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81. RCDS PHYSICAL EDUCATION. The emphasis of the Upper school program is on conditioning and aerobic activity. Classes meet three periods each cycle. http://www.rcds.rye.ny.us/theSchoolToday/upperschool/athletics.html | |
82. Non-Varsity Sports - Grier School For Girls Our athletic department, under the direction of Stephanie JohnsonSmith, is Step aerobics is one of the classes taught by Cherie in the school auditorium http://www.grier.org/athletic_nonvarsity.htm | |
83. Squash Job Opportunities Millbrook school Rd Athletic facilities include squash, racquetball, bowling lanes, fitness center, gym and saunas; card room, billiard room, and aerobics studio http://www.collegesquash.com/squash_job_opportunities.htm | |
84. WHS Physical Education Courses to design a personal fitness program that uses aerobic activities as of individual sport activities that are enjoyable beyond high school are major athletics. http://hs.houstonisd.org/westsidehs/CourseCatalogue/physicaleducation.htm | |
85. Harvard-Westlake School PLEASE NOTE Athletes may travel to the high school during their aquatics (diving fundamentals/swimming/water polo), gymnastics, step aerobics, track field http://www.hw.com/academics/mspe/pepicclass-requir.html | |
86. Aerobic And Biofitness.com Plans For Aerobic Exercise And Aerobic Sports As Well health, physical exercise, exercise, fitness, athletics, sports, wellness, physical therapy, aerobics, anaerobics, weight training, diet, weight control http://www.biofitness.com/aerobic1.html | |
87. Berkeley Carroll School | Athletic Center Classes '04 Drop the chldren off at school and join us in the pool. will take you through a vigorous stretch and aerobic workout in 730 to 900 pm in the Athletic Center. http://www.berkeleycarroll.org/pages/sitepage.cfm?id=398&pname=Athletics&purl=at |
88. High School Clubs will explore cardio activities (dance, aerobics, kickboxing and school Government members will attend these meetings Student Athletic Training Advisor Mr. Ross http://www.cocalico.k12.pa.us/hs/clubs.html | |
89. IBC Sport June Diary Of Events Quick Finder. 26th/27th, Northgate, Ipswich school athletics. http://www.ibcsport.co.uk/june.html | |
90. Â Â TEMPLE CITY HIGH SCHOOL Â Â CURRICULUM Aerobic exercise through running is also included. school eligibility requirements apply athletics Year and Semester Courses Prerequisite Selection is through http://www.templecity.k12.ca.us/tchs/curr_pe.htm | |
91. P.E. students to the field of athletic training COMMITMENT OF TIME TO AFTERschool DUTIES IS season conditioning encompasses weight training, aerobics, and distance http://www.bishoplynch.org/physical_education.htm | |
92. Dana Hills High School use of selected exercises and aerobic activities. Interscholastic athletics is offered for those students who wish to engage in interschool competition under http://www.dhhs.net/counseling/guide/pe.htm | |
93. International School Of Helsingborg - MYP - Physical Education Dance aerobics. A brief assessment of students coordination and rhythm. Athletic Activities Improvement of performance. Organisation of school sports day. http://www.skola.helsingborg.se/tis/myppage/physed/ | |
94. BFS Upper School Curriculum athletes take advantage of open, supervised gym periods during and after school not only for recreational sports, but for double Dutch jump rope, aerobics, and http://www.brooklynfriends.org/upperschool/us_physed.html | |
95. SHH - Activities - Sports Special competition, Network National Aerobic Dance Championships at Wellington Number of teams/players, InterÂschool athletics competition 50Â60 students http://www.sacredheartcollege.school.nz/activities/sport.html | |
96. Majors/athletic Training High school Athletic Trainer, *Sports College/University Athletic Trainer, *Teacher, Sports Club Resort Management, *aerobics Instructor, *Sports Dietician. http://www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/Majors/athletic-training.htm | |
97. Health/PE aerobics and other lifetime recreational activities, such as job training of first aid and athletic training procedures for middle school and high http://www.gwhs.warren.k12.ky.us/departments/health_pe/index.asp |
98. Movement Science Program Overview For The University Of Pittsburgh's School Of E those individuals who wish to find positions within athletics, health, or Aerobic Fitness Minor. school of Education Graduation Ceremony (4/25/2004); Food for http://www.education.pitt.edu/programs/movementsci/ | |
99. The Providence Country Day School | Program By shaping and honing communicative, interpersonal and peopleoriented skills, PCD athletes maximize their opportunities for Upper school Sports. Fall. aerobics. http://www.providencecountryday.org/pages/sitepage.cfm?id=11 |
100. Trainer And Biofitness.com Plans For Weightlift Bodybuild Aerobics Powerlift Spo BIOFITNESS INSTITUTE AND CERTIFICATION. CURRENTLY CLOSED FOR UPGRADE. http://www.biofitness.com/trainer.html | |
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