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61. Reasons To Believe: Biographies taught the popular ÂMere Christianity Class at NewportMesa Christian Center for four years, and now serves as an instructor of adult education at Christ http://www.reasons.org/about/biographies.shtml?main |
62. Asia Pacific Research - Biographies - Advisory Committee biographies Advisory Committee. Diploma in Public Health from the School of Hygiene, University of Toronto (1976) and an MA in adult education from the http://www.asiapacificresearch.ca/caprn/cjsp_project/bio_advisory.cfm | |
63. Artspace | Education | Adult | Instructor Biographies adult Workshops Registration Instructor biographies. will teach papermaking for both youths and adults in the her Masters degree in Art education from East http://www.artspacenc.org/instructorbios_adult.html | |
64. Fulltext Covers biographies of adult educators in Latin of fulltext books and reports and links to other electronic libraries with resources in education and Spanish http://www.unesco.org/education/aladin/full_text.html | |
65. Students Biographies - Learning, Technology & Culture PhD Program At Michigan St Before coming here, I worked on problems of teaching and learning in the field of education in KÂ12, higher education and adult education for about 11 years. http://ed-web3.educ.msu.edu/ltc/phd/ltcphdstudentsbio.htm | |
66. Faculty-Biographies She also worked for Spokane Community College adult education Program, and has created and piloted a similar evening program with the Language Center. http://www.ip.wsu.edu/ialc/faculty/bios.html | |
67. Biographies biographies of Conference international Black August HipHop Political education Tour and She teaches adult education to women at Rikers Island s Correctional http://www.brown.edu/Departments/African_American_Studies/confbios.html | |
68. Goddard College | Faculty Bios -- Teacher Education Program Faculty biographies Teacher education Program. Faculty List I am interested in education as an empowerment process for adult learners, particularly in http://www.goddard.edu/academic/Educfacbios.html | |
69. Professional Leadership - Faculty Biographies Professional Leadership Faculty biographies. has directed programs for adults at two colleges and is pastpresident of the adult Higher education Alliance http://www.carlow.edu/graduatestudies/PRL-bios.html | |
70. ICCM Canada - Speaker Biographies She has her Masters of education from The University of Toronto specializing in adult education, and more specifically, in the area of adult change and the http://www.iccmcanada.com/iccmcanada/V40/conference/speaker_bio.cvn?id=32&p_navI |
71. Central SABES | Staff Biographies biographies of Central SABES Staff. from University of Wisconsin  Madison and a MasterÂs Degree in Human Resource Development/adult education from The http://www.qcc.mass.edu/sabes/Eunice/central sabes staff biographies.htm | |
72. West Des Moines biographies. efficiency. education Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa Master of Scienceadult education/Organizational Development, 1991; http://www.wdm-ia.com/asp/fire/bios.asp?deptid=4 |
73. Utah Office Of Asian Affairs -- Council Member Biographies Suri has teaching certificates in elementary and secondary education and taught both high school and adult education classes in Bangkok. http://dced.utah.gov/asian/bioscouncil.html | |
74. Biographies For Gifted Students Delisle, J. (1991). Kid Stories biographies of 20 Young People You d Like to Know. Little, J. (1987). Little by Little A Writer s education. (Young adult.). http://bec.brookline.mec.edu/gift/booklists/Biographies_Gifted.htm | |
75. Staff Biographies Staff biographies. Cathy Moore. Visually impaired since birth due to albinism, she holds a degree in psychology as well as a Master of adult education. http://www.cnib.ca/score/score2002/team1/staffbio.htm | |
76. The Arboretum, The University Of Guelph - Staff Biographies, Professor Alan Wats My academic background is in Biology and adult education. My research interests have included the behavioural ecology of harbour http://www.uoguelph.ca/arboretum/StaffContact/StaffBioAlan.htm | |
77. Adult Education In Germany - Chair Of Andragogy Uni Bamberg Learners, their biographies, mental strategies, and activities are at the center of is a concept that seems to be a fundament of adult education in Germany http://www.uni-bamberg.de/ppp/andragogik/AEinGrmy.htm | |
78. Archived: Carol D'Amico, Assistant Secretary For Vocational And Adult Education, This page is the biography of Carol D'Amico, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Vocational and adult education. matters related to vocational and adult education programs to support adult http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/damico.html | |
79. Providing Culturally Relevant Adult Education: A Challenge For The 21st Century Providing Culturally Relevant adult education A Challenge for the 21st Century published as a New Directions in adult and Continuing education. http://www.edu-books.com/Providing_Culturally_Relevant_Adult_Education_A_Challen | |
80. Jossey-Bass::Adult & Continuing Education Learning from Our Lives Using Educational biographies with Adults by Pierre Dominice Hardcover, July 2000, JosseyBass US $30.00 Add to Cart. http://www.josseybass.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-2859.html?&sort=DATE&sortDirection |
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