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Add Adhd Special Ed: more detail |
101. Understanding Childhood Disease Pamphlet identifying common childhood disorders such as mood, anziety, add/adhd, and autisim. http://hcpc.uth.tmc.edu/childhooddisorders.htm | |
102. Attention Deficit Disorder Reticular Activating System A discussion of the involvement of the reticular activating system. http://www.newideas.net/p0000627.htm | |
103. Welcome To Camp Timberwolf Experiential outdoor tent camping program for boys and girls ages 6 through 12 with add, adhd, LD, OCD and similar behavioral challenges. Based on the grounds of Highland Lake Inn and Country Retreat in Flat Rock, North Carolina. Program, staff, dates, rates, and online registration. http://www.camptimberwolf.com/ | |
104. Index A teen shares thoughts and poems about living with add as well as a wealth of information about the condition. http://www.geocities.com/lemmahow/ | |
105. Learning Disabilities OnLine: LD In-Depth: Section 504 & IDEA: Basic Similaritie Articles relating to attention deficit disorder, including an introduction to the subject, the legal rights of parents and children, classroom techniques for teachers and students, and effective parenting. http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/legal_legislative/edlaw504.html | |
106. ADD ADHD Books Books on the attention deficit disorders, for parents, teachers, and professionals. http://www.add411.com/ | |
107. ADD Eval ADHD Evaluation Dyslexia IEP Consultation, Oppositional evaluation of add, treatment for learning disability, LD treatment, behavioral treatment, tutoring, courses for credits evaluation and treatment for add, adhd, dyslexia oppositional behavior and http://www.addtreatment.com/ | |
108. Psychbusters Network Articles on psychiatric fraud. Topics include Ritalin, Prozac, add, adhd, ECT. http://www.psychbusters.net/ |
109. Tips For The Teacher From The adhd Owner's Manual, tips for teachers who are teaching children diagnosed with add/adhd. http://www.edutechsbs.com/adhd/00037.htm | |
110. ADHD Solution A book providing educators with simple, effective techniques to better manage students with add/adhd. http://www.adhdsolution.com/ref | |
111. [ The International Extra Lesson Ascociation ] Provides an individualised 11 intervention program by trained practitioners for children and adolescents with learning, and fine or gross motor problems, social or behavioural difficulties including add, adhd, dyspraxia and dyslexia. http://www.extralesson.com | |
112. Review: ADHD Stimulants For Children. General and specific discussion of several stimulants, includin Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta. http://www.adhdhelp.org/stimulants.htm | |
113. Ritalin Is Child Abuse Information on the use of Ritalin on school children; side effects and evidence of overmedication; tips for parents on how to tell if their child needs Ritalin and how they can help their child handle the symptoms for which they have been prescribed the drug. http://www.scn.org/~bk269/r-ball.html | |
114. ADD-Online Umfangreiche Fachinformationen zum Thema AufmerksamkeitsDefizit/Hyperaktivit¤ts-Syndrom (ADHS/adhd) bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen. Gut geeignet als Einstiegsseite. http://www.adhs.ch | |
115. The Dyslexia Center The Dyslexia Center offers real solutions to real problems of dyslexia, adhd, add, and learning disabilities. http://dyslexiacenter.com/ | |
116. Expert Advice And Online Counseling - Familyeducation.com A dozen experts answer questions on parent educational topics such as homeschooling, gifted and talented education, learning disabilities, add and adhd, family therapy, school, and pediatrics. http://www.familyeducation.com/experts/index/0,1164,1,00.html | |
117. Federation Of Invisible Disabilities - Fids Provides Support For People With Lea A Canadian nonprofit organization supporting people with invisible disabilities such as learning disabilities, brain injuries, autism, add, adhd, fetal alcohol syndrome, autism and dyslexia. http://www.fids.bc.ca | |
118. Chronic Fatigue Long research article by Michael J. Goldberg, MD on the possible connection between add and CFS. http://www.neuroimmunedr.com/Articles/CFS_-_CFIDS/Chronic_Fatigue/chronic_fatigu | |
119. SOAP Ontmoetingsplaats voor mensen die direct met adhd, add en aanverwante zaken te maken hebben, en die deze op een positieve wijze benaderen. http://www.clubs.nl/community/default.asp?club=SOAP |
120. Mike Anderson Coaching/Counseling Those With ADD, ADHD Provides telephone coaching for adhd or add. http://adhdcoachmike.com | |
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