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141. FACT Home Based in Hartford. A nonprofit organization dedicated to the needs and care of the domestic ferret. Newsletter, press release, and information about events, adoption, foster care, and health issues. http://www.ferret-fact.org/ | |
142. Medical Issues In Adoption KidsHealth Parents Positive Parenting Family Life Medical issues in adoption. Being an adoptive parent can be extremely rewarding. http://kidshealth.org/parent/positive/family/medical_adopt.html | |
143. FOG - Ferrets On The Go Shelter, club, and information service located in northwest Florida. Information on adoption, news and issues, medical advice, and extensive links to more ferret resources. http://members.aol.com/dcanals/fog.htm | |
144. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Special Report: Gay Rights Complete coverage including news, comment and analysis about issues such as legal equality, civil partnerships, adoption and homophobia plus web resources. http://www.guardian.co.uk/gayrights/0,12592,835305,00.html | |
145. Korean Adoption - Mission To Promote Adoption In Korea (MPAK) Includes information on topics that are of interest to potential Korean parents who wish to adopt children but have various concerns or issues. http://mpak.com | |
146. Judith A. Morse Phoenix lawyer offering representation and mediation in family law issues including divorce, paternity, premarital agreements, child support, custody, adoption, dependency and grandparent's rights. Attorney Morse additionally represent clients in personal injury matters. http://www.attorneymorse.com/ | |
147. Lawinfo.com Reno attorney, offering personal injury, construction, business law, insurance, surety issues, adoption, and workers' compensation. http://www.ericstovalllaw.com/ |
148. Life Focus Center Home Psychological services overview of treatment for women's issues, selfesteem, weight management, hypnosis, E.M.D.R., anxiety, adoption service provider. http://www.lifefocuscenter.com | |
149. Department Of Children And Family Services Find timely information about child protection, foster care, adoption, day care and other issues dealt with by one of the largest state child welfare agencies in the nation. http://www.state.il.us/dcfs/ |
150. Law Office Of Michael A. Autio, LLC Serving clients throughout Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington, from offices in Astoria, for estate and gift planning, business matters, real property transactions, taxation issues, and adoption. http://www.autiolaw.com/ | |
151. Adoption In Massachusetts - The Law Office Of Paula B. Mackin Practicing in the fields of adoption and assisted reproductive technology issues, from offices in Newton. http://www.adoptinmassachusetts.com/ | |
152. The Humane Society Of New York Features information about pets available for adoption, animal welfare issues, and how to donate. http://www.humanesocietyny.org/ | |
153. Impacts Of Adopting Genetically Engineered Crops In The United harmony between agriculture and the environment current issues. Has adoption of this technology benefited farmers and the environment? http://www.ers.usda.gov/whatsnew/issues/gmo/ | |
154. Welcome To The Counseling & Psychotherapy Practice Of Erik B. Skamser, LCSW Psychotherapy practice working with children of adoption and divorce. Specialties also include men's issues and depression. http://www.eskamser.com/ | |
155. ANIMAL RESCUE OF ROCHESTER Nonprofit organization that addresses the issues of homelessness, suffering and neglect of domestic animals through spaying, neutering and adoption programs. http://www.ggw.org/art/ | |
156. Manhattan Psychotherapy Center-Life Transition Therapy,Support Groups,Workshops Offers individual, group, couple and family psychotherapy for a wide variety of life issues, including grief and bereavement, infertility, divorce, adoption, anxiety and marital/interpersonal difficulties. http://www.lossandrenewal.com/ | |
157. Divorce Mediation Attorney New York: Family Law Provides mediation services involving divorce, adoption, paternity, custody, and support issues. http://www.divorcemediationattorney.com/ | |
158. ACLU Fact Sheet Overview Of Lesbian And Gay Parenting, Adoption Vol. 3, No. 1 (1993), pp. 1726; Cole, E. Donley, K., History, Values, and Placement Policy issues In adoption, in The Psychology of adoption. Eds. http://archive.aclu.org/issues/gay/parent.html | |
159. Clematis Montana Flower Essence For Family Issues And Adoption Issues Clematis Montana flower essence The essence for family issues and loss of family. Also for children who have been adopted (including adults). http://www.nmessences.com/essences/clematis_montana.html | |
160. BRAT'S TREASURE Cats, dogs and rabbits. Pets, sanctuary, health issues, lab testing, adoptions and events. Links, petitions and boycotts. Connecticut. http://bratstreasure.com | |
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