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Add Adhd Special Ed: more detail |
121. North Country Counseling And Retreat Counseling, psychotherapy, workshops, and retreats for addictions, trauma, add/adhd, relationships, mood disorders, stress management and spirituality. Employing cognitivebehavioral, EMDR, and mind-body approaches, including the new power or energy therapies. http://www.northcountrycounseling.com | |
122. Valerie's Colon Health Page For Natural Cleansing With Enemas And Colonics Case studies and informational articles about enemas, colonic irrigation, cleansing, and relief of constipation, premenstrual discomfort, and add/adhd treatment using colon cleansing. http://www.geocities.com/valerie_cct/ | |
123. Dana Rayburn: ADD / ADHD Success Coach add/adhd, business and personal coaching for business owners, professionals, entreprenuers, and executives. Sessions via telephone. http://www.danarayburn.com | |
124. NACD - National Association For Child Development - Home The National Academy for Child Development, Inc. is an international organization of parents and professionals dedicated to helping children and adults reach their full potential. The over 15,000 clients served by NACD have come to us with labels including Learning Disabled, Dyslexic, Distractible, add, adhd, Hyperactive, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Tourettes Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, Fragile X, Developmentally Delayed, PDD, Autistic, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injured, Comatose, Retarded, Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Normal, Accelerated and Gifted. http://www.nacd.org | |
125. Dyspraxia In Children Private occupational therapy service in North Yorkshire for children with developmental and learning difficulties, dyspraxia, autism, adhd, add and developmental coordination disorders. http://www.therapyinpraxisltd.co.uk | |
126. Everydaytoxins.com Provides information on the dangers from chemicals in household and personal care products and what environmentallyfriendly options exist for those with adhd, add, multiple chemical sensitivity. http://www.everydaytoxins.com/ |
127. Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D. Home Page Educator and psychologist in the fields of multiple intelligences, explanation of the myth of add/adhd, and the natural genius of kids . Suggests strategies for nurishing each child's unique developmental potentials. http://www.thomasarmstrong.com/ | |
128. Archived-- IDEA '97 Regulations IDEA 97, administered by the Office of special Education Programs, is working toward this future for students with disabilities everywhere. http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/Policy/IDEA/regs.html | |
129. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder! What Is It? Includes articles, news items, books, letters and FAQs. http://attentiondeficit.50megs.com/ | |
130. ADD ADHD Kids Page Brief description of the condition tells what behaviors are usually associated with it. Also looks at what's good about having add. http://www.atc.unh.edu/~fisk/KidsPage.html | |
131. Www4teachers | Professional Development | Special Ed Tracks View links on equity. View links on assistive technology. special ed Tracks are resource sites made by fellow educators for your use. http://www.4teachers.org/profd/spedtrack.shtml | |
132. Attention Deficit Disorder Articles on the causes and treatment of add and adhd in children and adults, medication, coping with symptoms, effective parenting and grandparenting, and succeeding in school and college. http://www.ncpamd.com/adhd.htm | |
133. Sussan & Greenwald, Esqs., Special Education Attorneys special education attorney law firm in N.J.represents disabled children in due process cases against school districts in the NJ Office of Administrative http://www.special-ed-law.com/ | |
134. Moving Beyond A.D.D/A.D.H.D. : An Effective, Holistic, Mind-Body Approach Diagnosis and treatment information for add / adhd. http://www.familyhaven.com/bookstore/alternativetherapies/alternativet/080923076 | |
135. Psychiatry USA Speaks out against fabricating disease labels, the pushing of psychiatric drugs, and shock therapy. Site also links to sales of alternative products for add/adhd treatment. http://www.psychiatryusa.org |
136. The Bible's Way To Victory Over ADHD And Other Childhood Challenges: References: This free online book provides sound answers on preventing and overcoming behavioral, emotional and learning problems, including add (Attention Deficit Disorder), adhd (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), Conduct Disorder and Tourette's Syndrome. http://www.audiblox2000.com/onlinebook/index.htm |
137. Amy's Dedication To Her Children. A personal webpage by a mother of a child with Autism, adhd/add, and Adoption related links. http://amypage.freeservers.com | |
138. Summer Camps For Teens Children Summer Camping Trips Summer camp for teens with learning disabilities, add and adhd. Associated with Stone Mountain School, Black Mountain, North Carolina. Offers news on admissions and summer camp programs. http://www.stonemountainschool.org/talisman/ | |
139. Bundesverband Arbeitskreis ÃÂberaktives Kind E.V. Selbsthilfeverband f¼r Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene mit ADS, add, adhd und daraus resultierenden Entwicklungsst¶rungen. Bietet Hilfe und Beratung bei Âberaktivit¤t, Aufmerksamkeitsst¶rungen und Lernst¶rungen. http://www.auek.de/ |
140. MDC Mississippi Dyslexia Center 1-866-632-2900 Vicksburg, Mississippi Davis Dyslexia Correction Program Providers drugfree methods and techniques to address dyslexia, add, adhd, and related conditions http://www.msdyslexia.com | |
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