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161. MAEP lifelong learning. The Metropolitan adult education Program is convenient,flexible, accessible, affordable, useful. MAEP provides http://www.metroed.net/maep.html | |
162. Adult Education At Penn State Penn State University College of education adult education Program 314 Keller BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802 Phone (814) 8633781 For More Information http://www.ed.psu.edu/adulted/ |
163. RIDE - Adult Education adult education and GED. IMPORTANT BULLETIN ABOUT YOUR GED TESTS (in AdobePDF Format). The three purposes of the adult Basic education Program are http://www.ridoe.net/adulted_ged/Default.htm | |
164. Literacy Volunteers Of America, Inc. 40 million Americans are functionally illiterate. LVA, a part of Proliteracy Worldwide, is a national network of certified, locallybased education programs committed to increasing literacy for adults and their families. http://www.literacyvolunteers.org/home/index.htm | |
165. Adult And Continuing Education Program At FSU Welcome to the adult education and Human Resource Development programweb site! For those who are interested in studying at Florida http://www.fsu.edu/~adult-ed/ | |
166. Disabilities Studies And Services Center (DSSC) Designs programs that meet the unique information, technical assistance, training, and research needs of professionals and programs who serve to improve the lives of infants, toddlers, children, youth, and adults with disabilities, and their families. DSSC administers the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY), the Federal Resource Center for Special education (FRC), the National Transition Alliance (NTA), the Technical Assistance Center for Professional Development Partnerships, and Project Anchor. http://www.dssc.org/ | |
167. The Cambridge Center For Adult Education Cover Art by Nancy Simonds. Courses Oage. Events Listing. RegisterNow. Get Directions. Contact Information. Get A Free Catalog. Faculty http://www.ccae.org/ | |
168. Strayer Offers accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs, primarily to working adults pursuing a higher education on a parttime basis, in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area. (Nasdaq STRA). http://www.strayereducation.com/ | |
169. Welcome To Apollo Group, Inc. Provides higher education programs for working adults offering graduate, undergraduate and certificate degree programs. (Nasdaq APOL) http://www.apollogrp.com/ | |
170. National Reporting System For Adult Education NRS Online Training System. This site provides adult education teachers, administratorsand others interested in the adult education program reference material http://www.nrsweb.org/ | |
171. Foundation For Jewish Studies Offers Jewish education courses for adults at locations around the Washington area. programs and events, calendar and information on registration, lectures, scholarin-residence, retreats and travel. http://www.foundationjewishstudies.org/ | |
172. Group 12 Headquarters Illinois Wing Contains information and current activities, including search and research operations, aerospace education, composite wing programs (adults and youth), and photo gallery. http://ilwg.cap.gov/group12/ |
173. Welcome To Adult Education The adult education program has grown to include day, evening, andSaturday classes which meet the needs of the total community. http://www.scusd.edu/adult_education/ | |
174. KBOR - Adult Education Highland, Highland Community College adult education Program DirectorJulie Dorrell 606 West Main Highland, KS 66035 785-442-6055. http://www.kansasregents.org/adult_ed/centers.html | |
175. Division Of Career Education Site Index programs and Services AZ. http://www.dese.state.mo.us/divvoced/ | |
176. UC Berkeley Extension Continuing Education Extension provides highquality continuing adult education courses. http://www.unex.berkeley.edu/ | |
177. Life Development Institute - Education And Programs For Adolescents And Young Ad LDI provides secondary and postsecondary education and programs for older adolescents and young adults with learning disabilities, attention deficit, hyperactivity and other disorders. Located in Arizona. http://www.life-development-inst.org/ | |
178. ISL Home A nonprofit corporation that provides programs and experiences for the education and training of adults in spirituality and the art of spiritual direction. http://www.spiritleader.org | |
179. Educational Opportunity Centers, Inc. education and career counseling for adults and adolescents funded by the PA Department of education; find out about programs and services. Offices in Scranton, WilkesBarre, Allentown, Bloomsburg, and Hazelton. http://www.eocinc.org | |
180. Adult Education ~ Center For Urban Horticulture ~ UW The Center for Urban Horticulture conducts a wide variety of adult educationprograms for beginner home gardeners to horticultural professionals. http://depts.washington.edu/urbhort/html/education/adulteducation.htm | |
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