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81. Development Education Association : Dea and working groups including Schools, Youth, adult Community, Higher education, Training, DECs leads on the strategic direction of the Association. http://www.dea.org.uk/dea/whos_who.html | |
82. Workforce Preparation - Adult And Family adult Family education Grants. VTEA Incarcerated Request for Application (RFA) MS Word format Adobe Acrobat PDF format. New York State Association for http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/workforce/offices/adult.html | |
83. Penn State Libraries - EBSL - Adult Education adult education Quarterly A journal of research and theory in adult education, from the American Association for adult and Continuing education. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/ebsl/adult.htm |
84. Adult Learning Australia - Links AONTAS AONTAS is the Irish National Association for adult education. Asian South Pacific Bureau of adult education. Association of Estonian adult Educators. http://www.ala.asn.au/links.html?type=1 |
85. Division Of Career Education Sheets. adult education and Literacy. American Association for adult Continuing education. Laubach Literacy Action. Learning and Literacy. http://dese.mo.gov/divcareered/resources.htm | |
86. Links To Higher Education Professional Associations - American Accounting Associ University Continuing education Association Helps institutions provide educational access to adults. Back to Links Organizations. Contact AAA Staff. http://accounting.rutgers.edu/raw/aaa/links/pahed.htm | |
87. Minnesota Web Directory: Education Schools for Equity in education An association of 58 school about and access to resources valuable for adult Basic education/adult Literacy providers http://www.metronet.lib.mn.us/mn/mn-ed.html | |
88. EUA - News Archives Member And Partner News first Grundtvig Award and the interest among organisations working in adult education and other fields in 2003, has encouraged the European Association for the http://www.eua.be/eua/jsp/en/client/item_view.jsp?type_id=2&item_id=969 |
89. Burlington County Public School Directory, Educational Associations, Councils, A BURLINGTON COUNTY COUNCIL OF PARENTTEACHER ASSOCIATION DIVISION OF NEW JERSEY CONGRESS OF PARENTS CONTINUING education COUNCIL adult SCHOOL MEMBERS http://www.bcls.lib.nj.us/schools/geninfo.htm | |
90. Nebrask@ Online For Education: -Site Map Academic Foundations Division NDE adult education Resources Nebraska adult education State Plan Nebraska Community College Association Nebraska Institute for http://www.nebraska.gov/education/site_map.phtml | |
91. The BLA - Origins Of BAOL British Association for Open Learning exists to promote quality and best education, adult, any organized and sustained learning programme designed for and http://www.baol.co.uk/origins.htm | |
92. Journals For Medical & Adult Educators Association (JMLA), Medical Library Association, Full text Medical education Online an Electronic Journal, Michigan State, New Directions for adult and Continuing http://www.sacme.org/Research/journals.htm | |
93. IHE | Faculty And Staff | Edward G. Simpson, Jr. 2000. Recognized by the Georgia adult education Association for Exemplary Contributions to adult/Continuing education, 1999. Mawby http://www.uga.edu/ihe/FacSimpsonE.html | |
94. National Adult Day Services Association mission of NADSA is to enhance the success of its members through advocacy, education, technical assistance National adult Day Services Association, Inc http://www.nadsa.org/ | |
95. Industrial Technology - Purdue University :: Faculty And Staff Assistant, Occupational and adult education, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 1980 PhiDelta-Kappa Academic Honorary Association Oklahoma State http://www.tech.purdue.edu/It/Facstaff/ddbuskirk/ | |
96. CAUCE - Canadian Association For University Continuing Education - Related Links Canadian Association for adult education (CAAE) c/o Frontier College 15 Jackes Ave. TORONTO ON M4T 1E2 Melanie Towell, Treasurer http://cauce-aepuc.ca/en/links.asp | |
97. Literacy Information And Communication System (LINCS) Policy And Legislation - O National Association of the education of Young Children. to achieve healthy development and constructive education for all National Center on adult Literacy. http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/collections/policy/links.html | |
98. Awesome Library - Teacher and seeks to advance the interests and goals of higher and adult education in a changing environment. 402; American Evaluation Association (AEA); American http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Office/Teacher/Classroom_Related/Educational_Assoc | |
99. Internet Public Library: Education Disabilities Association of America is a national, nonprofit organization. Our purpose is to advance the education and general welfare of children and adults http://www.ipl.org/div/aon/browse/edu00.00.00/ | |
100. Workers' Educational Association - Links Section European Association for the education of Adults (EAEA) www.vsy.fi/eaea/index.html The EAEA is a transnational, non-profit association whose purpose is to http://www.wea.org.uk/Links/edu.htm | |
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