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61. The American Academy Of Veterinary Acupuncture The American Academy of Veterinary acupuncture web page, directory of veterinaryacupuncturists, directory of members, directory of certified veterinary http://www.aava.org/ | |
62. Chrono-acupuncture, Acupressure Points In Traditional Chinese Medicine Chronobiological acupuncture-acupressure points, acupoint charts by biological clock from circadian traditional Chinese medicine. Designed by Sean S. Wu and offered through Longherb Health Products in Fairfield, Iowa. http://www.acupuncture-acupressure-points.com/ | |
63. Tai Sophia Institute | Service Through Education Master s in Healing acupuncture, herbal medicine, philosophy;professional community outreach programs. http://www.tai.edu/ | |
64. Interactive Acupuncture Chart Five Element acupuncture Information Site by Gye BennettsFive Element acupuncture Information Site by Gye Bennetts. acupuncture for emotionaland physical health. Homepage. About acupuncture. The Five Elements. http://www.qi-journal.com/AcuPoints/acupuncture.html | |
65. Association Francaise D' étude Et De Recherche En Acupuncture Association de m©decins acupuncteurs dont le but est d'assurer la formation m©dicale continue de ses adh©rents,  travers des r©unions, des s©minaires, des congr¨s. N®mes, France. http://www.afera.org |
66. Acupuncture Information From A World Of Acupuncture Chinese and other eastern cultures have been using acupuncture in the treatmentand prevention of illness, to manage pain and maintain good health. http://www.aworldofacupuncture.com/ | |
67. Dan-Tien Complementary Health Studio Homepage Dublin city centre acupuncture and Chinese massage clinic. One to one consultations in warm, comfortable, secure environment. Approved by BUPA VHI ESB medical insurance. http://www.dan-tien.com/ | |
68. MedWebPlus Subject Acupuncture Welcome to MedWebPlus 2.3! A free service to help you find health sciences informationquickly and easily. acupuncture Broader Terms Alternative Medicine. http://www.medwebplus.com/subject/Acupuncture.html | |
69. Home CSCMS is Canada's largest professional organization of practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. Lists services provided, events and membership information. http://www.tcmcanada.org/ | |
70. Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine Alliance AOMAlliance is an umbrella organization comprised of practitioners, teachers, schools, venders and http://www.aomalliance.org/ | |
71. MuscleJointNerve.com Directory of alternative health practitioners and physicians who use acupuncture and other alternative treatment modalities for pain management. Maintained by A. BenjaAthon, M.D. http://musclejointnerve.com/ | |
72. Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Home Journals Clinical acupuncture Oriental Medicine, You are not loggedin Log in Register now. Clinical acupuncture Oriental Medicine. http://www.harcourt-international.com/journals/caom/ | |
73. Reflexology Software Ltd System designed to try and improve the diagnostic powers of the reflexology, homeopathy and acupuncture practitioners. Programs, news, and courses. http://www.reflexology.bc.ca | |
74. Acupuncture acupuncture ? Pathologies, Que traite l acupuncture?Le Laser, Le laser au lieu des aiguilles. http://pages.infinit.net/acu/ | |
75. White Rock Acupuncture And Natural Health Clinic Offers A Holistic Aproach To Tr Dr. Gudrun Tonskamper, physician, practices in Whiterock, BC, Canada. http://www.naturalhealthclinic.ca/ | |
76. The Chinese Medicine And Acupuncture Association Of Canada Welcome to the Chinese Medicine and acupuncture Association of Canada.This site should be viewed at 800x600 screen resolution. http://www.cmaac.ca/ | |
77. Innovative Health And Fitness Specialty Products Store - Iclicknshop.com Sales of products that treats common health related problems using alternative methods like needle free acupuncture devices and antisnoring aids. http://www.iclicknshop.com | |
78. Acupunture TEKNIK Offer classical chinese acupuncture courses for beginners and master. Main campus at Kota Bharu, Kelantan. http://www.geocities.com/mnri_acu | |
79. Acupuncture And Massage College Get a Masters Degree in Oriental Medicine(acupuncture) and a Diploma inMassage Therapy. Financial Aid is available to those who qualify. http://www.acupuncture.pair.com/ |
80. Toronto Rehabilitation Center: Physiotherapy, Aqua Massage, Personal Injury Trea Provides massage, aqua therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy services and legal help for people injured at work or after an accident. http://www.bntrehab.com/ |
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