the Netherlands. http://www.kb.nl/perl/av_clt.pl?KBC-COMM=GET&BIBLIO_KEY=AC:117353426&KBC-PREV=do |
72. Wright Brothers Institute Promotes Aerospace Research & Development This page announces Wright State University School of Medicine s involvement in the Wright Brothers Institute (WBI), a new aerospace research and development http://www.med.wright.edu/ra/re/2003/wbi.html | |
73. Aerospace Research Symposium Celebrates Wright Brothers' Centennial Of Flight symposium features sessions about the Wright Brothers, the contributions of aerospace medicine to public health, and the latest in regional nursing research. http://www.med.wright.edu/ra/agenda/2003/lessons_of_flight/ | |
74. Alessandro Vicini, Aerospace Engineer. Organization: CIRA. Fields Of Interest: C An aerospace engineer, and researcher at the Italian Center for aerospace research. Research fields are CFD, applied aerodynamics, aerodynamic design, numerical optimization, genetic algorithms. http://digilander.libero.it/avicini/ | |
75. DLR/DFD German aerospace research Establishment German Remote Sensing Data Center Oberpfaffenhofen D82234 WeÃling Fax +49 (0)8153 28-1137 Web http//www.dfd.dlr.de http://ceos.cnes.fr:8100/cdrom/ceos1/casestud/fdb/contact.htm | |
76. E-J Miner Results Titles with the Subject Heading aerospace research Bibliography . 1 EJournals. Selected Current Aerospace Notices. © Copyright http://ejournal.coalliance.org/SubjTitles.cfm?subj=Aerospace Research -- Bibliog |
77. Congressman Bart Gordon - Gordon Measure Expands Aerospace Research Opportunitie Gordon Measure Expands aerospace research Opportunities. July 23, 2003, WASHINGTON, DC Â Realizing the need to advance new safety http://gordon.house.gov/HoR/TN06/Newsroom/Press Releases/2003/July/rdfaafy04july | |
78. Robot Gift From Lockheed Martin Spurs New Aerospace Research At Robot Gift From Lockheed Martin Spurs New aerospace research At Texas A M. COLLEGE STATION Lockheed Martin s gift of a space robot http://www.tamu.edu/univrel/aggiedaily/news/stories/archive/121996-3.html | |
79. Aerospace Research The JSA Research Virtual Library of aerospace research The JSA Research AEROSPACE UNIVERSE. 2003 Coverage Universe Performance , 1/2/04 , 1 pgs. http://www.jsaresearch.com/private/links.asp | |
80. DLR Web Portal Resource with updated details on national space projects and related scientific research. Access to the English pages requires cookies http://www.dlr.de/ | |
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